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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Signups were open on Johnny for almost 3 hours today http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/archive/?2016-12-26 We've been slowly increasing the number of Johnny accounts that can be created each day so it will keep getting easier too. If you make the donation your existing email validation code will be deleted from the system automatically, and replaced with a special Tommy invite validation code that allows you to make a Tommy account whenever is convenient for you. No, Stevie's hard drive is toast. All we can do is transfer as much data as possible off and then remove the fried hard drive and toss it in the bin. We'll be buying him some new hardware and rebuilding him, but it might not be until February when we get started with that process.
  2. The username techdyn, the domain dssmtechnodynamics.com, and the email you used to create that account are now available to create a new account.
  3. Krydos

    Stevie Progress

    Thank you so much!
  4. There you go http://crazer.heliohost.org/test.jsp
  5. The username coleman9 is now available to create your new account. Let us know if you need any domains deleted so you can add them to your new account. Thanks. Yes, we post all of our news at the aptly named News forum http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/1-news/ if you don't want to check that you can also follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/heliohost and like us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/HelioHost.org for the latest news as well.
  6. Does it work now?
  7. I'm trying to make donating with Skrill easier. Apparently they have personal accounts which is what we have, and they have business accounts which is what we need to make easy donate buttons that autofill all of our information in. I'm in contact with Skrill support to get our account type changed, and get some buttons made.
  8. No the automated script backed up public_html and the contents of the home directory. Let us know if there is a specific file or path or something you need and we can add it to the manual backup list. No, most people don't use postgresql. If you would like us to try manually backing up a postgresql database let us know which one and we can add it to the manual backup list. Yeah, most likely. We can check if you state a specific database, or we can try to back it up manually when we boot Stevie up next. Someone used that username back in 2008, but since he's never made a single post I cleared it for you. You can use whatever email you want. If you want to reuse the email address that you used for Stevie let us know and we can free it up.
  9. Let us know if you need the invitation resent.
  10. Wiki access granted. Let us know if you have any questions or need help.
  11. The username vnsmesuf, and the domain vnsmes.com are now available to create your Tommy account.
  12. Yes, but we encourage people to donate at least a dollar because if the donation is too small then Paypal keeps all the money in fees and we don't get any of it. No, Stevie and Johnny and Tommy all use the same nameserver settings: ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. If you have them set correctly from before the rest of the settings are updated automatically by our systems. It will probably function better. Both Johnny and Tommy have a lot of features, such as SNI and PHP 5.4+, that Stevie didn't have. Probably. If not let us know and we'll try to help. You will set a new password when you create your new account.
  13. This person also sent us a message on Facebook and I removed the username and domain there. Should be good to go.
  14. Added to the manual backup list. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26930-manual-backup-master-list/
  15. You've been added to the manual backup list. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26930-manual-backup-master-list/
  16. Backups cannot be sent to random email addresses because there may be sensitive data, and we have to verify that the person requesting the data is the person who owns the account. Here is an email address hint for the account brasil par---------l@gmail.com
  17. There are two checkboxes in Softaculous that are both checked by default. One is for the database and the other is for the files. Unless you unchecked them then the backup should contain both the files and database.
  18. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/25503-tommy-closed-beta/
  19. That email address, the username tpltrl, and the domain tpltrl.heliohost.org are now available to create a new account.
  20. Do you have an account on Johnny too?
  21. Those domains are now available to add to your new account.
  22. As far as I can tell there has never been an account named hamza on Stevie. There was definitely one named hamza on Johnny though. There are also a dozen or so accounts that start with hamza- like wolstech already said.
  23. Invitation resent. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  24. There you go http://scoresaves.com/
  25. If you set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org the A record will be set automatically. Otherwise you can find your account IP in your cpanel.
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