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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We do not support this on Linux because we use Mono to provide ASP support. Krydos would know whether it can be added or not. Also, we do have a real ASP.NET server. It’s not public at this time but I can offer an experimental account if you wish. Is there something in particular you’re trying to host that needs this support?
  2. Yes there is. Last I heard it was 4 concurrent connections, or 6 if you're on tommy. Note that these connections are per user, not per application, so it doesn't matter what is using them. The most common cause of the message is poorly written software that either opens a new connection for every query, or fails to close connections when it's done with them.
  3. Video scripts are notorious for causing high load. Please fix it quickly. Unsuspended.
  4. You were suspended for inactivity. Please remember to log into cpanel once every 30 days to avoid this happening. Unsuspended.
  5. You can, but you are only allowed to link to files that aren't copyrighted/paid content. Linking to things such as pirated movies, torrents, illegal TV or sports streams, etc. will earn you a ban.
  6. It's banned because it violates our terms of service.
  7. If the videos are illegal or pirated, yes you will end up banned for copyright infringement. If you plan to offer something like a YouTube video downloader, they don't run well here due to the load they produce (you'll end up suspended for high load).
  8. Working here as well. It's an issue with your PC or your ISP. Try accessing it using another connection and device (like your cell phone using the data plan). Try clearing your cache as sohamb03 said, and also try flushing your DNS cache (Windows users can do this by opening command prompt as an administrator, then entering ipconfig /flushdns to flush it).
  9. Your account has working SSL: https://personaldot.ml/ What seems to be the problem?
  10. @flazepe: He can't because they're suspended. Those accounts have been removed.
  11. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/35886-account-suspended/ That account cannot be unsuspended because the account harshsha was unsuspended instead.
  12. The account harshsha has been unsuspended.
  13. You're only allowed 1 account. You have harshsh1, harshsh2, and harshsha. Which one of the 3 accounts do you want to keep?
  14. It's permanently suspended due to WordPress being hacked. This is very typical for WordPress. WP is very poorly designed, and is the leading cause of hacked accounts, as well as high load, spam, and phishing. There's tons of security holes in WP, and its extensions are very often just disguised backdoors, which when installed notify the hacker of your account. The hacker then uses your account to phish or send spam. We highly recommend that our users not use Wordpress for these and many other reasons. Most of our users have found Joomla to be a great replacement for WP. Joomla offers most of the same functionality as WP, but is more secure and faster. From the looks of it, someone already freed the domain and email and sent you an invite. Did you receive the invite for your replacement account, or would you like it resent?
  15. It won't, because you're suspended for having multiple accounts. You're only allowed 1 account. Which of the 3 accounts do you want to keep?
  16. If it asked for a verification email, the invite didn't work. I resent it.
  17. Changed. Give it a few hours to update. Our name servers are ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org
  18. You can check on your load here: https://ricky.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/load/index.live.php
  19. You're suspended for high load because your software is either broken or too heavy to run here. The file that caused your suspension is /home/billelil/public_html/cgi-bin/_kernel/parse_site.pl. Please fix or remove this file as soon as possible. Unsuspended.
  20. That's typical for WordPress. WP is notorious for high load and many other issues we see around here. It's very badly written and also insecure to boot. Our typical suggestion for this issue is to not use WordPress. There's tons of other CMSes out there, and none of them have the issues that WP has. If you're curious how bad WP is for load, all but 2 of our current high load suspensions are a result of using WP. The poorly written extensions that are often full of malware also don't help things. Many of our users have found Joomla to be a great alternative for their sites. Please fix or remove WordPress quickly. Unsuspended.
  21. This is normal. If you upload over SFTP, you'll have to change the permissions after uploading.
  22. In that case, it's probably a bug in the old version of cPanel that Tommy is running. We did discuss updates in a recent meeting, but as of now, those won't come until after the Sparkie fundraiser makes goal since we need the new hardware first (we have to have a server where we can put the Tommy accounts while Tommy is rebuilt).
  23. @flazepe: I would suggest adding an exception for the .well-known folder so AutoSSL doesn't break. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known
  24. Does it do that if you use a PC instead of a mobile device?
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