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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Unblocked. I would need the IP of the gitlab runner in order to unblock that. Without it, it will unblock on its own in time (there's a max number of IPs that can be banned at once, so as time passes, usually a few days to a week or two, it'll just fall off the bottom of the list on its own).
  2. Yes Softaculous could've made those changes. A lot of forum software comes with a custom .htaccess designed to secure the forum software, however if other apps share a domain with it, they often need to be modified to make them compatible.
  3. Yep, line endings will cause all sorts of weird issues with Python. You need to make sure they're unix style
  4. It has to be completely rewritten to fix it since the current script uses an API that hasn't been supported by WHM in years. It'll happen eventually. As of now, it still works as long as the new domain is not a .heliohost.us domain (so you can change it to your own domain just fine, you just can't assign yourself one of our subdomains at the moment). Now...I can't change his domain because I can't find his account...
  5. Your .htaccess files are causing this. I renamed them to htaccess.old and its working. Specifically, you disabled directory listings in the .htaccess file, but didn't provide an index.php for those domains. If there's no index and you disable directory listings, you get a forbidden error.
  6. @Seekier: that script doesn't work for the heliohost.us subdomains. I have to change them manually in WHM. I'll take care of this later this morning when I'm at a computer.
  7. It can't be unarchived at the moment because the server is currently out for rebuild. We can move it to Tommy if you're a donor, otherwise you'll need to wait until the server rebuild is complete. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/42387-ricky-to-be-upgraded/ (At this point, if you move to another server for free, you just need to sign up again. You won't be able to delete the archived account).
  8. You should be able to just change your name servers at your registrar if you need to point your domain elsewhere. Our system doesn't prevent that.
  9. This account cannot be moved to Tommy because it is banned for phishing.
  10. I still don't see the transaction info. Can you just post the transaction ID number? EDIT: Account contents violate terms of service and cannot be restored or moved to Tommy. Several pages on there are typical "pay me for fake files" scams, others appear to be selling stolen information. There's also a mail spoofer and a spambot present. To give an idea of the content, the meta tags out of one of the HTML files: Get Bank Network logs for Different Banks in Various Counties mailed directly toSite originated in Nigeria, so not surprising (and probably why Seekier noticed something off when I didn't, he's in Nigeria too and so much more likely to recognize their scams). I've marked the account as abuse. And no, we don't offer refunds.
  11. I don't know why you're banned nor do I know how or if I should unban you. Jenova and Sohamb03 are the ones who mostly handle discord. Both do read the forums from time to time, but I will say this: Discord issues generally need to be dealt with on Discord.
  12. I just edited my post as you were typing I'm waiting on Apache to restart, but I did check and the AutoSSL cert is showing as installed for that domain...just got to give it some time I think.
  13. Yeah, this was a classic Cloudfaile There's a reason we don't recommend CF. His issue here though was that he was trying to use a CF origin certificate without CF, which won't work. I just deleted the CF origin cert and told the server to get him one from AutoSSL. EDIT: I'm still waiting on Apache to restart for this to finish installing.
  14. 10:50:03 AM Analyzing “smoothjazz.fmlima.com” … 10:50:03 AM ERROR TLS Status: Defective Certificate expiry: 9/6/35, 3:01 AM UTC (5,312.47 days from now) ERROR Defect: OPENSSL_VERIFY: The certificate chain failed OpenSSL’s verification (0:10:CERT_HAS_EXPIRED). ERROR Defect: OPENSSL_VERIFY: The certificate chain failed OpenSSL’s verification (1:19:SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN). ERROR Defect: OPENSSL_VERIFY: The certificate chain failed OpenSSL’s verification (1:10:CERT_HAS_EXPIRED). Impediment: CERTIFICATE_IS_EXTERNALLY_SIGNED: The certificate is neither self-signed nor from AutoSSL. You installed an origin certificate from Cloudflare which broke it. I deleted CF's certificate and re-ran it, it should work now: 10:56:01 AM The system will attempt to renew the SSL certificate for the website (smoothjazz.fmlima.com: smoothjazz.fmlima.com www.smoothjazz.fmlima.com). 10:56:04 AM The cPanel Store received “smoothjazz.fmlima.com”’s certificate order. (Order Item ID: 1119463613) The system will periodically poll the cPanel Store for the issued certificate and then install it after a successful retrieval. The system has completed “retrope”’s AutoSSL check.
  15. Yep, we actually discourage WP use, insomuch we've actually considered banning it. It's the number one cause of load suspensions, hacked accounts, and even accidental bans here.
  16. wolstech


    My guess is /tmp was full. It's only got 200MB free at the moment.
  17. If he had a Tommy account before and deleted it for some reason, yes we can just give him another Tommy account. I can’t send it at the moment though, I’m on mobile so I can’t see his email address.
  18. For MySQL, you do it yourself: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/sql/managehost.html Only postgres requires a request.
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