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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. is it a new movie in the theatres or is it already out?
  2. if some way some how we were to be transported to this new earth, i dont think that todays people would mentally be able to hande how it would look. I mean from the picture i saw it looks like something from star trek and kinda freaked me out.
  3. be advised that any email you create such as webmaster will be webmaster@[your cpanel login name].heliohost.org
  4. well, not to be mean or anytihng, (joe your my lil brother) but, DO NOT RELY ON THE BANK.... the whole point of a forum is to share information that is/would be useful to others. The bank is just an extra that i am sure can be disabled.... so lets not abuse it
  5. My opinion is this... He went there with the intention on killing people, and then taking his own life. If you have those intenttions... skip the killing of the other people and just blow your own head off. Anyone desperate enought to take their own life, let alone anyone elses, should just do themselves. I don't feel sorry for the perpetrator who did take the 32 lives that he took. I personally think that people like him, and whoever is/was responsible for tragedies like 9/11 should burn in hell!!! That's just me though!
  6. joe, i made the forum a custom logo but dont know how to apply/upload it lol hit me up
  7. Well, what i meant was to keep it free but for anyone who wanted to further support helionet/host they could buy helions
  8. I would just use the .httaccess file or use your cpanel to password protect a directory.
  9. what i am saying is that if anyone wants to buy helions, it should be bought from djbob and heliohost.... i think that users should not sell helions to other users, because any helions bought should benifit heliohost/helionet for server upgrades etc. I think that djbobs 50 helions for a dollar is VERY reasonable and you should contact him directly to purchase helions and not other users.
  10. Actually, for what you can use helions for, and the going rate for the services offere thru pay site, for every 20 heilons it would equal about 1 dollar
  11. shoot joe i forgot yeah i'' get it and load it for you
  12. lol what are ya sayin joe..... i havnt screwed ya yet.... lol
  13. for some unknown reason the free-webhost site isn't being moderated because i was one of the first to post a reveiw and it has yet to be posted. the other two have been posted... on the first one kdh is the username and the other has the same wording post as the first.
  14. I can make you one, but to keep the relative size where the picture looks good, i would have to place "ARUN" on the actual photo, so it would be on top of the photo under his face, let me know if this is ok.
  15. i actually play a yamaha guitar. its an accoutstic, i have pictures of it on my website http://www.diddlemybug.com
  16. actually i dont think its the actual feather thats plastic but more of the bony like stick the feathers are attatched to that would be used as the plastic
  17. Well just wanted to let everyone know, with my help...hehehe a little of it, Joe now has his forum up and live at http://www.awsomejoe23.com domain name courtesy of Helionet
  18. some nice eggs.... when i was young mom used to make patters that we would take the white crayon and collor on the egg..... when we dyed them where we used the crayon ity would stay white
  19. I am a shift manager at mcdonalds and most our stuff is low fat and we have tons of salad options inckluding grilled chicken instead of crispy
  20. The tech support guy that I work with said to flush your arp cache. You can do this by "repairing" your internet connection by going to your network connections page, then on the active connection right click and click on repair. This will automatically flush your arp cache or go to this website: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_...oach-Part3.html
  21. Thats actually a pretty good idea. Djbob would have to make an account at one of those places. That way if you want to support heliohost/helionet by "donating" cash you get helions. DJBOB- How many helions per dollar donated? Or do we already have a system set up as such?
  22. I actually like photoshop cs2... and i am affraid that cs3 would throw me off on where all the controls and features are.
  23. well, now that we have upgraded servers and all i think that we should implement a contest asap
  24. 2% per day once a day.... get it before you deposit helions..... when the button is activated or you loose that days intrest.... please look at the store it says this info.
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