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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Are you able to install that module now?
  2. Here is the link to create an account https://heliohost.org/signup/ Signups reset at midnight UTC and lately have been staying available for about three hours. Once your account is created you can upload your backup and extract the files into public_html and use phpmyadmin to import your databases etc. Let us know if you need any help.
  3. You can upload it to your new account and extract it on the server or you can extract it on your home pc. You may need to install software to extract it at home. On mac and linux you can just type on a command line tar zxvf django.tar.gz On windows it's more complicated and you'll probably have to download something like winzip http://www.winzip.com/win/en/downwz.html
  4. Your backup link has been PM'd to you.
  5. The domain occult.ro is now available to create a new account.
  6. The username marcusse, and the domain janetmarcusse.com are now available to create a new account.
  7. The username xaothao, and the domain xaothao.com are now available to create a new account.
  8. There you go http://mistfloway.heliohost.org/
  9. The username gamegoof is now available to create a new account. Let us know if you need any domains released or if you want to use the same email address.
  10. To import your postgres .sql file go to https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/3rdparty/phpPgAdmin/index.php select your database, click the sql tab, and click the choose file button.
  11. Set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org
  12. What is the domain you're trying to change it to?
  13. Yes, we usually change the forum username temporarily to allow you to use your old username.
  14. What FTP client are you using?
  15. Can you add that domain now?
  16. Create public_html/cgi-bin/test.rbGive it 755 permissionsPut the following contents#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" puts "Ruby is working as CGI..." Here is my example file on Johnny http://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/test.rb
  17. Cpanel has always created a subdomain with each addon domain.
  18. There might not even be anything to backup if the hard drive has deteriorated too much.
  19. There you go http://giteshshroti.heliohost.org/jsptest.jsp
  20. Oh, it was set up to use the username 'betnbit' not 'betnbit_betnbit' since you didn't specify. Does it work now?
  21. Java is not enabled on that account.
  22. The username efroog, and the domain efroog.heliohost.org are now available to create a new account. Thanks!
  23. Does it work now?
  24. There you go http://cfphq.com/
  25. Alias does not specify a root directory because it is always going to be the same as your main domain.
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