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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Try clearing your cache maybe? Your site works for me http://matyka.heliohost.org/
  2. I don't recommend it because you have a fully functional Johnny account already, and if you delete it you would have to be fast enough at midnight UTC to create a new account all over again. It seems like way too much effort for a cosmetic change that only you will ever see like a username.
  3. I'm not completely sure, but it probably has something to do with the way you're calling your functions and the way you're assigning values to the variables. The way I troubleshoot something like this is to echo variables at various places in your code, and make small changes at a time. PHP errors tend to not be very informative.
  4. To change your username you must delete your existing account and then create a new account with the username you want. If you really want to proceed with the username change, which I strongly don't recommend, you can delete your existing account here http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete
  5. An admin can only remove your domain from Stevie if you tell us what your domain is.
  6. The problem is with how you're passing the variables in. Check out http://scalar.heliohost.org/sql2.php?value=1
  7. There is a donate button in the navbar of this forum, or just go to https://www.paypal.me/HelioHost
  8. You can't log in because your account was never created. Here's the error that your account creation encountered: (XID zqzdex) A DNS entry for “rockyglaciers.co.uk” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. I have requeued your account. Are you able to log in now?
  9. What is the transaction ID of the donation?
  10. Your domain record was missing from ns1.heliohost.org so when your browser randomly selected that nameserver to find the IP of your domain your website would show up as offline. When your browser select ns2.heliohost.org your website would show up as online. I have synced up the records so it shouldn't be a problem anymore. Thanks for pointing this out.
  11. No, it appears to be a serverwide global setting. It's either on for everyone or on for no one. I suspect most people, myself included, would like to receive their emails as quickly as possible.
  12. Why not just use https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/mail/spam/spam.html instead of forcing everyone's emails to be really slow to arrive?
  13. Yes, you can change servers later.
  14. Maybe start over and install a new captcha from scratch rather than trying to fix this one?
  15. Here is the error: (XID vbmxbp) The system cannot accept “nst” as a domain name (domain name must have a valid TLD label). I'm assuming you meant to make it http://nst.heliohost.org/ ? I have requeued your account for you.
  16. Johnny crashed on September 14th http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/25748-johnny-usr/ Went up and down a few times for a few days, and then everything other than FTP stopped working on September 20th http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/25786-johnny-backups/ We gave people 72 days to download backups via FTP, and then we rebuilt Johnny as we said we were going to do in the news post.
  17. Good guess! Validating Username...(XID rej3vv) “2lafl” is not a valid username on this system. I have requeued your account with the username lafl. Your site is functional http://luisloureiro.heliohost.org/
  18. The Tommy invite has been resent, and you should be good to go to create your Tommy account using your previous Stevie information. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  19. That username, domain, and email should be available to create a new account. Let us know if you need any further assistance.
  20. You are not blocked. Try resetting your password here https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/
  21. Your domain has been changed to http://sylvain.heliohost.org/
  22. You should be able to create a new account using that information. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  23. A link to your backup has been PM'd to you.
  24. You should now be able to park tackbyjana.com on your Johnny account.
  25. When a server is offline the inactivity suspension are halted.
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