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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Done. You had an old hosting account called flaze216 that had that email address attached to it. I just merged it into your current account and changed the email address for you. If you want your hosting account's email address to match, you'll need to change your email address in cpanel as well (at the bottom under contact information).
  2. Please PM the address so I can update it on your account. You probably have a never-used forum account from the past that needs to be deleted.
  3. It can take up to 10 minutes, longer if the server is busy. It's definitely not on the list and should be working now.
  4. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  5. The account turbod has been unsuspended. The account is still on schedule to start working within the next 2 hours.
  6. You're suspended for creating two accounts. You're only allowed one. Which one do you want to keep?
  7. This has been corrected. Thank you for your cooperation.
  8. This has been resolved. Thank you for your cooperation.
  9. Since your hosting account has to be unarchived anyway (technically an account doesn't exist while it's archived, it's just a gzipped tar archive), it might be possible to rename the account before unarchiving it. I'll let Krydos handle it though since I don't know whether just updating the user database and renaming the cpmove-[redacted].tar.gz will make this work correctly. If it's not, we can send you the archive so you can get your data out of it and email an invite instead Forum account will be renamed shortly.
  10. Krydos isn't always around because, like myself, he has a regular life outside this place too Please give him up to 24 hours to respond.
  11. He also needs to remove the domain from his account before he changes it. The new domain he wants to use is already added as an addon or alias.
  12. Lets see what Krydos says. We've been known to consider odd or rarely supported languages, so if it's easy to install and run like Python CGI is, it might be doable.
  13. You're suspended for both high server load and having multiple accounts. You're only allowed one account. The one that's currently suspended is the one involved in causing high server load. Which account would you like to keep? If I unsuspend your high load account, you will lose the account comp7054 instead.
  14. The rights holder edited her DMCA complaint out of the post for some reason... The infringing content reported was the graphic content hosted on the domain http://pixelately.tk/ - They asked that the graphics hosted on that domain be removed for copyright infringement, hence your suspension. I'll unsuspend your account, but that domain (which appears to be your entire website) will be disabled until the offending content is removed. Please delete the contents of your public_html folder (or at least all graphics on your website) within 24 hours and let us know when it has been completed. Unsuspended.
  15. We received a DMCA notice for content on your account. Please refer to the notice here: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/35231-dmca-notice-of-copyright-infringement/ Can you explain?
  16. It's weird because it's working fine for me. I'll have our one of our other admins look at this, perhaps he has some other ideas.
  17. Are you on a shared network of some form (employer, university, public WiFi, etc.)? Many of those block port 1373, so the connection won't work from those locations. If that's the case, you'll have to use unencrypted ftp on port 21.
  18. You shouldn't need an SSH key to use SFTP. We have username and password authentication enabled, so you just supply your cPanel username and password. The system will automatically use our Let's Encrypt certificate for the keys (you'll be prompted to verify the certificate the first time you connect if I remember right).
  19. We don't support FTP over TLS. You need either SFTP (SSH-secured FTP, not to be confused with FTPS, which is another name for the unsupported FTP over TLS), or plain unencrypted FTP. The recommended settings are SFTP using these settings: Host: johnny.heliohost.org Port: 1373 Username: (your cpanel username) Password: (your cpanel password). If you use the "additional" FTP accounts that you create in cPanel, they support plain unencrypted FTP only. Those accounts need to use port 21 with no encryption, and you need to specify the entire username shown (usually in the form ftpaccount@mydomain.heliohost.org like an email address would be).
  20. What settings are you using for the FTP connection?
  21. There is not unfortunately. You could move to Tommy, which has a supposedly-shorter wait, but Java on that server is full at the moment and people have been waiting in line there as well for several days as well, with the estimate being basically indeterminate (someone yesterday reported having their Java wait date keep getting pushed out...that's because the line isn't moving due to usage). The issue with Tommy is that unlike Johnny, people who move there almost never leave because of the good performance, so he rarely has free Java slots. Java is one of our most popular services, and being so resource hungry means we can only offer so many slots available at any given time. Users receive Java in the order in which it was requested, and the line moves whenever someone else loses their Java service due to inactivity, non-use, or suspension.
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