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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. I doubt it, if they caught the person, I am sure he/she will be in prision for a LONG time.
  2. I think we should just put automatic machine guns so far apart along the boarder and let them patrol it. When the machine gun detects a proximity trip, it plays a message in english and spanish to clear the area and cross the border at a designated boarder patrol station or it will open fire.
  3. DJBOB, I have had to resubmit review for the first two on your list, for they have yet to post mine. The third one has been posted. I will check back in a couple of days to see if the first two gets posted.
  4. I strongly disagree with using WYSIWYG Editors (drag and drop) You always NEVER get the same result when you save the file. It also never allows java scripting and other scripts like such.
  5. There is already a thread about ideas for helions.... Mods should move
  6. All i know is my mother and father would first kick my [bleeped!], then probably kill me if i lost/let someone steal a Picasso painting worth that much lol.
  7. looked at it and it looked way to complicated and look kinda like a scam to me
  8. I have posted this many times but i don't even get an i don't know. I think I might make a new thread about songs and missing lyrics and stuff. But there is a song that goes like such: Sister I miss you, Dancing on the stage of memories.... I think it's by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, But I am Not Sure. If you know this song, a reply would be great..... BTW I am now listening to Nighshift by the Commodores
  9. Ok... lol.... the carpet joke was good, and the kamikaze joke was great... but that first joke just whacked@@@ lol but good jokes lol
  10. No. I am going to have to agree with this.... because lots of people just like to copy and past stuff from other websites.
  11. There is nothing better than the original movie. You can make sequel after sequel, but you will never be able to top the original. So that is my favorite American Pie Movie
  12. Wikipedia is the best on line encyclopedia that i have ever found. It has many great features and i just love it.
  13. I don't think so.... offering more helions would make people post more because there are more helions to gain.
  14. There is a song that they sing but i am not sure of the title, but the lyrics are like Sister I miss you, dancing on the stage of memories. If anyone knows the title or the artist if RHCP dont sing it, it would be greatly appreciated if someone could post it.
  15. Programs like these let you sign up for free, but to get any credit, someone has to use your referral id or banner, and buy things in order for you to get credit. I don't like these things and personally think that they are stupid.
  16. I used to use firefox. I have had many problems with firefox. It never shows up my flash files properly, even with a the plug-in it never worked. It wouldn't show websites that would show up in IE. So, I have switched back to IE and will never use firefox again. I was thinking about using Netscape's explorer, but for now i am sticking with IE
  17. there is a service called dot.tk it gives you a top leve domain like www.example.tk it uses forwarding so when you sign up you would put your address like monkey.heliohost.org and when they go to your .tk address it would go to the address you put in ie. monkey.heliohost.org
  18. I HIGHLY recomend against using vista. for example, i like to constantly upgrade my computer. vista detects new hardware and wants you to reactivate windows but they only allow you to activate it once....it's bullsh*t
  19. http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/keyboard this is for firefox for windows
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