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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You can create a video banner by creating an animated gif. There are plenty of free web services for creating gifs out of videos that you can search for. The dimensions of the banner that would depend on your website. Try different sizes and see how they look on your site.
  2. Yeah, it looks like they changed it. The only thing it lets you do is log in or create an account. Interestingly enough you don't have to create a PayPal account to pay for a VPS though. You can click debit/credit card and creating an account is optional.
  3. Weird that they even sent the abuse report to us if our server didn't even send the email. Their spam reporting system is obviously broken. Received: from [] ([] helo=tommy2.heliohost.org) It sure looks like Tommy2 sent it. Aug 1 21:14:08 tommy2 postfix/smtp[66027]: 653C74014CF9: to=<pismk@cqqcng.ru>, orig_to=<SRS0=x4qC=YB=cqqcng.ru=pismk@greenvalleyrecording.com>, relay=none, delay=373791, delays=373790/0/0.94/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.cqqcng.ru[]:25: Connection refused) Aug 1 21:34:07 tommy2 postfix/smtp[93875]: 095D04121DFF: to=<hsrnaes@jrojbh.ru>, orig_to=<SRS0=tuE9=YF=jrojbh.ru=hsrnaes@greenvalleyrecording.com>, relay=none, delay=13150, delays=13150/0.03/0.15/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.jrojbh.ru[]:25: Connection refused) Aug 1 21:49:08 tommy2 postfix/smtp[105253]: 0D700401E2AD: to=<pjofmzx@ckyjqm.ru>, orig_to=<SRS0=5E9X=YE=ckyjqm.ru=pjofmzx@greenvalleyrecording.com>, relay=none, delay=130314, delays=130313/0.06/0.94/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.ckyjqm.ru[]:25: Connection refused) Aug 1 22:24:08 tommy2 postfix/smtp[128195]: 653C74014CF9: to=<pismk@cqqcng.ru>, orig_to=<SRS0=x4qC=YB=cqqcng.ru=pismk@greenvalleyrecording.com>, relay=none, delay=377991, delays=377990/0.05/0.72/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.cqqcng.ru[]:25: Connection refused) Aug 1 22:44:07 tommy2 postfix/smtp[128195]: 095D04121DFF: to=<hsrnaes@jrojbh.ru>, orig_to=<SRS0=tuE9=YF=jrojbh.ru=hsrnaes@greenvalleyrecording.com>, relay=none, delay=17351, delays=17351/0/0.15/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.jrojbh.ru[]:25: Connection refused) Aug 1 22:59:07 tommy2 postfix/smtp[21339]: 0D700401E2AD: to=<pjofmzx@ckyjqm.ru>, orig_to=<SRS0=5E9X=YE=ckyjqm.ru=pjofmzx@greenvalleyrecording.com>, relay=none, delay=134514, delays=134513/0.11/0.61/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.ckyjqm.ru[]:25: Connection refused) Aug 1 23:34:07 tommy2 postfix/smtp[39966]: 653C74014CF9: to=<pismk@cqqcng.ru>, orig_to=<SRS0=x4qC=YB=cqqcng.ru=pismk@greenvalleyrecording.com>, relay=none, delay=382191, delays=382190/0/0.88/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.cqqcng.ru[]:25: Connection refused) I don't know. I see a lot of spam being sent from his account still. I've disabled the mail service for his .com for now to stop the spam. @gvr590Do you actually need to be able to send emails from this domain or can we just leave mail turned off?
  4. The last time I looked at Skrill there was no way to link to our account directly. You just have to go to Skrill and type in our email address. Honestly I'm thinking about getting rid of the Skrill account entirely though because they keep asking for bank account verification, and they won't accept our Chase business account anymore. Ashoat is going to have to link his personal account, get it verified, then transfer the money out, and give it back to HelioHost. This wasn't an issue a few years ago because Skrill accepted our business account for verification. In the past I've just left the previous fundraiser open until the next fundraiser starts. Since they shutdown charity.gofundme.com though they forced it closed so we had no choice. I can't test it right now because paypal.me is apparently having some downtime, but it used to be that you didn't need a paypal account to donate. You could just type in a credit card number.
  5. Installed. You didn't specify a Python version so I assumed you were planning on using 3.10.
  6. When it was set to 10 we were only transferring existing accounts, not creating new accounts. After all of the donors with existing accounts were invited we began working on new account creation. It still isn't reliable so we're only sending one invite per day to continue getting it tested out just like we only moved one account per day for a while. Once this script actually works reliably we'll increase the number again.
