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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. mostly Tao kwon do and a little bit of jujitsu
  2. thats pretty cool. I have notice a slight difference in my loading and the server being up, and i thought that the forum had been transfered but now i know lol when do you expect to have it transfered over?
  3. I was wondering about that..... i keep clicking on that link and it doesnt do anything but go to a page with nothing on it.
  4. I have one.... baby bull has a problem...does he go momma bull or papa bull?
  5. I would love to have that emulator. Can you email or repost a link to get it....also a link for any games i can download for it also. As far as pokemon, i use to do the card game, back in junior high school, and had fun with it. But i got a little too old for it, but i would still play them on a gaming system
  6. instead of sub domains, why not just make a folder on the server where your site is hosted for each state, and make your "mini site" for each state in each folder. That way for example on my website, for say like texas, they would go to www.kdoghomefry.com/texas and when they go there it pulls up the mini site for texas. Much easier than making subdomains. Unless you were going to give each state their own domain for example kdoghomefrytexas.com then i would just make separate accounts on the server and have each state have their own "server space" i think having the main site name then a slash then the state name would be better. Any other questions or comments hit me up with an email.
  7. I remember watching an episode of start trek where they were stuck in a parallel universe where they kept shifting from universe to universe experiencing each different option of a situation. I am not sure if this actually possible or real, but i do believe there is other life out there. Humans, i am not sure but there has to be other types of life such as microbes and stuff like that.
  8. the only thing that i can say is that there is no way a huge plane only makes a small hole in the side of the pentegon. there are many videos and experts that confirm this.
  9. Sounds like he had "dick-ee-doo syndrome.....his stomache sticks out further than his dick-ee-doo
  10. A good friend of mine is taking astrophysiology and me and him talk about that stuff all the time. I am into the star trek shows and space and the final fronteir.....nice link, thanks for sharing too!
  11. awesome....let me know when you get it up and everything is running smoothly....i want to put a banner on my site, so if YOU can send me something to put on my site that would be great, standard banner size and a thumbnail size
  12. EXCELLENT! I have been posting reviews in forum review sites about helionet and heliohost for site hosting
  13. I used to do martial arts, but got out of it when i was told that you cant do martial arts as a police officer when i was a cop ion cali
  14. Finally got it to work.... i showed my boss and he almost fired me for doing illegal internet activity/hacking lol i showed him it was just a joke and he thought that was great
  15. Why would they deny you service if you paid for it. Doesnt make sense why they would do that.
  16. ould have sworn it was 6, i must be a bit rusty on my math.
  17. Just like any other member based website, when you get more visitors you will eventually need to upgrade software and hardware which will give you some downtime. I dont think that it is cool that you openly post that you have gone over to another hosting company because you think that heliohost/helionet has gone down the tubes.
  18. I still think that in the future that mankind will be able to travel if not faster, at the speed of light. Never, and I mean Never, say never.
  19. It brings me to the point i made in another thread, that you can not look at life and think that there is not a higher power in play.
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