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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Yep, you're right. Not sure why it was missing from ns2. As a bonus I created an AAAA record for you in case you want to support IPv6 on your domain. Make sure your webserver knows to respond on 2001:470:1:1ee::15 root@brody [/home/krydos]# dig +short A @ns1.heliohost.org norden.heliohost.us root@brody [/home/krydos]# dig +short A @ns2.heliohost.org norden.heliohost.us root@brody [/home/krydos]# dig +short AAAA @ns1.heliohost.org norden.heliohost.us 2001:470:1:1ee::15 root@brody [/home/krydos]# dig +short AAAA @ns2.heliohost.org norden.heliohost.us 2001:470:1:1ee::15 If you'd rather not deal with IPv6 let me know and I can delete the AAAA records again.
  2. The username is hchang just like the forum account, and the forum email address matches the VPS account too. Your subscription has been canceled and you won't be charged again. Thank you for using our VPS service.
  3. I scoured the logs and it looks like you created your account on 2020-06-13, and then deleted it sometime during the next 5 months before 2020-11-05. We didn't log deletions back then so I don't know the exact date. The only people who are being transferred are people who have active accounts. If you're interested in signing up for a new account I can add you to the waitlist so you'll get an email when signups are available again.
  4. Ubuntu's newest OS has been out for long enough, and enough software supports it that we're going to make it the default choice for new VPS now. If you signup for a VPS please make sure all of your software will work, and if not you can select Ubuntu 20 or any other OS we offer from the custom option during the signup process.
  5. There you go https://heliohost.org/eta/?u=ytmusic You're currently #184 which at the current rate will be about 18 days. Everything seems to be going well though so we may raise the rate of invites.
  6. You can either use our nameservers which are ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org OR You can use any external DNS provider, Cloudflare is a popular free choice, by creating an A record pointed to You're on cPanel currently, but after you're transferred that would the IP address to set. Right now we're moving 10 accounts per day, but we're considering raising that amount. Without a donation you're currently #745 https://heliohost.org/eta/?u=atomicbob in line to be moved over so at 10 invites per day it would take 74 days, or for even just $1 donation it would move you up to October 20th at our current rate. Please note that the rate of invites can be raised or lowered or stopped entirely depending on if we run into any serious issues or if things are going well. So far everything is looking good though.
  7. Ahhh, that's interesting. I've never heard that one before. Glad you got it working.
  8. I reset your password thinking maybe your user was created without wheel privileges, and then tried logging in. login as: huberret huberret@'s password: Last login: Mon Sep 26 07:57:10 2022 from <removed> To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>". See "man sudo_root" for details. huberret@vps74:~$ sudo su [sudo] password for huberret: root@vps74:/home/huberret# whoami root root@vps74:/home/huberret# The sudo su command works for me. I set your password back to what it was. Maybe try using the passwd command to change the huberret user's password and see if you can do sudo su after that.
  9. Your VPS account has been updated to have the contact email address you DM'd me in addition to your Gmail. When there is a need to contact you we will send an email to both addresses. It's very odd to me that sudo su would work for hundreds of other VPS that we've created using the exact same process for years, and then suddenly doesn't work for you. I guess anything is possible though. I'll take a look.
  10. You're right, the A records for your .com weren't changed correctly. I have fixed them. Due to DNS caching it may take a few hours for the change to propagate through the internet during which time you may still see the old website. You can check https://dnschecker.org/#A/bockowski.com for an idea of how far along the change has gone. is the wrong cPanel ip, is the correct Plesk ip.
  11. What is your username? There was an account named heirloom created in 2017, but the email address of that hosting account doesn't match your disposable email address on this forum account. EDIT: I just noticed this was posted 7 months ago. Not sure why the forum just suddenly decided to show it to me as a new unread topic.
  12. Your account has been deleted and I sent an invite to create a new account to your email address you use for this forum account. Let us know if you have any issues.
