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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. I was just wondering if anyone had halo for the pc. I just got it and I am just wondering what everyone who has it thought. Also, if anyone has any cheat codes that would be great too.
  2. I actually use both IE 7 and Firefox 2. Firefox I do most of my personal and business browsing, but I use IE 7 when I am verifying clients websites to make sure that they show up properly, since most people use the IE system. But I have switched to Firefox after downloading it and trying it out, and I love it!
  3. I loved high school in general, but if I had to pick a favorite study, it would be computer classes which included BSS (Business Support Systems) BCIS 1, 2 and 3 (Business Computers and Integrated Systems) and BIMM (Business Image Management and Multimedia). Then my second would have been speech.
  4. I, unfortunately, don't have the actuall album, but I did download a few of their songs from napster. They had a special for the whole album for really cheap, but only got the songs that I liked. As for RHCP's....great band, but I can't find their one song that goes..."sister i miss you, dancing on the stage of memories." thats about all that i remember, and i am pretty sure its by the chili peppers.
  5. I liked all the MI movies but this one. It looks/seems too fake as far as the FX's.
  6. How the hell are bots registering for accounts and posting...I got a virus because someone posted something in the whithouse section about a topic that is intresting...it went to a website, started playing a video and my computer crashed...That SUCKED!!!! This forum needs better/higher security on it to keep that from happening.
  7. Happy Birthday...for anyone who cares my birthday is on May 21
  8. Well, I believe that you should make contributing post or replies. If you post just to make "more" then instead of using that time to spam or flood the forum, use the time to chat in the chat rooms or send out emails promoting the forum, but thats just my opinion.
  9. i would go into the services and disable the windows security and theres one in there about firewalls. then download avg antivirus or avast. they both have built in firewalls. if you are using a rounter, you can just turn off the firewall services on your computer, because your router has a firewall built into it.
  10. Whats wrong with the US, besides our president, governours, the way the govt. can take away human rights...your right, hey lets run off to austrailia IM IN
  11. I can appreciate how you feel. I believe that everyone should have the right to express themselves as long as it is not illegal or conflicts harm to one person. As far as the gay-straight alliance, i do believe that the word straight is in that name, so they are not discrimminating who can join or not join. I also take it that the straights can join this club to. I think that is great that you school allows that, i only wish my school would have allowed it while i was inschool.
  12. I have a Microsoft Fingerprint Reader and it came with a utility called DigitalPersona. This utility only runs on windows xp and above, but for security reasons and preference, I have Windows 2000 installed. So from that, you can guess that the utility will not load on 2000. I am trying to find a program that will utilize the fingerprint reader and run on 2000. It needs to be able to log me into my computer and auto fill usernames and passwords in either firefox or IE. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Where do you sign up? Here is the direct link, but you must have a text messaging capable phone in order to receive your invite code https://www.google.com/accounts/SmsMailSignup1
  14. I still use dos for many things, if that is the same thing that the command prompt is. I actually use it to do my FTP'ing and to ping client websites and stuff like that. It is like ya'll have said much more stable, and I am actually thinking about getting a pc that has just dos on it. What do ya'll think?
  15. I now use Google for a lot of my searching needs. I went to the site above and i guess it no longer exists but still, Google is becoming my fav. over yahoo.
  16. The only issue with that is, how are we ever going to learn how to do it when we have something or someone do it for us. And that goes with anything. Especially computers.
  17. I would like to retract my last post about this subject. I just downloaded Firefox and I love it more than the internet explorer 7. From my experiences, I have not had any browsing errors, crashes, or freeze ups like i did with IE. Also, i love the password feature where you use one master password and it remembers your login and passwords to websites. The best thing I like is the fact that Firefox uses less processor speed/time to run than ie 7 does, which helps when I am updating clients sites since i usually have 4 or 5 programs open at one time.
  18. I just recently found out that Gmail now offers free email. You don't need an invite unless you don't have a cell phone. You can sign up for free but you have to have a cell phone so they can send you an invite code. This is to help cut down on spam. If you don't have a cell phone, you can always have a friend with a cell phone give you the code from the text message to the phone, or you can find someone who can send you an invite ( i have 49 left). Just thought I would update everyone on that who didn't know.
  19. Does the intel support overclocking??? I wouldnt mind having one, but my amd supports over clocking and is pretty nice, just dont want to make a drastic change like that and not be able to overclock
  20. Here you go, i did a little bit of research and found this. they have skins you can download i believe also but they said that this also has the manual. This is the best link I found. http://www.invisionskins.com/index.php?p=skins13
  21. I found some information about the amd core http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/Produc...5_13041,00.html
  22. First, I am going to have to disagree. SPAM is what is posted like once an hour on here and nothing is done about it. and second, if its old, DELETE it.
  23. ok, so here is my next question, can i purchase my own domain and point it to your servers?
  24. Correct me if i am wrong, but isnt a forum a place to post your thoughts on topics? if thats the case then it shouldnt matter when the post was made, if someone wants to post their thought on a topic then let it be!...thats just my opinion.
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