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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. I do belive that Microsoft is suing yahoo for some type of copyright infringement because of the yahoo mail beta version looking too much like outlook.
  2. There was a chronical of book titled My Teacher is an alien, I am just not sure who the author is, and I can't find it. Also, batteries not included, and it's about an adroid/robot that lives a "secret" life of being a robot, and I would love to find out what that one is too. If anyone knows let me know.
  3. but like i have said, the bible contradicts itself in many diff. places. I do believe in a higher power, i'm just not sure what that higher power would be.
  4. I think that so far, the idea of a mini casino is great.... whoever posted that idea, if djbob implements the idea, i will give you 200 helions
  5. here is a downloadable pdf on my site for html programming http://www.kdoghomefry.com/html.pdf if you download it please go to my guestbook and sign it...thanks http://www.kdoghomefry.com
  6. HAHA Sweet.... I showed it to my boss and told him someone hacked into our servers..... he shut them down for 2 hours running scans lol
  7. It is funny, but that is stereotyping.... not all cops are fat pigs that do nothing but eat donuts
  8. posted on: Free webhost : Heliohost is on of the best hosting sites that I have ever seen and used. They have great people that are always willing to help you with your account, whether it be something simple or hard such as installing a script. They have a great Cpanel program that most hosting companies would charge to use. This is not a fly-by-night hosting site where they are here one day and gone the next. I would highly recomend you using this freewebhosting company. RATED A 10 Free Webspace: Same as above, but for some reason it is not posting any results Freehostsfinder: Same as free webhost, comment number 2
  9. how would i go about this?
  10. Names don't count Joe lol.... Algebra
  11. Joe, go to the website i posted and select san fransisco ca and post exactly what they say. To have an upload speed that high, you would be paying an arm and a leg, i think that you got your numbers mixed up....i have a t3 connection here (dedicated traffic not shared with the neighborhood) and ours doesnt go any higher than 350 kbps for an upload. Your download is very acheivable depending when you run the test and when everyone else is on or off the net. If it is still that high, press the print screen button on your keyboard while the results are showing on your screen and send us the screenshot (paste it into paint or photoshop)
  12. i am not sure about the gene thing, but i CHOOSE to be gay, i could have [bleeped!] with a woman, IF I WANTED TO!!!
  13. Results by http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ Download speed: 4682 kbps Upload speed: 298 kbps NOT BAD!!!!
  14. cool my myspace is http://www.myspace.com/kdoghomefry and my personal site is http://www.kdoghomefry.com
  15. I think here in the near future that all messengers will become cross compatible.
  16. The company that i do part time work for has a small tech support division and our 1 tech says that it does consume memory... space not so much, but it is rec. to have at least 2 gigs of ram
  17. With most media players you can adjust the equilizer
  18. Good point, i never thought of it like such
  19. Well, restassured i will be keeping up with details on each of the canidates. I am not going to F**K up on this one!
  20. I am what my friends call me a picture [bleeped!].... my digital camera (and my MP3 Player) Go with me everywhere
  21. So, heres a question, any new hosting account created will go on the new server or the old?
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