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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. Would be interested in seeing the actual speed... Go to www.speedtest.net, run the test and then it gives you some html and/or bbcode so you can post your results here...
  2. Well, Just a couple of things. I have a Toshiba GigaBeat 20 gig. I LOVE IT and have never had any problems with it. The thing about your batter....always keep it on charge when your not using it. NEVER let it go completely dead.
  3. I used to be a cop in california, and I considered myself pretty smart. lol
  4. Take a look at this picutre. Would love to hear any of your "unfortunate" stories also.
  5. I found this picture online. Check it out and tell me what you guys and gals think.
  6. There is one I found but I am happy with Heliohost and Helionet. www.vlexo.com
  7. They should offer more if they are from new york... They got some HUGE cockroaches there
  8. The Cynic Project is a good set also do a search for Dance House Techno..... heres my favorite techno son ATB- Long way Home
  9. what task exactly are you wanting djbob to bump up for you?
  10. A 90-year-old man said to his doctor, "I've never felt better. I have an 18-year old bride who is pregnant with my child. What do you think about that?" The doctor considered his question for a minute and then said, "I have an elderly friend who is a hunter and never misses a season. One day when he was going out in a bit of a hurry, he accidentally picked up his umbrella instead of his gun. When he got to the Creek, he saw a rabbit sitting beside the stream. He raised his umbrella and went, 'bang, bang' and the rabbit fell dead. What do you think of that?" The 90-year-old said, "I'd say somebody else killed that rabbit." The doctor replied, "My point exactly."
  11. Hahahah nice one...can't beleive you actually moved it though ;D Wow this topic progressed a lot. Didn't read it for a while. But still really funnny. lol Thats why all the drama was started; because it got moved and someone got their feelings hurt that they thought that someone else thought their "serious" post was comic.
  12. LOL Thats great well put... I'm done with the issue NE how... How about them Buckeyes?
  13. Welcome Back!!! I remember you when I first started posting on Helionet. What happened to ya?
  14. Well, I have an associates degree in public speaking and business administration. I don't need someone to tell me that my language is not correct. My grammar is just fine, and I may use slang/short hand such as lol, but that is normal internet talk. I don't have to worry about being "sacked", I work for a very well known internet consulting and web design business. I do good work; I am professional at what I do, so therefore, I don't need a job as an "administrator". I am a Projects Manager and Personal Advisor/Consultant/"Secretary" of the President of the company. As to protect my character, I am not racist in ANY way. I may be bias in certain topics, such as politics, but I respect everyone's opinion. I only "went off" on 'DarKMaSk' because in his first post attacking DJBOB, he brought me in the middle of it. Therefore, is proof enough that I did not provoke him until provoked. I am not going to stand by and let someone tell me, who is probably not even of age, that I need to go back to school and learn the English Language, especially when I have an Associates in the subject. I have changed the font to red for your "grammatical errors". This is just the quote, and not any of your other posts or the full post that the quote came from. This comes from someone who tells me to go back to school. Why don't you just worry about finishing school! **DJBOB** QUOTE by DarkMask I don't need to say any word on my comment, because I think they are right and regarding bad language, it was started by RK. I just replied in his language. QUOTE by DJBOB He may have started it, but you acted just as immaturely by responding in the same way. You are both guilty. If you thought was he was doing was wrong, why did you do the same? Please provide me with the post in which I "Started" this argument...
  15. I am pretty sure that you're going to get banned, and ip addy blocked. Thats why I am not going to be reposting to your childish comments anymore. Dam-ned is not a bad word. You have not seen me post one word that has been bleeped on here. You're talking about "language being a gentlemens language"... your one to talk with your previous posts as evidence. As far as you being made of rock... rock can be easily turned into dust my friend..... and as far as me being a "child"... i would almost bet that I am older than you are. So lets not go there.... As far as me looking for the mods... it means that this should have been taken off, and you blocked and banned by now. With that said, this is the last post that that I am making in response to your childish, ignorant, and immature posts. Good Day! God Bless, I'll pray for you.... Ohh and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
  16. Thank you AG.... and if anyone would like to see some sites that I have designed myself thru the company I work for.... not just updating, feel free to ask and I will make a list of the 12 or so sites that I have developed, designed, and still maintain.
  17. Try this out..... thats my personal website.... i will design it how i see fit, try going to www.allacart.com, i designed that site along with many others. So, I would like to see some sites that you have designed. If you have any questions reguarding my site designs, feel free to email me at my company email address richard.kuehne@adamedia.net
  18. first off, i dont run anything on here but my own website www.standupamerica.co.nr and secondly, if anyone is being sucked out of money its the forum/host owner DJBOB who graciously pays for all domains that get registered by helions, and stuff like that. I am trying to more mature that you are being by not going off on you (darkmask) but I am going to be nice and cordial about it. You really should just crawl back under the rock you came from. Where are all the mods?
  19. I will pray for you... so much hate!
  20. Funny you would mention age, but, there seems to be lots of minors registered on here. Not that I have anything against minors joining a forum, but could that be the reason why there has been a boost in necromancy and spam like posts?
  21. ok fair enough
  22. Quantum Media LLC


    Well, Like I have said, if the issue has been resolved or the topic goes so long without a post, then it needs to be locked/closed. If someone see's that they have another different/better solution that what had been posted, they can pm the originator of the topic. That may stop the necromancy
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