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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. I restarted the firewall and your test file is working again.
  2. If you try to use session commands after you've already printed ANY data to the display then that means the headers are already sent. That's why you're getting that error.
  3. index.html <button onclick="showdata()">Load Data</button> <div id="datagoeshere"></div> <script> // when the button is clicked this function executes function showdata() { // load up the div element var div=document.getElementById("datagoeshere"); // loop over the 4 rows of data for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // create new http request xml=new XMLHttpRequest(); // watch for http response xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { // if http response comes back with no errors if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { // append new data to existing data in div div.innerHTML += xmlhttp.responseText; } } // the url to request data from xmlhttp.open("GET", "data.php?line="+i); // send the http request xmlhttp.send(); } } </script> data.php // load database user/password/etc require_once('config.php'); // load up the line we're going to display $line = $_GET['line']; // make connection $con = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); // query for the data on the line $sql = "select data from stuff where id = '$line'; // execute the query $result = $con->query($sql); // get the row from the results $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); // get the value from the row $data = $row['data']; // print out the data so the javascript can receive it echo $data; Anyways, this is all just psuedocode. I haven't tested any of it, and there is no error checking involved at all so it's not robust at all. Also I'm not sure how that javascript would actually work since js is asynchronous unlike php where you can always know what order the command are going to run in.
  4. When you click your username/email in the top right corner there is now a dropdown menu with a logout button. For the extra security you should always close your whole browser or at least the tab after you logout, but even if you don't this logout button (on most browsers) should remove the form data including your username and password from your back button and history. You can test this by logging in from the homepage at https://www.heliohost.org/ , then clicking logout, and then clicking the back button. If it works it should take you back to the homepage instead of asking if you want to resubmit your form. How does that look?
  5. It looks like your domain was olego.com so if you don't have a backup of your own on your computer you can also take a look at https://web.archive.org/web/*/olego.com there are backups of your domain going all the way back to 2000.
  6. Just have the javascript send the row number as a $_GET variable. Like if your php script is called data.php then the javascript just calls it line by line like http://example.com/data.php?line=1 and then edits the html, and then calls the next line and loops through until it edits the html to remove the loader.
  7. The first 2 lines of /home/sgn/public_html/nm/public_html/members/register/index.php are <?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/public_html/global/header.php"; So before it does anything else it loads up /home/sgn/public_html/nm/public_html/global/header.php <?php require_once dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])."/config/config.php";?> <!DOCTYPE html> config.php doesn't have any output it looks like, but it also doesn't set your session there. So you need to set your session information before that <!DOCTYPE html> in header.php.
  8. The whole thing is rather bizarre. Maybe if you explained why you needed 386+ domains.
  9. You don't need to park your main domain because it is already parked. Anything you put in public_html should show up at http://viewit.xyz/
  10. There you go http://7.heliohost.org/ The other thing to check is that the permissions on public_html are 750 like the server sets it up when your account is created. In this case they had gotten changed to 755 somehow and that was causing any php scripts to throw 500 errors because suphp is very particular about permissions. Let us know if you have any other questions.
  11. It's not a mystery. It's called DNS caching. When you type in a human readable domain name like leafbubble.ca the first thing your browser does is try to convert that into a machine-usable number. To reduce load on the DNS servers this number is cached in your computer, and in your router, and in the nearby routers of your isp too. The reason caching is a good idea is because this number rarely changes for most sites. The TTL record of a domain which stands for Time To Live instructs the various places DNS IPs can get cached the maximum length they can hold that value for before they're required to contact the authoritative dns servers to make sure the value hadn't changed. tl;dr: Your computer still thought your domain was on Johnny because it hadn't bothered to check to see if it had moved. It's not a waste of time. Heliohost is for learning and it's wonderful when people ask great questions like you are and maybe learn how this all works.
  12. Sometimes a class of students uses our server to do their web programming type homework, and they have to do the same thing: let us know in advance that they need to create 30 or whatever accounts all at once from one place. Why do you need more than one account when you can have unlimited domains from a single account?
  13. @bdistler, you missed the L at the beginning it's http://leafbubble.ca/ @kore, your domain works fine for me. I get the index page not a 404. Maybe clear your browser cache?
