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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. yeah your ftp address would be ftp.{Your User Name}.heliohost.org your ftp username would be your username and your ftp password would be your password If you don't have an ftp program, you could use DJBOBS suggestion or download you one. Do a google for 'free ftp programs' I personally use WS_FTP but you could use cuteftp also, which I believe is free.
  2. Well, that would be the whole point of nuking each other would be to just get it over with and the better man win!
  3. LOL Nope not female... and the proper word would have been prejudice
  4. That would be hard, unless we are in the ages like in star trek.... right now we are/would be considered "pre-warp" so that would be pretty hard to have each country with their own planet. It would take years to do that anyways and cause panic and disruption if you ask me. I say we all just nuke each other and get it over with.... the most powerful wins. LOL JK
  5. I would, depending on your experience level with html programming, either (against my personal judgement) get a program like Front Page or DreamWeaver or if you're like me and are an advanced html programmer, just use notepad or textpad to write the code yourself and save it as an .html file or .shtml file. Once you have done this, upload it to your public_html folder on your server
  6. Well, I used to watch it now and then, but only because the Rock was on there. SOOOO HOTT!!!!
  7. Here is my personal favorite "Nice 'come' back, now wipe it off your mouth"
  8. I don't know how, but I did some research (google) and found this for you.... hop it helps http://www.desilva.biz/php/phpinhtml.html
  9. I personnaly have no ideah what you are talking about, but I assume you have a forum and... 1. You want it to show more guest on or in your forum than there is and 2. It is showing memeber names that are logged in your forum but arn't I don't think you can force a number in the guest section and as far as it showing guest online but arn't sounds like a script issue.... I would reinstall the forum and use the same mysql database for the oldone, but back up your database first.
  10. I personally have never seen any of the pirates of the carribean. My ex wanted to go watch it with me one time and I said that it looked stupid and that I would never watch it lol. If anyone can give me a reason to watch it and to sway my personal thoughts feel free to let me know
  11. "pinned" is a term and function used by the forum administrator allowing him/her to pin a topic to the top of the list, or to wherever he pleases to put it.
  12. i just got a new powerspec from MicroCenter about a week ago. The stats for that computer are in my sig so take a look and tell me what you think.
  13. there are many html editing programs. Front page and Dreamweaver are the most used. I however do not trust the front page and dreamweaver type of programs. I use a straight forward text or notepad. A good program that actually color codes your html coding as you type it is a free program called textpad. I have used it for about a year now and I love it. Anyways, once you have made your "main or home page" upload it to the public_html folder on the server. Make sure it is labled index.html or index.shtml for thats the file that the server will look for when someone enters your domain name in their address bar.
  14. well, i just learned of a video from a hotel accross the street who minutes after impact on the pentagon, fbi and cia people came in and too the survelilance videos from them. It has been said that these videos show a military aircraft launching a missile at the pentagon
  15. Well, from what I hear, IE8 is about to come out and DOES NOT support IFrames.... I know a lot of people who are going to be pissed off because of that.
  16. well, unfortunately, vista come with wmp11, and it is the only thing compatible with my media player except for the software that comes with it, which sucks.....
  17. yes, free hosting as described on heliohost.or is free. You can have an ad based plan or u can post to increase bandwidth, remove the ads, etc. I suggest going to www.heliohostorg and reading the different plans for you to use and the requirements of each. Side Note: Welcome to Helionet and Heliohost.
  18. as long as i have been a member, i havnt has to pay anything for it, maybe you meant it is costing djbob to use but if so, just another perk he isnt charging us to post on it
  19. actually, i have only been getting that when i am not logged in.... try to click on store, then login on that page
  20. lol that's why i cant login and do forum maintenance lol..... ask me before doing something like that, you probably put it in the wrong folder or didnt write the file properly. There is a feature in our cpanel that will make the .httaccess files for you lol..... let me know if you still need help with it i can login and fix it for you as long as you havnt changed any of the passwords
  21. FYI I LOVE THE UPGRADE, amature friendly, and lots of good scripts and helpful tools. thanks djbob
  22. I do believe that the old server is "unaccessable" to the public. Don't quote me on this though. DJBOB may be able to pull the files off the old server, but again, don't quote me on that. Not sure if you know but everything, for the most part I belive, has been switched over to the new server.
  23. chmod is a protocol that tells the server which files can be run and by who. to change the chmod of a file or directory, you can use the command line if you have ssi access or telnet access or by using the cpanel
  24. well, i think that terraforming is a good idea, and we should start on the moon. I also believe that anyone who believes that we are the only "intellegent" life (and i use that word very loosely) in the vast area of space, that they are very closed minded.
  25. possibly.... kinda like the whole timothy mcvay case.... strap that bastard to the side of a building and blow it up!
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