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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. I don't know about this one..... maybe its just me (never was into those kinda games ne ways)
  2. I personally would say to hell with any gaming systems and go strictly pc.
  3. umm no read the message it states that FlyaKite is a windows theme for your windows
  4. not to be a penis head, but please post credentials or credits if you will on where you get your information, especially if you are copying and pasting from other sites
  5. I play the guitar, and will soon be adding a section to my personal website for beginners and intermediates with chords, NOT TABS, and some short vids if you want to be notified on when it's up email me owner@diddlemybug.com
  6. well, i actually use freehostia for my personal site. www.diddlemybug.com www.freehostia.com has many options and you can buy like extra's and add them onto your free account... which i like it's like a build your own account on top of a free account which is pretty good deal for it being free
  7. Nice, but if the OS is, in most cases, free, why are they distributing it and making people pay for it?
  8. I am not sure about when the apocalypse will be. There are places in the bible that talk about the "stages" of the apocalypse. No one will ever know for sure. Off subject, and it may have something to do with this, but I have recently been having "thoughts" (more like panic attacks) about dieing and what happens when we die. If the apocalypse does happen in my lifetime, I wish and hope it is swift and quick ehehehe
  9. your best bet is to google "HTML tutorials" or "HTML for beginners"
  10. ok, on my website, http://www.diddlemybug.com all my music vids are from youtube and are in .flv format. If i want to watch them on my computer aside from my website i use flv player (google it) and to play them on my website i use a sss (server side script) or you can search google for "play .flv files on your webpage" if you happen to see a video you like on youtube.com and you want to save it highlight the url of the video and go to www.youtubex.com and follow the instructions there on how to save it to your computer.
  11. I can't tell the difference if you ask me. Who knows lol.
  12. ok heres the quick and dirty...... for everything you want the public to see put it in the public_html for everything else i think there is a private folder on the same dir. level as public_html or if there isnt make a folder in the public folder and use your control panel to password protect it.
  13. i have tried to find ubuntu online but can't find it. I am using i think a linux/unix based server system called centos pretty cool if you ask me and easy to set up.... www.centos.org
  14. I don't know... there was this web article i read about something about how the colors you like/choose reflect you as a person and your personality. Will do more research at some point and let you guys know...
  15. I need to know if anyone knows how to write .bat files..... I have 2 computers and one of them has restrictions for my bf.... i need a .bat file that will run when he logs in that will connect to my computer with my user name and password so that it will connect all shared files on here.... the reason being is because my music is on my cmputer and on my other one it has media player's library with my music from my computer. If it hasnt been connected with an appropriate user and pass it wont play
  16. I will be more than willing to help you out.... just let me know what you want.... email me owner@rkwebdesigns.net
  17. no your cool... i don't pass judgement that quickly.... all's good today lol
  18. I have a program I use to make all my business cards..... send me what you want on the card with any pictures or logo's you want on there to owner@rkwebdesigns.net I will contact you with further details.
  19. Too Complicated for me, i'll just stick with my mac's and windows hehehe
  20. Well, you would have to be lucky enough to be far away enough from the blast point, but close enough to get the high dose of radiation poisioning. And most likely, you would not mutate, but if the radiation didn't sterilize you, your children may have defects.
  21. I heard absolutely nothing about that.... although if i hold my "wii" for too long i get light headed hehehe
  22. I happen to like these bands. I think that we should just get rid of the 'genre' titles and call it all music!
  23. i assume you were meaning that "poo" sounds like six???? lol kinda funny though!
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