Sorry for the hassle, but Heliohost is a community powered not-for-profit organization not a regular for-profit company so we do things a little differently. All of our staff are volunteers, and the way we promote new admins is by having the community members help each other on this forum. The most helpful and active get offered a promotion so they can be more helpful. If we did all of our customer service in a private way no one new could help each other out, and the whole thing would fall apart.
Where did you get that email address from? I can create it and have it forward to or something, but I'm curious where you found it.
I changed some settings on that account so you should be able to post from it again.
Done, but in order to create a new hosting account named lounger I had to change your forum username. Once you have created your hosting account let us know and we can change your forum username back. Let us know if you need us to remove any domains so you can add them to your new account.