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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. Nawww i dont think that would work. Too many people are already at or past 1000 posts.
  2. But clearly the plane is in the air as you can tell by the size of the buildings in the back ground.
  3. I love to listen to all kinds of music. I would have to say that my favorite genre would have to be country.
  4. Linux is a type of operating system. It works the same way that Windows does.
  5. yes you can... what you need to first do is just go ahead and upload that page you have into the public viewing folder on the server your site is going to be on. MAKE SURE IT IS NAME index.html. If you need more help feel free to email me at kdhwebdesigns@gmail.com
  6. horseshit lol
  7. I never noticed the extra space in yahoo mail. I use google now for most of my emails.
  8. If you don't get caught...no harm done!!!
  9. I was just browsing and getting use to all the features of the forum...I noticed under the bank section there is a link that says buy a credit card. I was just wondering what that was. Also, is there a referal service in place such as when you refere someone and they make like 5 posts you get like 10 or 20 helions??? It's a good idea if there is a system that you can log the referer and the referee..
  11. I just found out that Yahoo uses google for all their searches. Also, there is a new search engine out there called CHA CHA, still in beta thought. Check it out. www.chacha.com
  12. Scarry Movie 4....HILLARIOUS
  13. There is a great movie i just saw called Poisidon
  14. not too sure what your asking for here.... you didnt really explain
  15. Anything is possible these days
  16. Well, I am always partial to the Dallas Cowboys
  17. Awesome.... and i just link it directly here to helionet.org??? I will repost with my website address so you can approve it.
  18. if you can make a custom banner, i would like to put it on my website
  19. why not just hook your monitor up to a digital video recorder, then use the dvr to burn the video and sound to a disk, then edit it with a video editing software.
  20. mononucleousis....spelling...not too sure
  21. The only games that i play online is real war: ail, land, and sea
  22. Hey everyone, not too sure if this is the appropriate section but here goes *DJBOB can move it if it's necessary* If you have a myspace page, and would like other Helionet users to add you to their buddy list, post it here. Also, any skins/profile backgrounds you can post here too!
  23. I have never noticed a fee for it??? What is the fee for withdraw
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