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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. root@johnny [/home/krydos1]# /usr/sbin/httpd -M | grep digest Syntax OK auth_digest_module (static) Johnny does. root@stevie [/home/krydos]# /usr/sbin/httpd -M | grep digest Syntax OK Stevie does not. Your options are to wait for the next rebuild of Stevie apache, or move your account to Johnny http://wiki.helionet...ng_your_account I'm also escalating this thread as a reminder to include this in the next Stevie build.
  2. Since Johnny was experiencing high load around the time that you posted this topic, and your edits indicate it was an intermittent issue to begin with I'm guessing MySQL is working fine now? All of my tests show MySQL on Johnny working perfectly. Let us know if you're still having problems.
  3. As a customer of that service have you asked them if it can be run on any other ports?
  4. That IP is not blocked.
  5. from the account creation page http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup
  6. FTP on Johnny is working fine for me. Does the strike through mean that you got it working on your own?
  7. That's because you created your account on Stevie and that server doesn't have support for asp.net. Only Johnny supports asp.net. You can move your account to Johnny if you want to use asp.net by following the instructions here http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account
  8. That is an internal ip address that is only useful on your particular network. What is your external ip address? You can find it by visiting this website: http://www.whatismyip.com/
  9. There are many ways you can upload your files to your account. You already mentioned the most popular, FTP, but here are some other ways http://wiki.helionet.org/Uploading_files_to_your_site
  10. You were suspended for sending too many emails. Please limit your emails to 50 per day. I have unsuspended your account.
  11. Fileinfo and intl are now both installed on Johnny. If you need those extensions more than you need to stay on Stevie you can use this guide to move your account http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account They will be installed on Stevie eventually too.
  12. I quoted everything I received, so you know as much as I do.
  13. Like I said you'll have to ask those guys for the specifics. If we don't remove malicious sites like yours when they are reported then our IP addresses get null routed and all of the thousands upon thousands of accounts we host go offline instantly. Nothing personal; we just have to keep our servers online.
  14. MySQL has been upgraded to version 5.5.22. See http://www.helionet....ohnny-upgrades/
  15. You'll have to ask these guys for more specifics, but your account was flagged as containing "malicious malware." We cannot unsuspend your account.
  16. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on The IP address that your emulator is connecting from
  17. What username and domain are you trying to create your account with? Have you ever had an account on Heliohost before? If so what was the username and domain of the old account?
  18. No problem. Yes.
  19. It looks like maybe the renew script failed to unsuspend it properly. I manually unsuspended it for you. Remember to log into your account http://heliohost.org/ at least once every 30 days to prevent this from happening again.
  20. I'll buy seven pairs of boots with batteries and whatnot, please. Do they allow me to jump higher, run faster, and do they make a boiiiiinooiiiiing sound with each step? If so I'll take an even dozen.
  21. Your account was suspended for inactivity, because the last time you logged into your account was August 18th. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache. -- Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.helionet.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  22. Since he has more users than topics I'm guessing a considerable number of those accounts are spambots, and if each spambot account gets sent an email or two when they create their account it would explain the number of emails. Perhaps a stronger captcha or some other creative spambot prevention would solve all of the problems.
  23. Downtime was less than 10 minutes and as usual it was due to high load. It's working fine now. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  24. All emails your account sends count. It's your account. You're responsible for everything your account does. We don't read any of our users emails because that is an unnecessary invasion of your privacy. We just monitor the total number of emails and the rate at which you send those emails. We used to not monitor emails at all, but malicious accounts would use our service to send thousands of spam email. Then our entire server would get flagged as a spam source and all of the other thousands of legitimate accounts would be unable to send or receive emails until we managed to get the server unflagged. You better do this quickly because in the last 18 hours and 40 minutes since your account was unsuspended it has sent another 201 emails. This is a rate of 258.4 emails per day which is far greater than our guideline of 50 emails per day, and your account should already be suspended again. I have overridden the suspension to give you time to fix this yourself, but if it's not fixed in 24 hours (this time tomorrow) I will throttle your account so it can only send one email per hour. Let us know if there is anything else you need help with.
  25. Suspended.
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