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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. go to archive.com and type in google.com and use that.
  2. ohhh my everyday at 8:05pm easter standard time United states, go to store, bank and click on gather intrest
  3. I volunteer to be a beta tester lol
  4. No, your right they were flights 11 and 175, but their FCC call signs are different. 11 was Q33 NY... google it it can be found. also maybe www.fcc.gov The sign of david has something to do with afganistan and the jews... something or another, that can also be found on google.... here is a video that explains it all.... and here is my theory on the whole 9/11 accident. Someone orders all the generals to stand down and put vp in charge of the military... and he scrambles jets on a "hijacked plane drill" to canada leaving 2 fighter jets int he whole country to defend it if something were to happen. Flight 93 never crashed in PA, it landed here in ohio at cincinnatie airport, with thousands of eye witnesses and ATC (air traffic controller) recordings to prove it, but the govt. went with the lets roll heroic story about that "crash" the hole in the side of the pentegon was barely wide enough to get the body of a 747 thru it, so where were the wings? My thought on that is MISSILE The flashes of light before impact on both WTC buildings? MISSILES WTC Building 7 collapese just like 1 and 2 do with the same diagnal cut in the steel beams and falling controlled demolition style. Did you know that building 7 on the 23rd floor was more or less a "saferoom" for the mayor? but he insisted not going there If the govt. didnt have anything directly to do with it, they new about it, allowed it to happen, and knew they had to destroy any and all evidence so they made sure those building would be destroyed at all cost. This then gave them a reason to go control the worlds Number 1 Liquid gold OIL!!!! Here is the link to the 9/11 Q33 NY thing.... it explains it all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02QDZm7ED4o
  5. Now, I have not seen the loose change, but i am going to go download it via youtubex.com My point is this. Many DIFFERENT videos show the same thing on tower 2, a flash before the nose of the plane ever touched the building. "Extra" Components under that plane. Then look at the aftermath, the steel beams of the trade center, cute perfectly at an angle, like a controlled demolition with Thermite/Thermate? Comeone, definite government coverup!!! What about this? NO footage of the first plane hitting tower 1 was ever filmed except for the documentary crew, which it was just too far away, but you can still see the RED FIREY flash of light before the SHADOW of the plane on the building met with the plane. But Bush tells a kid in a P.C. Q&A that he first heard about it when he walked into the classroom there was a television on and he saw the first plane hit the first WTC building. BS!!! I honestly think, just to stay in office, that Bush will attempt to start a MAJOR war. Because, it is stated that during wartime and presidential canidacy time, there CAN NOT be a change in presidents untill the war is over. Bush is STUPID enough to do something like that, just to stay in office. IMPEACH THE BAST*RD!!!!
  6. When I heard about this I did a little more research on this. While going thru youtube i was watching some conspiracy vids about 9/11 and stuff like that, and the issue of our president pardoning a Criminal and someone part of his stafff outrages me. Heres something that might intrest you people...
  7. AWESOME... I want one!!! Here is a video its a parody of the product.
  8. Nice cam... I have a fujifilm also but different model Thank you. Its a good camera, I use it all the time for clients when I take pictures for their websites. Suits my needs just fine. Can I have your autograph now, that way when you become the next Ansel Adams, I can say yeah I know that person. Off topic, but ohh well, Meijers is great. High Quality, Low Prices Very true. I think that goes for any kind of art also. Are you sure you had fully charged batteries in it. Mine does that if I put halfway charged batteries in. It started getting too expensive, so I got rechargeables.
  9. Quoting the edit on this post... thats too funny. Which of you mods posted that. Secondly, the programs is not a virus, I use Novell. Its an ok program, but explorer.exe lol is if not just as good, better.
  10. Not true, I just tried it and it worked for me. Are you sure that your doing exactly as the instructions say. Why would they catch on??? If it did it before then thats how they programed it. There would be no reason why they would need to change it.
  11. Who pulled your tampon string???? LOL jk i am just tired of a certain thing/person is all lol But, just to let everyone know, in lowercase, i found a solution
  12. My bad lol
  13. It's a software in its self but is meant as a plugin for photoshop
  14. I found tha itunes was way too intrusive, but thats for me
  15. I LOVE Fairy Godparents
  16. 5. Avril Lavigne- When Your Gone 4. Plain White T's- Hey There Delilah 3. Hellogoodbye- Touchdown Turnaround 2. The Nixons- Sister 1. Three Dog Knight- Shambala
  17. are you able to completely powerdown the system and reboot?
  19. Well i live breath eat sleep web design. I do play the guitar and get into some online games.
  20. my site has been loading very slow too, but it's all my pages... consider a reboot?
  21. Yes, it was safe when djbob told us both in a previous post that the issue had been taken care of and credited us both helions for it. Then when you pm'd me I told you that it was good to go.
  22. looks like the same thing you get when you download the apache server for home
  23. ok... typically there is a wait period until your account becomes active. try to login to your cpanel after you the the your account has been approved email
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