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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You should receive your invite within 24 hours of the submission after Paypal has fully transferred the funds. If you don't receive your invite within 24 hours post your paypal (or Skrill) transaction ID number and we can get it resent. Each domain you want to move to Tommy needs to be listed for removal by a root admin. The username gadgetcc, and the domain bringmelight.com are now available to create a new account.
  2. Thanks for the help with the translation service!
  3. No, that won't work. Your A record (or @ which I've never seen anyone call an A record before) is a Stevie IP. It really works best if you use our nameservers (ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org) because everything is setup correctly for you, but if you insist on setting a manual A record you can find the IP address of your account in cPanel.
  4. A good example of why you would use aliases is if you own a business named "My Example Business", and you want to register some domains. It's common to buy the myexamplebusiness.com, myexamplebusniess.biz, myexamplebusiness.net, myexamplebusiness.us, etc. to prevent your customers from becoming confused or someone setting up a really similar domain name and maybe stealing your customers. You could just add all those domains as aliases to your main domain and if someone visits myexamplebusiness.com or myexamplebusiness.us they are shown the exact same content without having to copy all of your files to two different domains.
  5. Added to the manual backup list. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26930-manual-backup-master-list/
  6. We will give you an invite for any amount of money received, but if you donate much less than $1 USD Paypal eats the whole donation with fees, and we get nothing at all.
  7. Here's the error that your account creation encountered You'll have to signup again with a better password. I have sent you a Johnny invite link so you don't have to wait until midnight UTC if you don't want to.
  8. The username mrobo and your gmail address are now available to create a new account. Let us know if you need any domains removed from the system.
  9. Oh you're right. It has the right filename though. The backup script must have had a hiccup or something.
  10. Nope, everyone has access to SFTP. Here are some instructions I wrote for Filezilla, but you can probably adapt them to any FTP client.Open FilezillaClick File >> Site ManagerClick New SiteType "Tommy SFTP" and press enterIn Host field type "tommy.heliohost.org"In Port field type "1342"In Protocol dropdown select "SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol"In Logon Type dropdown select "Normal"In User field type your cPanel usernameIn Password field type your cPanel passwordClick ConnectApprove the remote server key, and check the box to not ask you about this server again.
  11. Sure, that's fine. Go ahead and translate our posts back to Vietnamese please. According to google translate: What is your cpanel username and main domain?
  12. Why not just use SFTP (which is more secure) or regular FTP (which is simpler)?
  13. Resent.
  14. I checked your script and it looked good so I ran it manually (without a cron) and it created the .sql file and the backup.tar.gz file as expected. Did you receive it via email? If so it looks like the problem might be in how you created the cron job. 30 6 * * 0 /home/rutaj6/backup.sh That means it's set to run every Sunday at 6:30am. Keep in mind that cron jobs unfortunately run on local time which is PST. What did you have it set to before? I checked the cron log file and I don't see any cron job runs for your account. The reason it didn't work was because it never ran.
  15. The username kadutt, and that email address are now available to create a new account. Let us know if you need any domains from your Stevie account deleted so you can add them to your new account.
  16. There you go http://www.madadipouya.com/
  17. In regards to your .NET request earlier, Johnny runs mono 2.6.7 (which is compatible with .NET 3.5 and has some experimental support for 4.0) enabled by default for all accounts, and Tommy runs mono 4.6.2 (which is compatible with .NET 4.6) but has to be requested to use it on an account.
  18. Krydos


  19. Added. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26930-manual-backup-master-list/
  20. ASP.NET 4.5 and 4.6 is only available on Tommy. Johnny has ASP.NET 3.5 and you don't have to request it; it's available to everyone.
  21. How about: #!/usr/bin/ruby require "cgi" cgi_request = CGI::new("html5") puts "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" puts query = cgi_request.query_string puts "query:<br />" puts "#{query}<br /><br />" params = CGI::parse(query) puts "params:<br />" p params http://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/query.rb?hello=world&goodbye=thanksforallthefish
  22. We will make a news post after we try backing up more of Stevie's data. You can check the news forum http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/1-news/ follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/heliohost and like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HelioHost.org for the latest news. Anything that is recovered will be placed in the same https://www.heliohost.org/backup/ system.
  23. That's an excellent question! Create /home/rutaj6/backup.shGive it 755 permissionsPut the contents #!/bin/bash # create mysql dump(s) duplicate this line for other databases /bin/mysqldump --user=rutaj6 --password=password rutaj6_database > /home/rutaj6/rutaj6_database.sql # remove old backup rm -f /home/rutaj6/backup.tar.gz # archive and compress .sql files and public_html cd /home/rutaj6/ /bin/tar zcvf /home/rutaj6/backup.tar.gz *.sql public_html/* # attach backup to email with timestamp of when it was created date | /bin/mutt -a "/home/rutaj6/backup.tar.gz" -s "Rutaj6 cPanel Automated Backup" -- rutaj6@email.com Then go to https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/cron/index.htmlType an email for error messages to go to during the account creation. The mysqldump command will always result in an error message since you're passing a password on the command line.Select once a month from the dropdown box.Change the day/minute/hour to random numbers, like always take a backup on the 5th of the month at 1:36am. If everyone selects the first of the month at midnight it can cause load spikes.In the command box type "/home/rutaj6/backup.sh" If you want to prevent error messages from being emailed you can add "2>/dev/null" to the end of the command.
  24. Krydos


    I'm assuming you're talking about http://www.skullythepirate.com/wp/ which was showing a 500 error so I looked at error_log and saw [30-Dec-2016 21:58:05 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /home/skully/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-geo-ip.php on line 896 I created http://www.skullythepirate.com/wp/phpinfo.php to find out what version of PHP you were using for that site, which is currently 5.6. Then I edited php.ini for version 5.6 and set the memory limit to 64mb. The reason your site wasn't working is because it is too much of a memory hog. Installing less plugins and stuff would probably make it run leaner and faster.
  25. Is that https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/cgi/rdoc/CGI.html#method-c-parse what you're trying to do?
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