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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. is it a free downloadable kinda game???
  2. Awsomejoe, i would love to know the title of that movie. I saw a movie called The Omega Code and Left Behind they are really great movies
  3. LOL I always laugh when i see the fish and bear commercial. I saw that in High School... Great site too!
  4. If it has been a while ie 2 or 3 days try to login now. it would be www.yourscreenname.heliohost.org/cpane and use the username and password that you gave.
  5. I don't get it, could you explain more???
  6. 1. Play the piano untill someone hears you and lets you out. 2. Use some strings from the piano to make a "make shift torch", then use the table to use the bat to bust the light bult, connect your stings to your electrical source yada yada yada... 3. Hang yourself
  7. why not just back up your sql database, import it into the helionet or whatever hosts db. Then either just reinstall the program that uses the db or just copy the already made directory or files that uses the db to your new server, since your db, most of the time, uses locadir.
  8. Those are some wicked wallpapers
  9. Thats a good ideah, bc, like you guys, i would want more space than bandwidth. But there are also people who are the opposite, need more bandwidth than space. What about a "build your own plan" you can choose the options you want, submit them to djbob and he calculates the needed helions per month. then you could just send your helions per month with maybe a "plan number"
  10. sorry, i should have clarified my post. The first one was great. My grandmother laughed her [bleeped!] off. The pinata one was pretty good too, thought i dont understand why he kept wanting pushed over if he was getting his [bleeped!] beat lol.
  11. ...OR You can click on Store> Bank> at the top of the screen.
  12. ATTENTION DJBOB: The server isn't sending out emails about accounts being created. I never got one and I know that I typed in the email address properly.
  13. I like that. A Small Google Ad Kinda Ad that could link to your website say 500 helions a month or so, but, we may run out of main page space.
  14. Ummm... I didnt get the knock knock joke either.... i think it was SPAM
  15. Personally, I think the movie really sucked [bleeped!].
  16. Well, thats all the fun. The **tch is about to get stabbed, you yell at her no no don't go in the kitchen and BAM she gets a boob cut off. Thats why i love to watch movies i have already seen.
  17. Hero's is ok, but i never really dug or got into it. I am more of a scrubs and Third Watch Guy
  18. Well, think about it. You can grow grass on a Cha cha cha Chia plant, so why not a rock.
  19. I don't think it's the fact whether he made it up or not, but more of that he didn't quote where he got the information from.
  20. not unless you go in there and change it.
  21. DER DER DER... Look under richest overall members in the store off to the left, i am the second one down. And yes it does exist. I just can't get a complete/clean download. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?ac...&CODE=stats So please don't be a dick untill you get the facts straight... thanks.
  22. ehhh spray some rogaine on it and let it grow
  23. no i still need a way to play video files on my website with a play list. any way would be great without using flash.
  24. I don't want to set up vnc... too slow *already tried* There shoould/has to be a program out there that i install on each computer (all three here in my room/office) and this program says ok... when i am activated, i need to display on this monitor what is being displayed on 192.168.0.---'s monitor.
  25. I keep trying to email my mom who uses yahoo mail... she never gets it, and it is not in here bulk/spam folder either. Just wondering what was up.
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