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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. It causes a lot of load to boot up all of the VPS. Sparkie's cpu was pegged at 100% for like 3 hours last night powering on all the VPS so it's expected that there would be slowness and time outs. Also keep in mind that, like Balloons said, Johnny hasn't been moved to the newly installed hard drives yet so he is still causing slowness for the VPS at this time. Johnny will be moved in the next couple days which will result in a few hours of downtime for Johnny and slowness for the VPS during that time due to the hard drives being pegged at 100% usage. Once Johnny is moved and the dust has settled, that is when the VPS will finally get their long awaited speed improvement.
  2. You'll receive an email when your VPS is done.
  3. Nope, it shouldn't be a problem. Since you're using ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org as your nameservers the transfer script can just edit the A record to transfer your domain to the new server when your account is moved.
  4. I'm training Yashrs to help me with VPS work.
  5. If you upload files to cPanel and then get moved to Plesk the new files and changes will transfer over so feel free to continue trying to update your site as best as you can. We will not be restoring the backups we made a month ago onto the Plesk servers. Those were just provided for anyone who wants to download a copy of everything. We will be copying directly from the broken cPanel server straight into Plesk.
  6. Yes, to add to what Wolstech already said, a lot of our VPS users that signed up since cPanel revoked our licenses did so as a temporary measure to keep their websites online while Plesk was being installed. Like Wolstech said some of them will likely switch back to shared hosting once it's available. I should also add that no one is being downgraded without their permission. If they're happy with their VPS service they can of course continue using it. Some people choose to have a shared hosting account in addition to their VPS as well which is fine too.
  7. Yes, Ricky and Johnny should take significantly less time because the same process and scripts that we developed with Tommy can be copied to the other servers rather than having to rewrite them from scratch again.
  8. I'm actually training Yashrs to help me with VPS.
  9. There you go root@tommy [/home/krydos]# dig +short A @ns1.heliohost.org norden.heliohost.us root@tommy [/home/krydos]# dig +short A @ns2.heliohost.org norden.heliohost.us It may take a couple hours to propagate through the whole internet. Were you ready for me to cancel your VPS46 payment to make sure it doesn't charge again in September?
  10. Krydos

    Database Cleanup

    Too early to tell for sure as that hasn't been tested yet. It might be better with Plesk.
  11. Yes, please remind me again when things have settled down a bit.
  12. Is this more important than getting all the cPanel accounts moved over to Plesk?
  13. There you go root@tommy [/home/krydos]# dig +noall +answer -x 2001:470:1:1ee::44 14400IN PTR mail.itslucas.win.
  14. Wordpess is the worst, but Moodle and Magento are pretty bloated too. They aren't used nearly as much as Wordpress though. Phpbb causes basically no load as far as I can tell.
  15. Hurricane Electric has delegated control to us, but they only restart their nameservers once a day so it will be tomorrow morning some time probably at the earliest that this will be done.
  16. SFTP on Tommy should be working again now.
  17. Waiting for Hurricane Electric to delegate control over our ipv6 block to us.
  18. It looks like nginx wasn't running for some reason. I ran the command sudo systemctl start nginx and everything seems to be working now. You can start processes through the Hestia web ui too I believe.
  19. Another possibility that would solve this problematic VPS is after we rebuild Ricky with Plesk our old Stevie server will be sitting empty. If his high load continues and if he renews I will probably end up offering him the whole Stevie server where he can use as much drive I/O and CPU as he wants because he'll have the whole server to himself.
  20. When I was picking out the hard drives for the fundraiser I really wanted to get SSDs, but I ran the numbers and it just isn't really feasible. It costs $1885.95 for less than 2 TB of SSD. That means even if we filled the raid array with forty 50 GB VPS's at $4.00 per month it would take us 22 months to break even. On the other hand we can get the same storage from 10K enterprise quality SAS hard drives for less than $300. Furthermore, it's possible our CPU and memory could end up being the bottleneck if we got super fast drives and that would make all that extra money pointless anyways. Furtherfurthermore, even if we got super fast SSDs it's possible that the servers would fight for drive I/O and cause each other to be much slower than if we set up multiple separate cheap raid arrays instead of having one big one. You're right though, disk access is definitely the cause of the VPS being pretty slow, but we realized that back in September last year so that's why we created a fundraiser to buy new hard drives. The fundraiser was successful and we'll be installing the new drives on August 30th. We're hoping that the VPS performance will go back to the pre-Johnny levels. We'll see.
  21. Thanks for noticing that. I knew Debian 11 was close to being released so I was checking for it a couple weeks ago. Debian 11 iso has been uploaded to the server, and the option has been added to the VPS signup page. That is an excellent plan, and it will work well.
  22. The problematic VPS is being problematic again. The same guy as the last time we had issues with VPS being slow. My personal VPS is usually about 0.25-0.50 load and nice and fast, but right now it's at 3.46 load and quite slow too. Another person's VPS is usually about 0.75-1.00 load and he's around 5.00 right now. I noticed the same thing over the last day, so just to see if he's the problem I shutdown his VPS and as soon as it was powered off the load on my VPS dropped to about 0.25 within a few minutes. This problematic VPS paid us $259.20 for his server so it's a difficult situation because you can't tell him he can't use his VPS at all, but at the same time it's not fair to everyone else if he hogs all the CPU and disk I/O. Honestly though, I'm sick of dealing with his high load so I hope he doesn't renew in a few months when it expires. HelioHost lost money every year for 6 years from 2013-2019 so we really need the money though. 2020 was our first year since 2012 that we actually gained a little money partially because of this guys huge VPS payment. Another thing to consider is Johnny hogs a lot of CPU and disk I/O too so that causes VPS to be slower too. When we realized that Johnny was causing issues with the VPS we started a fundraiser to buy new hard drives so we can separate Johnny from the VPS. The fundraiser was successful and we will be installing the new hard drives on August 30th. After we move Johnny off to his own hard drive that should improve VPS performance too. I'll contact this guy again and see if there's anything we can do to reduce his load.
  23. After you're on Plesk remote mysql will be available.
  24. The upgrade is done and it looks like your VPS booted up alright. Check it out and make sure everything is working still and all your data is intact.
  25. I see the payment, and you're good for 6 months now. Since you are upgrading your storage space that means I need to resize the partition. I've never lost data before, but whenever your resize a partition there is a chance that something could go wrong and you could lose everything on the drive. For that reason I always recommend people take a full backup of any files they can't lose before I do the upgrade. Let me know when you're done backing everything up and I'll do the upgrade. It usually only takes about 30 minutes of downtime.
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