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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It's suspended for violating our terms of service. There was a domain on your account smmservices.me that was selling social media likes.
  2. @sohamb03: See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/38032-johnny-nameserver-detection-broken/
  3. Something has been wrong with Johnny lately...we've had a few different people now (one PM'd me) all with Johnny accounts that are having trouble adding domains. They're getting the message that the domain isn't pointed to our name servers, even though the domains are configured properly. Here's two public examples from this week...the first I blamed on Freenom because we all know they suck in every way imaginable (and there may have been an issue with that one since I had trouble getting the DNS to show on the diagnostic tools), but the second one was just a normal .com domain with the proper settings showing. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/37975-solved-adding-freenom-domain/ https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/38029-domain-issue/ Sohamb03 reports tons of these complaints appearing on Discord lately as well. Any ideas?
  4. That domain has the right settings...https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=globalawassociates.com&rec=NS It looks like Johnny has something wrong with its ability to detect the NS, since it still fails even though the settings are quite clearly correct. The domain globalawassociates.com has been manually added to your account and should start working in the next 2 hours.
  5. Which domain are you having trouble with?
  6. The trash is the most common cause. Also, mysql data also counts towards your space, but there won't be any visible files associated with it.
  7. Log in using this link and your username khudair1 (do not use your email address on this form): https://ricky.heliohost.org:2083/ Please note that you may need to choose Reset Password and set a new password before you can sign in.
  8. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  9. Please answer the questions posted by vanisk. Also, as pooks said, please do not bump posts (preferably at all, but wait at least a day if you must). We typically work the forums from bottom to top, so oldest requests get worked first. Bumping your post just moves you to the back of the line. The turn around time on a module install request is usually about a day, but if Krydos (the only one who can actually install this) is busy with other things, I've seen these sit for a week.
  10. No problem. The issue was stale DNS records on Ricky that needed removal.
  11. I'm assuming the file that's erroring is being included by something located in /home/sgn/public_html/careers4you/public_html ? If so, try adding this to the .htaccess in that folder: <IfModule mime_module> AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php71 .php .php7 .phtml </IfModule> Also, keep in mind that the PHP version used is based on the configuration for the script the user visits in their browser (i.e. you can't use a different version just for the includes). Includes can't have their own separate version of PHP, but rather an included file always inherits the PHP version of its includer.
  12. The domain whatsnew.ml has been cleaned up. Try it now.
  13. ID received and the account google12 has been unsuspended. When I receive the second ID for the isaac account I'll unsuspend that one as well.
  14. It sounds like your domain is not actually changing php versions. I'll take a look when I'm at a computer. Nonetheless, it's still a bad idea to use object in this manner anyway, since in the future you may need to run this on newer php. The best fix is to not use the word object this way.
  15. That's what got you suspended. Because the accounts appear to be coming from the same computer, and users are limited to one account, the system blocked you because we require identity verification to prove that two actual people exist behind them. You and him will each need to provide a scanned image or picture of your government issued ID to have these unblocked. Please send them via PM to either me or another moderator or admin to avoid posting the pictures publicly. You'll receive a response and can delete the pictures once we verify them and unsuspend you. As for that domain error, that's because you accidentally put johnny.heliohost.org instead of ns1.heliohost.org for one of the NS records. Just edit that entry to say ns1.heliohost.org instead, and it should add once you fix it.
  16. Yep...it's banned because US law forbids us from serving users in Iran. We strive to offer our services in as many countries as possible, however due to international sanctions and because we are located in the USA, we are currently unable to offer our services to users located in Iran or North Korea.
  17. After reviewing the account, it's indeed hacked WordPress that was used to install a phishing site on the domain nmbayu76.eu.org. It just so happens that the account is also from a country known for this sort of stuff, hence the quick assumption it was intentional. We ban probably 10 accounts a week from Indonesia, nearly all of which are for phishing. Please don't use WordPress, it's notorious for terrible security and leads to unexpected bans like this. Also, be sure to keep a close eye on what's happening on your account. Accounts from your area of the world are well known for being abused for phishing (hence my earlier comments), so extra care needs to be taken to keep yourself secure. Please let me know if anything else needs to be done to get you up and running again (like removing domains). We cannot provide a backup though, inspection shows that stolen information is present on the account.
  18. An invite has been sent for a replacement account. You should now be able to sign up again.
  19. I can't look at the moment since I'm on an iPad. The account's data profile is in line with intentional phishing though, not hacking. The most obvious is that it originated from Indonesia, which is infamous for this. That country is the number one source of phishing on our service.
  20. It's banned for phishing. If you didn't phish, then your account got hacked and the hacker set up phishing. Either way, it can't be unsuspended.
  21. That offer is indeed expired. The canned message has been updated to remove mention to it.
  22. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. <br /><br />If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic you might consider trying paid hosting from our partner Hostgator. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/hostgator
  23. Iran and North Korea are the only two countries in the world like this. US law forbids a US-based company from knowingly distributing goods or services to persons or organizations in these two countries, regardless of whether they're paid or free. For the same reason, we're also not able to accept money of any kind, including donations, from these countries. Cuba is on this list as well, but the rules are a little more lax.
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