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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. That account isn't suspended. Trying clearing your cache
  2. No. You still need the ssl certificate on our end in order for CF to complete the secure connection. Without it, the connection between the end user and CF would be secure, but the connection between CF and us would not be, leaving the data vulnerable as it travels from CF to Heliohost for processing. Is there a reason you can't just leave the exception line alone?
  3. That .well-known folder must be accessible over PLAIN HTTP in order for it to function. As Krydos said, you must have that exclusion rule in order for AutoSSL to work, otherwise your ssl will simply break when your certificate expires. Cpanel is trying to keep you from breaking your ssl support. We can remove autossl from your account if you wish, but then you'll need to manually generate and install certs using a website like zero ssl every 90 days instead. Those websites will require you remove the redirect and upload a file (or some can now do it by adding dns entries) to validate the domain.
  4. They all work for me on my phone and on my PC. I also tried both devices using 2 separate network connections (work, and home via VPN) and they worked on both devices. Either your phone is broken or your cell provider doesn't support this for some reason. Unfortunately there's not much we can do because it isn't our system that's broken.
  5. Technology/Internet is probably more appropriate here. Are you using the crappy router that comes from your ISP? Also, does the latency only go through the roof during gaming or is it whenever the laptop is on the network (i.e. connected but sitting there idle)?
  6. Try creating an empty database instead, then use the import tab in phpmyadmin to restore the backup file into the database (edit the backup file first to remove the CREATE DATABASE statement).
  7. Unblocked. As for Django, there is no control panel for it. You just use it. See this tutorial for help getting started with it: https://wiki.helionet.org/Django
  8. The account zul1 has been unsuspended.
  9. If I had to guess, it crashed or hung due to the load. Tommy's load has been substantially higher than normal for the past few days. On a normal day, I hear virtually nothing from my monitor for tommy except maybe a single 30-60 second outage if the monitor happens to check during an Apache restart. I've had 14 alerts today and yesterday...with many being 10+ minute outages.
  10. Computers will turn themselves off if they overheat, so it won't be an issue for any commercially sold PC so long as its maintained. Just make sure your fans are working, the vents aren't clogged with dust, and the room air temp isn't too warm. I ran my PC 24/7 for months and had no real issues with overheating. The only thing extra it needed was more frequent cleaning because the fans were running full blast the whole time.
  11. Mine is not, but being an admin means I can just use the existing one easily so I have no reason to do so. I could run my own if I wanted though (since I run Windows Server, DNS server comes with the OS and can just be turned on if I need it).
  12. Registrations are currently broken. Please follow this topic for updates: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36034-activation-emails-and-invites-never-arrive/
  13. Check the launcher stats, not the miner's own stats. The launcher stats are what the miner is telling Heliomine about its performance, and are the numbers reported to me. You can see these numbers by starting RGSBroker.exe manually and watching for [LAUNCHER] lines in the miner output (usually they appear around once per minute), or by right clicking the tray icon and going to Settings, and checking the Statistics tab. Also, verify the results are being accepted. If you're seeing lots of "Results rejected by the pool" lines, something is wrong (usually that means the assignment is outdated on my end). Finally, the numbers I see are the current speed, not the historical averages of speed (the miner shows all 3).
  14. You should have root access to your own VPS...if you don't, that's an issue. I can't speak to vesta or how it works as I've never used it, but is your box running its own DNS server? If so, you should be able to add those entries to the DNS server on your box. When setting up a domain, you would point your domains to your own name servers to host them on your VPS. If it was configured to use ours for some reason, yeah, Krydos would need to create those. I do know that Krydos must create PTR records if they're needed. I'll have to let him handle it since I don't know the configuration of the VPS in question though
  15. You sure? On my end you're producing 1138 hashes vs. 411 when you were running stak. XMRIG is producing almost 3 times the output. Do you want me to change it back anyway?
  16. Let's get Krydos to set this up you. As for Ricky missing a PTR record, I have no idea what that's missing.
  17. If you develop for it, nginx is fine. The bad news is that most free software of the nature our users run is targeted at Apache. The way these two products are made means they're not fully compatible with each other, and the configuration side of them is entirely different too. Cpanel doesn't fully support nginx anyway. It can apparently be installed as a reverse proxy, but as of now, it cannot be used to replace Apache entirely in a cP server. Apparently they're working on full support for it, but I doubt we'd use it if only because our custom stuff wouldn't support it.
  18. While we're happy to provide such assistance if we have the time, such support is not technically part of the service. As a result, it's low priority, and an immediate response should not be expected. Krydos is the only person around here who knows linux well enough to assist. The provider is not supposed to administer a VPS for you. They just provide the hardware space for you to run it on. The whole reason most buy a VPS is so they can run whatever they please without needing the provider's assistance. What you're asking for here is the equivalent of renting a house, then asking the landlord to decorate it and live in it for you too. If you were using a normal commercial VPS provider, most providers would refuse to provide any support at all for the software you run inside your VM (you'd be told to ask the software maker for support on that). Support is usually limited to (re)installing the OS for you, and getting it online such that you can remote in and install your software. Unless they offer a turnkey solution of some kind, they generally will not install your software in your VM for you, nor will they maintain or troubleshoot it.
  19. Activation emails and invites aren't arriving for users. I just tried signing up using both Gmail and an Office 365 enterprise address and neither received it. They're not even going to spam. We also have several users who've reported similar: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36033-hh728754-utf-8qie28099m-not-recived-confirmation-email/ https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36028-hh498770-account-activation/ Any ideas?
  20. Heliomine can actually run xmrig instead of stak. Some PCs do perform better in it, though the opposite is usually true. I just switched your computer to xmrig manually. Quit the heliomine miner and restart it and it should run xmrig now. Also, be aware that heliomine's xmrig won't use the entire cpu (it'll leave one core free where possible), so performance may be slightly less than when you mine manually using your own configuration that doesn't do this.
  21. Yes it would fix this issue. If you buy a dedicated IP, please be sure to specify that you would like email to originate from it and that you need reverse DNS set up for it. There are extra steps needed if email needs to originate from it, and Krydos has to manually create the reverse DNS records for you too.
  22. SSL can take up to 24 hours to start working on Tommy. I just checked and AutoSSL's queue shows a certificate is currently pending for that domain. Usually it happens a bit faster than that, but due to high load, it looks like the earlier attempts failed because the DCV validation file couldn't be retrieved due to the connection timing out.
  23. I disabled that one website because it kept getting you suspended again almost immediately. You can unblock it by deleting the “deny from all” from the .htaccess file in that donain’s folder, but be aware you may get suspended again for load if you do. If that happens you’ll have to delete the entire contents of that folder to fix it.
  24. Causing high server load. /home1/webdevse/public_html/rapidenglish.me/xmlrpc.php It's for high load...specifically WordPress, which is the number one cause of this. The proper solution is to not use WP (it's a horrible pile of garbage internally, and widely regarded as the worst CMS available when it comes to performance and security). We usually recommend Joomla as an alternative. If you really want to try and make WP usable, the next step is to remove a bunch of extensions to try and reduce its load. I've added a deny from all to your htaccess for rapidenglish.me to disable the offending WP installation and unsuspended you.
  25. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic you might consider trying paid hosting from our partner starting at only a cent for the first month. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/hostgator
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