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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Media.net allows you to block certain keywords from appearing in ads... ... ...and of course it doesn't even work. I have paper, lantern, paper lantern, etc blocked, but it still does that. We get a little ad revenue just from people viewing the ads though, and that's better than not getting any ad revenue at all. We can't use adsense on cpanel ads because adsense is really strict about not sending them personally identifiable information, and since cpanel deals with email addresses those are considered PII. We used to have adsense on cpanel and we almost got our account blocked because of that PII issue. An idea I've had that could fix that is I could duplicate the paper_lantern theme and name it something like free_hosting instead. I should put some effort into that because if people were actually interested in the ads we could probably make a lot more money.
  2. The plan was to upgrade to the latest stable version possible. Obviously we don't upgrade Tomcat very often because it usually takes a complete rewrite of all of our code to make it work. I suppose we could upgrade Tommy to 10 and leave Johnny at 8.5 for a while until enough people are able to rewrite their code to support 10.
  3. That error can be caused by having a corrupt .pearrc file. I deleted yours and it looks like it recreated with valid contents. It looks like your account is just using the default php which used to be 7.3. When I installed 7.4 and 8.0 it made 7.4 the default, which is fine, but it seems like it changed some people's php version. So it may be that you were using 7.3 before, and it was all working, and then it stopped working when you were forced to switch to 7.4. I switched you back to 7.3. Does everything work like it used to? If so you can continue using 7.3 or upgrade to 7.4 or 8.0 when you feel like it.
  4. I moved your account to Johnny, enabled java for you, and deployed your .war http://ds3cheatersblocker.heliohost.org/cridus_ds3cb/ Let us know if you need help with anything else, and as we said in the news post as soon as Tommy is done you can move back if your .war will support Tomcat 10.0.
  5. There is no user with the username 'user'. The mysql user that you create has to have your cpanel username and an underscore. The part that comes after the underscore you choose yourself when you create the user. All together it would look like zuhib_admin or something like that. You need to edit your config file and put a real mysql user not the example user_admin.
  6. Gmail receives emails from my Tommy account just fine. The most recent gmail issues were actually our firewall blocking gmail for opening too many connections. The gmail ips are whitelisted now.
  7. Postgresql on Ricky is working fine for me. Can you be any more specific what you mean by "a problem"?
  8. Thanks for the well organized and informative post. I'm sure this will help a lot of people.
  9. I was looking at the logs for yesterday, and your account requested java like 30 times which is ridiculous in and of itself. You only need to request java once, and then wait patiently for it to be installed. There's a reason the request button goes away after you click it. Literally hundreds if not thousands of accounts have successfully requested java and received it with this system, and yours is the only account that has ever spammed up the logs like this. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, even after the system installed java for you your account continued requesting java another 30 or so times. Obviously something is seriously broken with your account so I suspended it so it wouldn't cause any issues with anyone else's accounts receiving or using java. If this continues we may need to delete your account and recreate it. Unsuspended.
  10. I don't believe there is a limit, but try to limit yourself to 128 MB or so. If you need more than that you should get a VPS.
  11. Since you requested kamoga unsuspended first, I went ahead and did it. Please limit yourself to 1 account from now on.
  12. Your account was suspended because our systems detected that you might have more than one account. We understand that no one ever reads our terms, but as a reminder, our Terms of Service state that each user is allowed to have only one account. The reason we have to enforce this rule is because our servers are already overloaded the way it is, and it wouldn't be fair to everyone that is turned away each day for you to have more than one when so many others have none. One common reason people create more than one account is to get around our storage limit of 1000 MB. Did you know that we will give you another 1000 MB of storage for each $5 USD donation you make up to 5000 MB total? If you'd like to increase the storage of your account just make a donation and then let us know your transaction ID and username. Another common reason people create more than one account is to host more than one website. Did you know that you can host as many websites on your one account as you want? Unlike a lot of free hosts we offer unlimited alias domains, unlimited addon domains, and unlimited subdomains. If you need any help adding another website to your account just let us know. Another common reason people create more than one account is to try out several servers at once, or to transfer a website between accounts on different servers. Did you know that an admin can move your account for you for as little as a $1 USD donation? This will save you the trouble of signing up again, and deleting your account, etc. Sometimes our systems flags you as possibly having more than one account when you share a computer with family, friends, coworkers, other students, etc. If this is your situation we apologize for the suspension, and we'll be happy to unsuspend all of the involved accounts after you provide proof that each of the accounts belong to a different person.
  13. You're on Ricky now. Thanks for helping to balance the servers. If you ever decide you want to be moved back to Tommy for free just reference this post.
  14. That can happen sometimes when the roundcube database gets corrupted. I rebuilt the roundcube databases for admin and h.von. Can you log in to roundcube now?
  15. Yes, you would need to generate a new static site each time you made a change.
  16. 500 errors are caused by the server running out of memory. Memory is a finite quantity so if 500 people are all trying to run wordpress the server will run out of memory. We don't have the resources to allocate 256 GB of memory to each server, nor do we have the resources to only put 10 wordpress sites on each server like big paid hosting companies. Wordpress is one of the most memory hungry software you can possibly run. If your account uses too much memory it causes a 500 errors for everyone on the server. The best solution to 500 errors and a slow wordpress site is this wordpress plugin https://krydos.gitbook.io/heliohost/tutorials/wp2static It's a fairly new guide that hasn't been merged into the main HelioHost wiki so let us know how it goes if you try it. That's the hope. Even a paid server is going to have a finite amount of memory so it's always possible to run out, but we're hoping that a new server will help balance out the over crowdedness of Tommy and help both servers have less 500 errors.
  17. Are you running an adblocker? The domain context.media.net is the ads we put on cpanel. We give away free hosting, but our data center doesn't give away free cabinet space for our servers. We have to use ads to make a little bit of money to pay the bills so we can continue providing free hosting.
  18. Tommy is working for me. When you login at heliohost.org does it say your IP address is blocked? If so could you tell us which IP needs to be unblocked? The IP you posted this message from is not blocked.
  19. The Tommy account edyu has been unarchived.
  20. Since you requested doretha9 to be unsuspended first it will be, and the rest will remain suspended.
  21. Your account was suspended because our systems detected that you might have more than one account. We understand that no one ever reads our terms, but as a reminder, our Terms of Service state that each user is allowed to have only one account. The reason we have to enforce this rule is because our servers are already overloaded the way it is, and it wouldn't be fair to everyone that is turned away each day for you to have more than one when so many others have none. One common reason people create more than one account is to get around our storage limit of 1000 MB. Did you know that we will give you another 1000 MB of storage for each $5 USD donation you make up to 5000 MB total? If you'd like to increase the storage of your account just make a donation and then let us know your transaction ID and username. Another common reason people create more than one account is to host more than one website. Did you know that you can host as many websites on your one account as you want? Unlike a lot of free hosts we offer unlimited alias domains, unlimited addon domains, and unlimited subdomains. If you need any help adding another website to your account just let us know. Another common reason people create more than one account is to try out several servers at once, or to transfer a website between accounts on different servers. Did you know that an admin can move your account for you for as little as a $1 USD donation? This will save you the trouble of signing up again, and deleting your account, etc. Sometimes our systems flags you as possibly having more than one account when you share a computer with family, friends, coworkers, other students, etc. If this is your situation we apologize for the suspension, and we'll be happy to unsuspend all of the involved accounts after you provide proof that each of the accounts belong to a different person.
  22. Permission for a personal and a business account granted. Before I unarchive anything, do you need a backup of the Johnny account?
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