  7. There were quite a few issues, but I spent a few hours today getting Python 3.10 installed. There are a lot of people waiting for it before they move to Plesk. These Python modules have been install on Python 3.10 which is located at /usr/bin/python3.10
  8. You can enable or disable mail on any domain by going to Websites & Domains > [domain] > Mail tab > Mail Settings > Check the Activate mail service on this domain box > Click Ok. I went ahead and did this for you.
  9. You can check your ETA here https://heliohost.org/eta/?u=fuzmic You're currently #651 to be moved to Plesk. Right now we're only moving one account per day because the new account creation isn't 100% reliable yet. Once that system works well we can increase the number of accounts we move each day.
  10. Tommy now has 3 versions of Python installed. /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3.10 If you need any modules installed please let us know the version of Python you're using and the name of the module. Please note that Django and Flask are not installed yet, but we'll try to get them installed as well in the next few weeks hopefully. Let us know if you have any questions.
  11. Have you read the news regarding Johnny?
  12. This is your actual website. Files in this directory will change the way your website looks. This directory isn't connected to a domain, and you can safely delete it. /home/juliengarrigue.com/wp-config.php I believe is where you should be looking, but it might already be fixed by rescanning for new Wordpress installs after deleting the extra unused directory.
  13. Do your scripts support Python 2.7?
  14. Installed. Can you use Crypt::OpenSSL::Random; instead? Probably not. Perl is kind of a dead language that isn't used for much anymore. Somewhere along the lines of 95% of cPanel is written in Perl though so of course they support it well. Plesk is all written in PHP and you can tell by how well they support multiple versions and everything. I imagine it's difficult for cPanel to hire new Perl programmers so not sure what they're long term plan is.
  15. That mail server is not our IP. You'll need to contact whoever controls that IP address and ask them for support. We can only help you with emails sent from our servers.
  16. Thank you very much for the generous donation. Here is your ETA page https://heliohost.org/eta/?u=edave56 We're still working out some bugs from the new account creation script, but we should be able to send your invitation soon.
  17. Plesk does /home/<main domain>/ instead of /home/<username>/ so when your main domain is changed your home directory changes too. You probably have the old home directory saved in your config file. You'll need to change it to match the new path.
  18. All I see in public_html is .html files. If you let me know which file you're trying to get to work I might be able to help.
  19. To run scripts outside cgi-bin you have to make the file extensions executable. You can do so with an .htaccess with contents similar to this. Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .py AddHandler cgi-script .pl AddHandler cgi-script .rb AddHandler cgi-script .cgi If it gives you a 500 error try removing the "Options +ExecCGI" line because some accounts need that and some accounts that causes an error. Perl is located at /usr/bin/perl which is a pretty standard location. Python 2.7.5 is located at /usr/bin/python. Python3 isn't installed yet, like it said in the email before you clicked "transfer me now". I plan on installing Python3 in the next week or two probably. Everything that is installed right now is the default stuff that comes with a fresh install. If there is anything extra you need you'll have to request it. There is no guide because we've never done this before so we're all figuring it out at the same time as you. If you post what you figure out on the forums we can all learn from it. I took a look at your account and you have like a million scripts so I'm not sure which one you're trying to get working first, but I looked at hello.pl because it looked like a simple test script, and here's some stuff I noticed. First you can't use "use cPanelUserConfig;" anymore because you're not on cPanel. That line gives this error "Can't locate cPanelUserConfig.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at hello.pl line 2." because no such file exists.
  20. SPF: https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=spf%3astampaner.nl&run=toolpage https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=spf%3astampaner.nl&run=toolpage https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=spf%3astampaner.nl&run=toolpage DKIM: https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=dkim%3astampaner.nl%3adefault&run=toolpage https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=dkim%3astamphaus.nl%3adefault&run=toolpage https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=dkim%3acj7limited.nl%3adefault&run=toolpage SPF and DKIM have been set up for the 3 domains you listed. If they still aren't being delivered you can send an email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ and post the report here so we can fix any other issues there are. Please be aware that the full contents of the email and all headers will be visible in the report so don't include any private information in the email.
  21. I deleted the unneeded domains, and made juliengarrigue.com your main domain. I also deleted the unneeded www symlink, and then took a look at the application page, and it only lists your install once now. My guess is garrigue.heliohost.org was one, juliengarrigue.com was two, and the www symlink was the third one maybe and they were all the same install?
  22. Yes, when there is an update there will be a notification when you log in to Plesk and a link to go update your software.
  23. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=hiker.rocks and https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=helium.hiker.rocks I'll see about installing Python3, Flask, and Django after I get all of the issues with new account creations fixed.
  24. I can't find anything with that transaction ID. What was the date of the donation?
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