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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Thanks for the donation. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=matyka
  2. Krydos

    Plesk ETA

    AutoSSL only works if you have a valid cPanel license. You can create a free SSL certificate manually using something like ZeroSSL or Let's Encrypt and then upload it to /home/johansx and we can install it for you. Do not upload it to public_html or any directory within public_html. Having a compromised SSL certificate is worse than not having SSL at all. Once the SSL certificate is uploaded create a new post in customer service. Do not reply to this news post. I'll leave the question and answer here though so if anyone else has the same question they can find it easily. Once your account is moved to Plesk it will automatically have SSL installed and renewed as before.
  3. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=lutymolinsradio.live
  4. Thanks for the donations. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=jonahm The reason the gofundme donation wasn't showing up is because you used an email address beginning with tenka instead of the j.ma- email address. I merged them for you.
  5. What method did you use to donate? That doesn't look like a paypal transaction ID.
  6. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=peace2u.heliohost.org
  7. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=daskunk.heliohost.org
  8. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=namelessrumia.heliohost.org
  9. Thanks for the donations. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=alobel1 The reason we have the lonestar part in your email is because that is the email address you used when you created your paypal account. You should log in to paypal and change your email address there.
  10. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=swlabr.heliohost.us
  11. The certificate in /home/fuzmic/0fr/ expires in 11 days, but I installed it anyways. https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=peace2u.heliohost.org I think someone else was saying that ZeroSSL won't issue a new certificate until after the old one expires, so you probably just downloaded the old certificate again instead of making a new one.
  12. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=anachor
  13. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=shinjuker.com
  14. @laflAre you the same person as Thorast, or do you want your donation to count towards Thorast's account?
  15. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=timerestart.ga and https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=ardin.es Please don't upload private files to public_html where anyone can download them. Using compromised SSL certificates is worse than not even having SSL at all.
  16. When it was undeployed it was because people were saying that log4j-api and log4j-core were vulnerable. Now they're saying that log4j-api is safe. Redeployed.
  17. I found the donation. It was from your .tk email address. Thanks for the donation. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=osims65
  18. Did you donate more than $10? https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=thorast
  19. Krydos

    VPS Sale Ending

    You would lose it. All new subscriptions that you would need to create must adhere to the new pricing plan.
  20. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=mohapps.ml
  21. Thanks for the donations. Yes, cryptocurrency donations have to be manually entered into the database. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=mohapps
  22. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=vanisk.heliohost.org
  23. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=arabdoctors.eu.org
  24. Thanks for the donation. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=trenten
  25. Thanks for the donation. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=codercat
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