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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. I was wondering if anyone knew either how to or a program that will display what is being shown on a "local" computer/monitor over other certain computers in a network or workgroup???? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. I believe that CPanel has a forward and redirect feature, i am just not too sure if you can redirect or forward just pages.
  3. krazy has the most logical way to do this (I am speaking vulcan) V
  4. the link doesnt work, but take out the space in between java and script. the browsers don't know what java script is but know what javascript is.
  5. THOSE WERE GREAT!!!! I got my family doctor one day. I got this HUGE bull nose ring and clipped it "down south" where they grow "tea" and put them in "bags" lol its was just a clip on, but when he went to do my physical, he did the whole drop yer drawers turn and cough... but when the pants fell, he bout fell out of his chair!!!! lol
  6. i think that goes in any relationship.... my boyfriend is just like that!!!
  7. I FOUND ONE!!!! it's called RivaEncoder.... it was originally used to MAKE .flv files. But it uses the same encoder/decoder thats used to make the mpegs. I have it on my website and here is the link that describes how to make a .mpg with it... http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/how...pg-t259578.html This will tell you how to convert it.... http://www.diddlemybug.com/riva.exe the link to the program mentioned in the link above Any questions feel free to hit me up
  8. "It is perfectly legal to remix songs, as long as you are not selling your remixes. And yes, you must have permission from the original artist if you plan to sell your remixes." I had to ask a producing company the same question when i did acoustic solo's of songs that I liked and put on cd's. The only diff. with me was i was not selling these cd's they were gifts to friends and family
  9. well, if the rich bastards like trump or gates would fund them i think that would eliminate some of the vandalism
  10. those are some pretty awesome wallpapers i like the first one of the fetus
  11. i just saw american wedding.... WAS NOT impressed
  12. a good game that i have is called Secret Service: Security Breach. Its an ActiVision game... go check it out!
  13. The movie that i could watch over and over again would be any of the cruel intentions that has Ryan Phillipe in it. He is hott!!!!
  14. I found out today that pirating software is perfectly legal in other countries. They don't follow the standard laws here in the United States the pertain to software licensing unless the company has offices/divisions based in the country.
  15. I would have to disagree with the whole front page/dreamweaver thing. It is too invasive and adds too much coding. And what you see is NOT what you get lol. Best thing to do is learn the root html coding language and go from there. I picked it up in about 3 weeks of litterally being thrown into it with VERY LITTLE html coding knowledge. I took some BASIC html coding in High School, but that was years ago, and our core learning tool was, unfortunately, frontpage. My BIMM (Business Image Management and Multimedia) teacher would probably [bleeped!] her pants if she knew that I do advanced html coding, without frontpage!!! lol
  16. Well, I have recently installed a program called Eye Candy. IT IS AWESOME!!! I suggest you guys download the free version of it, if there is one, I made the flames in my header of my personal site with it. There are a bunch of other "filters" that you can apply to your photo's and text in photoshop.
  17. i have decided to just stick with the .flv files i have on my system now. It has a self contained container to play the files so it's all good. Thanks for all your help peeps
  18. well, i think that software companies will all start using telephone register. Your product will not work unelss you call us and get a product code, and it can only be used once.
  19. will have to check that out... there are no bandwidth caps set on the router
  20. exactly ehat is an iphone and what are it's uses???
  21. did you make your facotry restore disk??? if not and you still have access to the operating systm i suggest doing so and then rebooting the compter withthe disk inside
  22. Wrong. Security-wise, Linux is a powerhouse. Don't say that no one uses it. The majority of webservers run Linux and that's what Linux was designed for. Linux is more than mainstream for the internet world, it's the lifeblood of it. We just don't notice it. What do you think Helionet is on? Microsoft Windows Server 2003? Hardly. Linux has been the target of web hackers for ages ever since it started out and gained. However, it still stands strong as one of the most stable and secure servers. Why? It was built for security, and in the rare case a threat surfaces, it's quickly fixed. You don't hear things all over Digg about how a Linux server was haxxored do you? What you guys need to realise is how popular and main-stream Linux is, not as a desktop, but as a server. On the user side, Linux benefits from being built a server OS and so does Mac for using FreeBSD as their core. Everything is run in user-mode (as does Vista). The only way a virus could even have a chance of doing damage is to do it in a root account. Therefore, a virus that auto-executes (doesn't happen in Vista, but those below Vista), even if possible, can't do too much harm. I'm not saying that it's invulnerable, I'm saying that as a desktop OS, it's already well-equipped as far as security goes. Very Good Points
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