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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Oh, actually I found another account. It looks like fr, frt, and the archived account vq that I mentioned above are yours. Anyways, our terms of service state that each person is allowed to have 1 account. Would you like me to delete fr, and move frt to Plesk instead or would you rather just keep fr since you already created it?
  2. Merging duplicate requests. @fbmw@bk.ru Have you read my reply?
  3. In order to run a node website on our shared hosting it has to be served through passenger. If your software won't run through passenger you would have to get a VPS. I found this discussion on how to run nextjs through passenger that might be helpful for you. https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/17289
  4. You're already on Tommy. I think the confusion here might be that our terms of service state that each person is allowed to have only one account. It sounds like you might have been trying to create a second account? What do you need the second account for?
  5. I think upgrading your one VPS would be the better choice rather than having two VPS. One thing that I noticed is you're still using Ubuntu 20, so as long as all of your software supports it, I would recommend upgrading to Ubuntu 22 in addition to the hardware upgrades. We've had a lot of people run into issues trying to update 20 to 22 on their own so we recommend backing up everything, and then wiping the VPS and installing Ubuntu 22 directly. If that all sounds good to you here is the link to set up a new subscription https://heliohost.org/vps/pay/?code=z5fparWIrV4z5ImA and let us know when you have taken a full backup of everything and are ready to go.
  6. You have been emailed a password reset link.
  7. It looks like you created an account with that email address on 2019-02-17 and the last time you logged in was 2020-12-07 so it's been archived for about 2 years. You can download your backup from that account if you want at https://heliohost.org/backup/ Archived account can't be transferred directly to Plesk. Instead you have to create a new account and restore your backup yourself. It looks like you already created a new account with the yahoo.com email address so you should be good to go. If you'd rather use the bk.ru email address you can change it yourself by logging in to Plesk and clicking your username dropdown in the top right corner of the screen. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  8. Your invite was sent to the email address gofundme.com@... on 2022-09-30 and you never used it. I have resent it to heliohost.org@... instead. Let us know if you still can't find it.
  9. Your VPS has been rebuilt with Ubuntu 20.
  10. We can only add the subdomain if you tell us what subdomain you want added. Otherwise if you insist on adding the subdomain yourself it may be a couple weeks or a month before that feature is implemented.
  11. Like it says in the email you received when your account was created
  12. You aren't suspended. cPanel has been more or less unmonitored for 16 months now. Someone used up all the space in the /tmp partition and MySQL wouldn't start. I've cleared up some space and MySQL is running again. You're currently #731 in line to be moved to Plesk. You can check your ETA with this link https://heliohost.org/eta/?u=erick198
  13. Your main domain has been changed. You can install SSL by going to Login > Plesk > Websites & Domains > php.anopeninternet.eu.org > SSL/TLS Certificates > Install. Let us know if you still can't install SSL.
  14. Here is the link to renew your existing VPS https://heliohost.org/vps/pay/?code=uA7MJkQdlQ50KBax That link was also sent to you via email on 2022-10-23 which is 24 hours prior to your VPS being shut down. If you didn't get the email please check your spam box, and flag it as "not spam" if it's in there. We can also add a different contact email address to send late payment notifications to if you're more likely to check another address. Since you're setting up a new payment I went ahead and powered your VPS back on.
  15. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=peace2u.heliohost.org
  16. Your main domain has been changed. Also for future reference you can host as many domains as you want on your one account so you could have kept your free heliohost.us domain and added the new domain as well.
  17. Your account has been deleted, and invite for a new account has been sent to you.
  18. The files I need aren't all there. I'm missing the .crt and the chain file which also usually ends with .crt. Sometimes those two are combined into one file.
  19. Remote access enabled. You don't have to request this on a database created through Plesk. We had permission issues when transferring databases from cPanel to Plesk, but I tested out a new database created through Plesk and it all worked just fine for me. root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# psql --dbname=krydos_testdb --username=krydos_testuser Password for user krydos_testuser: psql (13.8) Type "help" for help. krydos_testdb=> \dt+ Did not find any relations. krydos_testdb=> create table test_table (id serial primary key, username varchar(255) not null); CREATE TABLE krydos_testdb=> \dt+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Size | Description --------+------------+-------+-----------------+-------------+---------+------------- public | test_table | table | krydos_testuser | permanent | 0 bytes | (1 row) krydos_testdb=> insert into test_table (username) values ('Krydos'); INSERT 0 1 krydos_testdb=> select * from test_table; id | username ----+---------- 1 | Krydos (1 row)
  20. Passwords that will break Plesk are now blocked from being used during the signup process. Trying to use an invalid character will display an error and disable the submit button. Thanks for helping solve this issue.
  21. I've been thinking about installing this, but it will probably break our website's login and dashboard so it would take a lot of work to make it functional. There are a lot of higher priority things that need to be done first anyways such as the ability to add or delete domains and edit DNS settings on your own.
  22. Yeah, sorry for the runaround. I've never heard of a service that looks up IP addresses without using an A record before. That's really bizarre since A records are specifically designed for converting names into numbers. So using some other type of record to convert names into numbers is not only inconsistent but probably a violation of the specifications. I'm curious if MongoDB thinks they have a good reason for doing it that way, or they're just trying to intentionally confuse people as much as possible?
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