  14. You can access your account even if your domain isn't working via the servername by putting a tilde and your username like this http://tommy.heliohost.org/~kore/
  15. Oh thanks. Didn't know that was there. I've updated it.
  16. What are you testing? Our terms are pretty simple. http://wiki.helionet.org/Terms It's surprising that you missed one line when there are only ten total. You didn't receive permission in writing prior to creating 386 or so domains. You're more than welcome to have more than one account for your company if you explain first why you need more than one account.
  17. The postgresql user sis13_admin should now be able to connect to the database sis13_vava2017 remotely from any IP.
  18. There you go http://tamvan.men/ So, php-fpm was really broken on Johnny, and apparently has been for a while. This is the separate version of php that cpanel uses in the background for things like addon domains and phpmyadmin. It took quite a bit of tinkering and a full server reboot, but I think it's all working now. The problem was php-fpm was unable to start new threads due to too many files already being open. The process would wait and wait and wait for available file slots, and then either finally slowly work, or just fail completely from timing out. Anyways, mystery solved I think. Let me know if phpmyadmin works better now too.
  19. Most of your load seems to be coming from /home/canicvs/public_html/chain-reaction/playGame.php
  20. So here's the thing. Most if not all free hosting other than us is owned by a paid hosting service. That sounds fine, but what ends up happening inevitably is you get pressured to upgrade from the free plans to paid plans. Most free hosts are completely unusable because they're so restricted, but you don't know that going in. You happily make your site and get everything the way you want it and then you find out something ridiculous like you only have 100mb total bandwidth allowed per month. They use all sort of other high pressure tactics to get you to upgrade other than just bandwidth though too. Anyways, what ends up happening is the "free" hosting ends up just being a scam basically to trick people into getting paid hosting. When you find out your website is unusable on the free plan your only choices are to just pay them what they're demanding or start over completely from scratch again somewhere else. Obviously most people just cough up the dough. Heliohost has always been different. We've always been truly free hosting with no gimmicks. The only limitations we put on accounts is to protect the integrity of our servers. We don't have the money or the man power to continuously buy more hard drives as we fill them so we can't offer unlimited disk space. We don't want to get our servers flagged permanently as a spam source so we throttle or suspend accounts that send more than ~50 emails per day without asking permission first and providing example emails to prove it's not spam. As I already explained the 30 day login requirement is just to prove that you're still using your account because our servers have a finite amount of room/resources and if an account is not being used we may as well delete it to make room for others. We're not trying to annoy you into paying, or forcing you to buy a paid plan. The other problem is we have been losing money the last couple years. That's why we've been asking for donations. We don't want to start offering paid plans for the reasons I've listed above. It goes against our philosophy, but donations are and have always been greatly appreciated. But how do you differentiate between a paid plan and donation driven plan? Money is exchanging hands for a service in either case. I guess it really comes down to donations can be whatever size you think the service is worth to you. Not everyone can afford to donate, we get that, but those who are willing and able should get some perks for being so generous. Long story short, we're going to try not to have set prices for things. The only reason we say it has to be more than a dollar at a time is so paypal doesn't take all of our money and leave us with nothing. I'll email you when we have the exact details of how this will work hammered out.
  21. I've made some changes to the configuration of your account. Let us know if it does it again.
  22. That page doesn't actually use sessions, or cookies, or anything. It just checks the status of your account, and verifies that your login credentials are correct to log in to cpanel before showing you that page. Just closing the tab, closing the browser, or even navigating to another page is sufficient to log you out. Do you think we should put a log out button there even though it wouldn't really be doing anything more than a link back to our homepage would?
  23. Logging in every 30 days is how we check to see if you still need your website. Since we're a free hosting provider thousands of people create accounts and then never log in again. The system automatically suspends these abandoned accounts to reduce server load, and if the owner still doesn't renew their account they eventually get deleted to make room for other people who are still using their accounts. We're all for removing the annoyances of hosting a website on our service though. Since we've been struggling to pay the bills lately we've been brainstorming ideas to earn more revenue and donations. One idea is a user could set up a recurring monthly donation of any amount that they feel our service is worth from $1.00 USD or up. Much less than one dollar and paypal takes all of the money as fees so we don't get anything. As long as the monthly donation isn't canceled the recurring donor would never need to log in to their account again. If the recurring donation is canceled then you would go back to needing to log in once every 30 days or less. Is that something you would be interested in?
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