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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. it looks as though fantastico didn't install the necessary files to the correct place. Can you manually install it. Here is the link to the most current version of PHPAuction... http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...lease_id=223633 let me know if that helps
  2. Here are some links i found for you http://forums.devshed.com/unix-help-35/exe...int-202007.html here is the google link list for the search i did http://www.google.com/search?q=execute+a+p...amp;startPage=1
  3. i personally think it is a waste. Who these days really needs that. Me and my boss both have pocket pc's and they are bluetooth linked to our cell phones (which we have a data plan on) and just use those. and they both cost less than the iphone.
  4. I just need something that will run in the background that accellerates page loading and download speeds. I don't want to have to put a link in a box and it download a program.
  5. i don't think his account has been activated yet. you will get that message until djbob activates your account give it a day or two
  6. I am not too sure, but i think that really old topics need to be "deleted" or archived from the forum
  7. You could also just delete his account and have him sign up for a new one.
  8. Hey everyone, I just got an HP Ipaq H5555.... I know that there are some sites out there that have free programs that you can install on it and I have already done so, but, I need a program that will let me use Yahoo messenger... The regular messenger doesnt work, and imove and other programs like that don't either. Whoever can find me a good program that is compatible with pocket pc 2003 os, i will give 500 helions to (Maybe i'll get better luck with this one unlike my karaoke request lol) also, any links you guys might know of or cool programs to install on my ipaq would be great too (but not offering helions for those hehehe) Thanks guys.
  9. so does that make you new forum owner???
  10. I see why not... but I would wait for the official word from dj bob
  11. I have the song, I need the karaoke version of it! If you have the karaoke version of it, email me rick@kdoghomefry.com and we can make arrangements
  12. Back to the future is good. They are thinking about making another back to the future... How??? I am not too sure, but i read it somewhere on IMDB.com
  13. You know, i was never into the whole final fantasy thing. Maybe if i sat down and played it i might get into it. I do mostly pc based games. Do they make a final fantasy for pc?
  14. I have heard of it but never played it. What kind of game is it. The word tactics kinda excites me, sounds like a shoot'em up kinda game
  15. If you get those eggs by mail and they arn't melted, then I will do whatever you want lol.
  16. Yeah.... I just have an email account spam@kdoghomefry.com that i use for "freebie" site and stuff like that. It's really helpful at times.
  17. can you do this with any type of email account or is this just a feature thru gmail?
  18. all, or most, ftp programs have a cmod option. in the server file list right click on the file and go to properties for most and you will see a box with 3 numbers and or check boxes with read write run i think for owner user world. cmod to the appropriate settings you need.
  19. I know what your talking about, and that is multiple monitor options under display. I have 3 different computers in my office each with their own monitor. I want whats on one of them to be displayed on all the monitors simultaniously. That one program is nice, but i am not wanting to pay for a program like that. There has to be an opensource program or something or another that will allow me to do this.
  20. That would be great and nice and all, but, the router is set up for port forwarding and all and i am not sure what ports he has going to what computers and all. We are running 2 servers here and we have vpn so i don't want to screw anything up.
  21. Do you mean if I buy a "point booster" that it boost my posting points to say 15 per post??? That sounds like a good Idea but it had better be expensive lol.
  22. great vid... love the "nuke" at the end.
  23. Karath, that one was funny about the film
  24. Ummm ok... thats funny i guess.
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