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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. ehhhh i never did like that movie lol
  2. I like Brit though... but those were pretty good!
  3. I am sure that it was just a temporary glitch. Hopefully no one would take advantage of this. I think most the people in the forums are "life family" in a way and would let someone know.
  4. I was wondering if there was a program that would route audio from one computer on a network to another. I want to play my xm radio from my laptop and have the audio play on my desktop speakers. Again, anyone who can give me a good lead will get 200 helions.
  5. heres a good link http://us2.php.net/tut.php
  6. i tried using a linux os (Ububtu) and couldnt figure it out so i scraped that project lol
  7. its simple, just use your favorite ftp program, log into the server with it.... (se your control panel for the server address) your username and pass is the same one you use to access your cpanel just remeber that everything you want visible to the world goes in Public_html
  8. http://www.chordie.com/publicbooks.php?sho...mp;songid=85661 my songbook http://www.chordie.com/chords.php Chord Chart http://thenextlevelguitar.com/ my friend owns this company... just sign up for the forums and you get a link to some video tutorials..
  9. No prob, i have been trying to figure out the name of that movie for a while.... here's another one... Backdraft
  10. Yeah... it is pretty much your responsibility to keep your passwords to yourself. Also, an ip address may or may not help now-a-days considering that there are a lot of shared ip addresses
  11. I have some great beginner level songs that you can play on the guitar. If you know your G C D Em Am E chords you can probably play all the songs i have. Of course i use the Speed or Eagle Chords for G C D. Let me know if you would like what I have
  12. I thought he died while jumping from the rafters at a match and his harnes broke or something. Do you have any data to back up the fact that he was murdered/commited suicide?
  13. I was wondering the same thing. I couldn't tell what he was trying to say
  14. Thats a good ideah, but you can do the same by just pulling out the exact amount for 12 months of service, depending on the type of plan you have/want and just but 12 of them and apply all 12
  15. I guess thats the new look... I like it, I actually have a "shiny" header on my business website
  16. where you from awesomegamer??? age? you are either older or around my age lol 23 here
  17. that Sucks!!!! Sorry to hear about that.. I have sympathy for all the new orleanians. They went thru hell!
  18. Thats it!!!! That is such a great movie, and there was Short Circuit 2 also. If you haven't seen it... go rent it!
  19. Well i remember only so much from the 80's since i was born in 84, but i absolutely love 80s music.... for some reason, most of my "love songs" are from the 80's... that must have been a period of love lol
  20. I just thought of another one.... but can't think of the name of it, its about a lil robot that has like a mind of it's own. the name of the movie has circuit in it.
  21. well, i will agree with you on some points... they do seem to be taking books and turning them into movies, and then making the stupidest and most boring sequels to them.
  22. Ok, you play me once, shame on you... play me twice, shame on me... Tell me, how did you computer(s) get stollen 3 Times
  23. Well that answered my question, I always wondered why google was always on the active user list lol
  24. Well, Like a few of you have already mentioned, Helionet/Heliohost is free... why is everyone bitching lol. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now, if someone wanted to say, buy more space, or bandwidth, then that person and djbob need to discuss arrangements. DJBOB what are the chances that you would add a store item for increase in space or bandwidth or both for a certain ammount each month???
  25. I actually like things just the way they are. I hardly ever use the smilies, but when I do, what is there does me just fine. Thats All She Wrote!
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