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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. Well, I have never had djbob say anything to me, and typically until here recently, there hasn't been much need for backseat modding, and when i do it its a friendly reminder. I figure that a user saying something might make them realize that they messed up before admin has to intervene
  2. WHOA@!!!! Hold the phone, who are you to be making a post like this. From your username with only 2 post and goups as members, dont be telling me that i am backseat modding.... your not a moderator your self, so tell me, how do plan on banning someone without the powers
  3. Here ya go... http://www.needasig.com/
  4. Thats what *67 is for... to block your telephone number
  5. Quantum Media LLC


    Not a good ideah, noobs or people who need help with a topic can search the forum and find the old post and get their assitance thru those posts. That and it helps with the search engines since they search the pages for content.
  6. Post this in the Heliohost Customer Service Forum as described in the Forum Guidelines on how and where to post appropriate forum postings.
  7. I wouldmake it for a step below the current version. I suppose that it would be compatible with the current version. If not I would make one for the current and previous version.
  8. Yes, they do charge for pop and smtp access. I know of a program that will get it for you. Not too sure about the rules on me posting the name of it here, since it is more or less cheating yahoo. If you want the name and link to it, just pm I will be more than glad to give it to you.
  9. My bad, yeah everything is case sensitive. Sorry about the misconception of your post
  10. Hey guys and fans of World of Warcraft I was doing some googling and found this pretty neat WOW banner/sig/wallpaper generator. Let me know what you guys think http://worldof.leufven.se/
  11. He doesnt make people mods who "beg" for it... trust me been there, done that
  12. It wouldnt matter how old she is... she's annoying and she is a "she" ...read between the lines lol
  14. sorry, my bad it was me... used to using webmaster as my email address on all my sites... kinda sliped i guess
  15. Amen, she has been on my nerves ever since she started that show.
  16. Time to upgrade there buddy.... but do not get vista, i would suggest xp pro, but if you aren't on a network xp home should work just fine.
  17. I like gmail... one, i can archive my messages, even after they have been displayed locally in outlook. 2, i have never not gotten any emails lost through gmail. GMAIL ALL THE WAY@@@SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT@@@ DOWN WITH YAHOO MAIL.
  18. As posted before, it takes time to validate, depending on when DJBOB gets around to it. Also, if you have a heliohost issue, you only have to post it once to get attention. Stand by on the validation and keep trying to login untill you are able to successfully login.....
  19. I would love to get my hands on a copy of that film. I hear it's excellent and makes many good points. Will have to check it out sometime
  20. you can't you get it once a day and if you dont for that day you loose that day's intrest
  21. what is zboard and wow?
  22. Thats like the pot calling the kettle black. How can you say in one post that you would tell someone that it is their choice to be "gay" and then turn around and use the phrase it was kinda gay. I take offense in that....
  23. thats funny... there are some out the where you can prank people yourself, you just select the person you want and it comes up with a list of phrases they have.
  24. I think that if it is a support issue of any kind, that we should be able to request the topic to be closed. I have had issues that have been solved and someone decides that they want to post something in that topic
  25. LOL tell me... What does ads have anything to do with people being stupid? lol
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