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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. what you could also do is down load the apache server for your computer, it turns your computer into a "server" so to access your "website" from your computer would be to type in yoru computers ip address ie
  2. Thats not right.... I saw on my local news tonight, Man Shot By Columbus Police.... A Local man tonight was shot by a Columbus Police officer. Witnesses say the man was pumping gas in his vehicle. Somehow, some of the gasoline got on the mans sleeve and caught fire. He saw the police officer in the parking lot accross the street and ran toward the officer waving his arms for help. The police officer got out of his patrol cruiser and fired 6 shots at the man. When questioned why he discharged his weapon, the police officer stated that the man was waving a "fire-arm" at him.
  3. Correct, I was going to point that out. I only have 325 Post and I am up to 7000+
  4. I do some javascript programing, but, if you are just starting out (in web design terms) in programing, I would learn html and then go from there.
  5. Yo momma's armpits are so hairy it looks like she has Buckwheat in a head lock! Yo momma's so fat, when she sat on a rainbow, skittles popped out! Yo momma's so fat, she has to wear a vcr as a beeper!
  6. I can agree, but its just the fact that heterosexuals can get married with the paper, i think that us homo's want the same thing. I don't think its all about the paper, its the fact that we are no diff. than anyone else and therefore we should be treated like such!
  7. Matrix was/is a great trillogy, and Keanu Reeves is super HOTT, but I love all the star trek movies
  8. EA Games' Corp. HQ is located in canada
  9. I do use a program called TextPad. It does highlight and change the color of different HTML codes and stuff like that.
  10. Well, I personally like helionet forums. I have used many forums and this one, by far, is the best.
  11. Hell, this country is already shitty due to what bush has done to it.
  12. I have only see a few of the movies, but i have never read any of the books
  13. I don't use anything but plain ol' notepad. I write all my HTML coding myself. That way if something is f**ked up, I know its my fault instead of wondering if some program added BullSH** coding in my document that really doesn't need to be there.
  14. Krazy..... I LOVE YOU!!!! Thanks a bunch... I have looked for litterally 7 years for the title and artist of that song. I owe ya....hows about 100 helions?
  15. Once again, it's one of those movies that I walked in, watched the first 15 minutes of it, and walked out, knowing that I would not enjoy it. Nothing is better than the original, thats what I have always said and always will.
  16. krazy, the best way to put it is that Deja Vu is when you experience an event, and you tell yourself, or your brain tells yourself that you have already experienced the same event. It really is unexplained why, and there is no scientific facts to explain why. It just happens.
  17. I agree.... and when they launch a shuttle, it goes to an undisclosed location. All video take is fake and filmed in a studio just like the moon landing!
  18. All I have to say is thank God this is his last term in office. VOTE HILLARY!!!!
  19. First, if your going to use an armored car, might as well leave things the way they are. The point of automation is to reduce the number of people patroling the boarder or reduce the number of times they are in one spot. And second, I prefere that people/aliens enter this country legaly. If your going to come over here and take our jobs, learn and know the language and pay taxes.
  20. I get a lot of my info from Popular Science and the Tech Channel on cable.
  21. I couldn't agree more. To me, the bible is a book that was writen to control people back then. Also, it is a MANS interpretation of what God said. For all we know, Jesus smoke marijuana and slept with men. Who knows.
  22. Well, it would show other countries that we mean business and wont be taken advantage of. As far as animals, i am sure that the government has technology that would distinguish animals from humans.
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