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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Your VPS expires on the 19th which is still 2 days away so that's why you haven't received a reminder yet. If you want to pay month to month you can upgrade to the Mars plan and renew with this link https://www.heliohost.org/vps/pay/?mem=2&cpu=4&hdd=100&os=ubuntu20&sub=1month If you want a 10% discount you can pay for 6 months in advance and upgrade to the Mars plan with this link https://www.heliohost.org/vps/pay/?mem=2&cpu=4&hdd=100&os=ubuntu20&sub=6month
  2. You can add as many domains as you want to your VPS. You don't have to use vps51.heliohost.us at all if you don't want to. I mainly just made those vps# domains for myself so I don't have to do a database lookup each time to see what the IP of each vps is. The normal price is 1 GB memory, 2 CPUs, and 50 GB storage for $4 per month. You got 1 GB memory for free for a total of 2 GB memory.
  3. Excellent advise that I always do as well because I've made that same mistake and learned the hard way. If you right click the putty title bar you can select duplicate session to make a new ssh connection to the same server quickly and easily. If the second putty window doesn't connect you know you have a problem, and if you close the first window you will lose all access.
  4. Do you have access to the n**cloud@gmail.com email address?
  5. I reset the password on your abisheak account back to the default password it started with, logged in, and ran the command sudo ufw allow 8143/tcp I also deleted the old firewall rules for port 22 since they are no longer in use. Can you login to ssh now?
  6. The first few times this happened after our cPanel licenses were revoked I assumed it was because cPanel was no longer rotating the logs correctly without a license. This time I did a little more digging and found that there are almost 10 GB of unprocessed emails. Emails haven't been working since the licenses were revoked so all the emails have just been piling up. I managed to get email working again so hopefully it will start clearing out all of these emails which should solve the /var being full and solve the issue that people have been having with email not working as well.
  7. PHP 7.3 is available. PostgreSQL 13.3 is available. MariaDB 10.6 is available. MySQL is not avaialble. Plesk says it has Composer built in. I haven't tried it yet though so that would be a great thing for you to test. Composer is never really a requirement anyways because you can always run it on your home PC and then just upload the vendor directory. It doesn't have to be run on the server. I don't think this is available, but once again it's just a package manager so you can run the command on your home pc and upload the node_modules directory. You can choose between Node 12, 10, or 8. Node 14 is not currently available. PHP 8.0 is available.
  8. Well, most people have a list of things they need like PHP 7.3+ and Mysql for instance. Or someone else might need Node.js and PostgreSQL. I think it's simpler for people to ask "Is this feature available?" than for me spend an hour trying to think of every little thing that the server is capable of providing, and then probably forgetting a few anyways. Furthermore, if you need a feature that isn't available yet letting us know that you need it is a great way to get it prioritized to be available sooner.
  9. Yes, you'll be able to use that domain with Plesk. Yes, you will still have the same storage space available on Plesk.
  10. Plesk uses Passenger just the same as cPanel, so probably not. What do you need? Yes, you will get an email explaining how to login to the new panel.
  11. The URL to create a new account is https://www.heliohost.org/signup/ but Plesk isn't available yet and you can't create new accounts right now.
  12. That looks like instructions for installing the server. So if you have a Windows server and you wanted to allow users to create accounts on your Windows server. You wouldn't use that as a regular user unless you buy a Windows VPS and want to resell hosting or something.
  13. Yeah, the iOS app has similar reviews. One guy called it a "glorified web browser" because it just loads the web UI for the most part instead of being an actual app.
  14. You'll need to create a new account on Plesk once signups are available again. Then extract the data you need from your backup and upload it to your new Plesk account. Once signups are available we can send you an invite to recreate your account on the same server so you don't have to signup at midnight UTC again.
  15. There are iOS and Android apps, that regular users and admins can use instead of the browser web-based UI. I haven't tried the app yet.
  16. What Plesk clients source code are you referring to? We have access to all of the server code, and can modify it as much as we want I suppose. The main problem with editing their core code though is any future updates overwrite your changes. This is what we did with cPanel and every time we did an update we would have to go back through and apply all of our changes again. That's why we didn't update cPanel very often. Anyone can download the Plesk code by setting up a VM/VPS and installing Plesk on it with a full featured 15 day trial license.
  17. I think the log rotation stopped working because of not having a cPanel license. I cleaned up /var on Tommy a bit.
  18. It's really personal preference if you want to change your main domain to something other than vps40.heliohost.us. If you do decide to change it just let me know and I can change the reverse dns to match it. For now though your reverse dns is set root@tommy [/home/krydos]# dig +noall +answer -x 86400 IN CNAME 197.subnet192.141.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 197.subnet192.141.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 14400 IN PTR vps40.heliohost.us.
  19. If it's not in that backup you'll have to restore it from a backup that you made yourself.
  20. Your backup has been added to https://www.heliohost.org/backup/
  21. We've never set up a Plesk server before so it's hard to say.
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