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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. what is the cut off time to collect your intrest and when can i start collecting mine, the collect intrest button doesnt work
  2. It has been a while now, and i still cant log into cpanel and the page telling me to contact the billing department is still my default page, how do i get my account up????
  3. cudos for thsi post i agree
  4. Well happy birthday to jesus, its christmas
  5. Awesome Site
  6. I have a FujiFilm Fine Pix 3.2 Mega Pixels 3X optical zoom. I love it and i am much like you, maybe not, but i call myself a picture [bleeped!] lol. would love to exchange photos. I do a lot of scenic and "hallmark" shots
  7. I doubt it. If software that is meant to be purchased or licensed to be purchased is being put out for download (whatever platform is being used) is Illegal
  8. i am always up to new email systems so yeah i would love an invite.... hit me up kdhwebdesigns@yahoo.com
  9. I was going to say...i did a who is look up and it was not owned by microsoft....good try though
  10. i have a great chatroom script that i use on my website contact me if you would like more info
  11. what i suggest doing is going into your bios settings and reset everything to its defaults. if that doesnt work i would take it to a repair men lol
  12. thats possible, but from my experience with the BSOD, it is almost irreplaceable. the only thing that boots up is whatever is in the bootlog file. so if you installed a device, most likely that isnt it. what i would do if you can is re-install your windows opperating system.
  13. are they video games or what?
  14. Definate conspiracy go to google.com and type in pentegon conspiracy and watch the video, it is freaky
  15. well, i would have to agree with you....the way she said it could have been said better. BUT if she wants to have kids then i believe that is her business
  16. great story. do you have the rest of it???? ever thought about being an author. let me know if you do i have a few contacts that i can hook you up with
  17. well, personally, i would embrace the fact that he thinks that you are cool enought to hang around....and i would try to be is friend. how well do you know this kid???? maybe you and him have something in common that you guys could connect on.
  18. hey everyone, i am looking for a clear non skipping download of must be doing someting right its a country song and everyone i download it from is bad. any ideas???
  19. i lov games like these, i wish that they had a full version for fre
  20. those are F***ing Hillarious
  21. that is great. lol although i am preferenced to windows xp
  22. I was wondering i noticed a collect intrest button that doesnt work. also, do i loose helions for depositing and withdrawing helions??? how does that work.
  23. How long does it take to get a site approved??? I try logging into my cpanel and it wont let me, i go to view my "site" and there is a payment issue page.
  24. I am a gay male in the US. I am just wondering what everyone thinks about the issue of gay marriages? Do you think that it should be allowed? I would love to hear your responses
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