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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. This goes along with dragonfire's post.... if there are security personelle sitting around making sure that these files are not distributed or keygens or serials, then why so many??? Makes you think that some of these files may work properly, but have something wrong with them that these security analyst have maybe put in???
  2. ehhh no i don't think so.... it could fall under technology since google is using some highly innovated stuff for those maps
  3. Hey everyone... The first person that can obtain a good, clean playing copy of Do You Know (Ping Pong Song) by Enrique Iglesias in KARAOKE i will give 300 Helions to. Must be just the instrumental of the song with no main track (him singing but with backups if possible) or close to it. .KAR or .MP3 formats are prefered. If you have it or if you have found it, please send me a private message or email me at rick@rkwebdesigns.net Thanks!!!
  4. Linux, if becomes main stream in OS's, can and will be a target for hacking and attacks. We (my web design company I work for) has already taken steps in making sure that this doesnt happen, though it doesnt mean it won't
  5. Well, welcome to Helionet/Heliohost. Just a couple of things, please make sure that your post are able to be read and understood... grammer is important, especially when providing support or assistance. Any coding/html/javascript questions feel free to contact me Rick.
  6. well, I think the mini casino is still a great ideah.
  7. Well, I am not too sure about the hottest chicks..... but I LOVE guys who have accents. Like an austrailian or british accent.
  8. Again, Welcome to all and everyone who has recently signed up.
  9. a good one is www.albinoblacksheep.com and www.illwillpress.com
  10. Awesome Gif's... Love the hampster lol
  11. Lol We should be welcoming you to Helionet
  12. Does anyone know the code to embed .mpeg files on a webpage with a playlist??? I want my viewers to be able to go to one page and select a song they see and it play on the page.... i need/have to have a play list or something of the sort.
  13. there is latency with distance, signal degregation and all that good stuff.... sometimes you get a great signal to a server and sometimes you get just enough. I don't have the issue since Road Runner has guaranteed me a connection to anywhere in the usa continental a connection speed of that of a t3 connection.
  14. usa an ftp program to ftp into your computer ( i know it sounds funny) and chmod the file thru the ftp program
  15. in order to view a .httaccess file,i personally use an ftp program and use its feature "send a command to server" and type in -a
  16. Well, i now refuse to use it because it modifies the kernel and many .dll's which in turn f***ed up my computer so if you guys use it, BE CAREFUL I suggest not using it at all
  17. well, the router is passworded and i don't have access to the info.... one of my roomies told me that he has a program that forces maximum bandwidth to his computer
  18. Nice, is it open source/free or do you have to pay for it... did'nt have any luck finding it online
  19. I thought you guys might like that
  20. I know that if you are on a network using a router, that you can cap bandwidths to each computer thru the router settings... well, my router doesnt have that option, or my roomie hasn't set them... so my question is, is there a program or a computer setting to where if i am downloading or uploading files that i can have my computer use as much bandwidth as possible over our "network"???
  21. never heard of it... what kind of game is it... what console, is it a shoot'em up kinda game?
  22. I am going to possibly have some type of a contest on my personal site. Whoever can get the best picture that would be used as a desktop wallpaper. Have a monthly contest kinda thing and choose a winner.... the winner could get like 200 helions from me personally.... other contest too like... i need a banner/header/logo made for my company.... RK Web Designs.... some background info I do: web design and programming, desktop publishing, photo editing/touchup/optimization, logo/header design... other stuff too (in the advertising field) except anything video.... banner must be no taller than 150 pixels by 790 pixels long if you have any ideas, feel free to email me rick@rkwebdesigns.net
  23. I think that they should have "graffitti parks".... anyone that feels the need to "tag" or "mark" something could just go there and have a ball with it.
  24. Those are pretty cool.... I use coffecup firestarter. It's a very basic flash/shockwave maker; wouldnt mind learning how to use flash thought, for it just sits there, stareing at me, collecting dust on the shelf lol
  25. I think that its a "figure of speach" but who knows. With the power of God anything is possible, right?
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