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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. I think that whoever makes a thread and it gets the most relevant posts wins
  2. What the hell do you mean that lesbians know what they do???? of course they do...and so do gay guys. When lesbians are munching on carpet...a lesbian knows how to do it...just like a guy knows how to slob on another guys knob..... your post makes no sense whatsoever
  3. gmail no longer requires you to have an invite... just go to the website and sign up www.gmail.com
  4. those are cute... here's one do you know cpr because you just took my breath away
  5. i use a program called tune up utilities 2006 it has a great set of tune up programs and also has a tune up styler that allows you to change the desktop theme, boot logo, and the windows login screen. It is really cool....email me and i will send you a copy of it with a keygen
  6. how do you get one because my link doesnt work
  7. Are you serious??? I cant belive that there are actually people who think that the earth is flat.
  8. I understand your point, I have two very devote christian friends who feel the same way but I would like to make a few points. The bible says love all as though thou were thy neighbor( all includes gay people) Also if you don't believe that gay people should have a club or organization because being gay is against your god then I will just suppose that you are against any other religious group having an organization because they would also be against your god. So as I tell my Christian friends think of gay( not insinuating that it is, just an analogy for my friends) as a religion that you should respect as you respect other religions. Though yes you may believe they are going to hell you must also remember you also believe over half of the Earths population is going to hell. So I'm a straight atheist that supports gay rights. Though I must say it does freak me out when I see a really big flamer. Actually I wish I had a gay friend( not a flamer) because he would help me get the best clothes and hairstyles. Gays are like chick magnets Any ways Richard Kuehne- KDH Web Designer do many girls hit on you? Actually I have many "girl friends". I also am not a flammer. I am actually VERY straight acting. Hit me up and we can go shopping and get ur hurrrr done lol.
  9. Hillary Clinton All the way
  10. ifyou give me an email i have an electronic version of an html book that i used to learn html and i own a great company with 25+ clients. email me and i will be more than glad to email you the pdf.
  11. that should have been your first clue....THE INTERNET.... no i doubt people are dieing from it. unless you have seizures that would be the only way because of the flashing screen ect. but that can be cause with any game or pc console.
  12. my intrest button become active at 7pm eastern time usa and intrest is collected once a day. ifyou dont collect it before the next cycle, you loose that days intrest.
  13. i tried one of those programs out once, and the rip you off dude
  14. a good virus protection is avg antivirus free home edition. works great for me
  15. just right click on the picture and save it to your computer
  16. try this on the my computwr icon right click and go to manage, when that screen pops up click on disk management and see if your drive is on there if it is, you may just need to "turn it on" if not i would suggest contacting dell
  17. ummm no i am a dude lol
  18. The interface is much diff. Also many functions. Google linux vs. windows and it will show a great example of the differences.
  19. I like the harry potter books. But there are also many other good books. I suggest going to www.barnesandnoble.com there are a great few hundred books lol.
  20. The movie is absolutely retarded
  21. Never heard of it. What kind of game is it?
  22. Sweet....there ya go djbob. I am also going to put something on mywebsite about helionet and heliohost so just keep ur ears tuned for that. i will send you a message.
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