  13. Great news! We are now sending out invites to donors again starting immediately. We started sending new account creation invites using slightly modified cPanel code a while back, but quickly realized that there were too many bugs. We decided to start over entirely and redesign the new account creation process again from the ground up with Plesk in mind. It was a lot more work, but we think it was worth it. The previous cPanel new account creation code has remained largely untouched since it was implemented in 2016, and we created over 100k accounts using that old code. We've learned a lot from our time creating so many accounts, and we hope that the new Plesk code will perform even better. We also have more great news! Gmail has begun delivering our emails instead of deleting them. More often than not the emails end up in the spam box, but if you flag them as not spam future emails will be delivered to the inbox. It's a great step in the right direction, and a lot better than our invites being deleted entirely. If you're not a big fan of email, or you're afraid you'll miss your invite in the spam box you can link your Discord account or improve your position in the queue using the ETA page https://heliohost.org/eta/ All of the HelioHost staff are really excited to be able to create new accounts again, and we're hoping this feature rollout will go smoothly. Once all the donors are on Plesk we will begin moving the free accounts as well. We will start out only sending a few invites per day, but as the new account creation gets well tested we will increase the rate of invites. Now that new account creation is implemented we can turn our attention to other tasks such as getting Django and Flask running on Tommy, setting up Johnny, and adding or deleting domains through Plesk. If you have any issues or have any questions let us know.
  14. You can probably change the permissions of everything to make it work for both users. 644 = read/write by owner, read by group, and read by other. Your colleague's account is going to count as other so if you set the file's permission to 666 he should be able to edit those files. Filezilla has an option to recursively change all file permissions with just a few clicks so that might be the best solution for you. This isn't a Plesk issue, it's a Linux issue. Permissions like this have been in effect in Unix since like the 70s or so. It's a security feature to prevent other users on the same server from altering your files unless you want them to.
  15. DM sent. Are you running sudo su or just sudo?
  16. Yes, we are planning on adding Discord linking to both shared hosting account and VPS. However, Plesk requires an email address on file, and VPS use PayPal for payments so they require an email address on file as well. Once your Discord account is linked to your HelioHost account you will receive all of your notifications via Discord.
  17. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=swlabr.heliohost.us
  18. Postmaster tools doesn't actually increase the chances of emails being delivered. It just gives you some information on why emails might not going through so you can try to fix it. If you send an email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ and post the results we can go through the list of problems and get them fixed. Most likely you don't have DKIM or SPF set up correctly or something. Even with perfect emails the chances of Gmail not deleting your emails are slim though. You're better off just not using Gmail anymore.
  19. I see permission denied which makes me think maybe the FTP is uploading with a different username than the files and directories were created with. I logged in to check your permissions and ownership, but I see a Wordpress install on both of your web roots. Where is this Moodle install located? Have you tried uploading the files on your main garrigue account? The other option is you could change all of the ownership of the files to your sub ftp account.
  20. Those don't need to be installed. They are part of the default Python install, and you can just import. root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# /usr/bin/python3.10 Python 3.10.5 (main, Jul 30 2022, 21:17:50) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import email >>> import email.mime.text >>> import email.message >>>
  21. I installed Hestia for you, and emailed you the credentials to login with. Let me know if you didn't get that email either and I can DM you on this forum or something.
  22. You choose the root password for your VPS when you signup. You log in with the username huberret that you picked and then you can run sudo su to switch to root using that same password. You can change it since you have root access, but by default Ubuntu doesn't allow direct logins to root to increase security. Yes, most likely Gmail deleted our email instead of delivering it to you. I can add a non-gmail address to your account if you want so you'll receive future emails.
  23. root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# /usr/local/python3.10/bin/pip3.10 install mimetext ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mimetext (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for mimetext root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# /usr/local/python3.10/bin/pip3.10 install MIMEText ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement MIMEText (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for MIMEText root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# /usr/local/python3.10/bin/pip3.10 install emailmessage ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement emailmessage (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for emailmessage root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# /usr/local/python3.10/bin/pip3.10 install EmailMessage ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement EmailMessage (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for EmailMessage
  24. Thank you for the donation. Here is your updated ETA page https://heliohost.org/eta/?u=martin40%40gliman107.nl.eu.org
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