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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Here's the error it encountered for that domain: 9:48:43 AM WARN The domain “apps.maicol07.tk” failed domain control validation: The system failed to fetch the <abbr title="Domain Control Validation">DCV</abbr> file at “<a href="http://apps.maicol07.tk/B0BF63864B4A9371D4DA748B919467DC.txt">http://apps.maicol07.tk/B0BF63864B4A9371D4DA748B919467DC.txt</a>” because of an error: The system failed to send an <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> “GET” request to “http://apps.maicol07.tk/B0BF63864B4A9371D4DA748B919467DC.txt” because of an error: Timed out while waiting for socket to become ready for reading . Do you have .htaccess rules blocking access to apps.maicol07.tk/B0BF63864B4A9371D4DA748B919467DC.txt?
  2. https://maicol07.tk/ no longer gives me an error now that it's using out system's automatic ssl. Is it working for you too?
  3. What is your username, or main domain?
  4. All of your mysql connections are closed right now.
  5. Deployed. http://citisnet.heliohost.org/citisnetsql3/
  6. The current ssl certificate on maicol07.tk was issued by startcom not let's encrypt. Since you're on Tommy we actually offer free comodo certificates, and if you use our certificate it will automatically renew itself when it gets close to expiring. Do you mind if I delete your current certificate and install ours?
  7. 6721869 rajesha1_food localhost:46542 rajesha1_onlinebooks Sleep 2765 NULL 6721870 rajesha1_food localhost:46544 rajesha1_onlinebooks Sleep 2765 NULL 6721884 rajesha1_food localhost:46666 rajesha1_onlinebooks Sleep 2759 NULL 6721885 rajesha1_food localhost:46668 rajesha1_onlinebooks Sleep 2759 NULL 2765 is the number of seconds since the last data was transferred so about 46 minutes.
  8. The error is most commonly caused by people not closing their mysql connections after the query has completely. I've noticed this is especially bad in java. Keep in mind java was never really designed or intended to run in a multiuser environment, so unless you tell your code explicitly to close the connections java is going to assume it has the whole server to itself. You had a whopping 12 mysqlconnections just sleeping open. Most of which hadn't sent a single byte of data in HOURS. I've closed them all for you. Perhaps this will help https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2225221/closing-database-connections-in-java
  9. That's a security error. Read this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10752055/cross-origin-requests-are-only-supported-for-http-error-when-loading-a-local Basically, if the file is hosted via https/http/etc you can assume the owner of the file understands that it's being shared. If it's a path like file://c:/ that means it could be ANYTHING on your harddrive, which you don't necessarily want someone on the internet being able to access.
  10. Johnny is running PostgreSQL v8.4.20 which PgAdmin4 does not support. PgAdmin3 should work with Johnny if you want to use an older version. Ricky and Tommy are both running PostgrSQL v9.2.18 which will work with PgAdmin4. So your options are to downgrade PgAdmin, or switch servers.
  11. There you go http://changemyhud.tk/
  12. There are two main differences between Johnny and Tommy. Johnny is our unstable experimental server which means it's really easy to get an account as signups are available all day. This also means that Johnny has frequent high load spikes, less uptime, and just generally more bugs. Tommy is stable, and part of the way we keep him stable is by limiting the number of new accounts that can be created each day. Free signups start at midnight UTC and generally fill within an hour or two. If you're in a hurry and want to skip the line for Tommy I recommend taking a look at https://www.heliohost.org/tommy/Johnny is our only server plan that offers Ruby on Rails. If you need to use RoR Johnny is currently your only option.If you need to have your project functional by August 6th you might be able to get access on Johnny, but it's kind of random how often new java slots open up. Personally I would switch to Tommy. Your choice though. Let us know if you have any other questions. Oh, I also wanted to mention that if you do go ahead with https://www.heliohost.org/tommy/ I can use some new scripts that we're beta testing that should have your account moved for you, and java would be active and ready to go all within a few hours.
  13. War files cannot be deployed until java is enabled on your account. To request java access please go to https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php and click the "Request Java" button. Keep in mind that since you picked the Johnny server the wait to receive Java on your account is considerable. We recommend choosing Tommy as the queue to receive Java is only a few hours.
  14. Deployed. http://xitix.heliohost.org/xitix_blog/
  15. The postgresql user oswako_postgres should now be able to remotely connect to the postgresql database oswako_ioteche from any IP.
  16. According to https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=maicol07.tk that ssl certificate should be good, but when I open the page in Chrome it says it doesn't trust it. Did you pay for that certificate?
  17. Deployed. http://rajesha1.heliohost.org/FINTECH-PROJECTS/
  18. Well, since I already deleted the block I don't know when for sure it happened. If you get blocked again let us know, and make sure you say in your post not to delete the block before Krydos has a chance to look at the logs. Any admin can remove the block for you, but figuring out why you're being blocked is going to take some log reading. I looked through the logs a bit and I found a couple messages from facebook and twitter to you, but no failed logins. If I knew the time that you were blocked I could try to figure out why.
  19. Out of curiousity I looked up the exact time that your account was suspended and compared it to the server monitor for Johnny. Even without the black line marking when your account was suspended you can see the difference.
  20. Deployed. http://rajesha1.heliohost.org/FINTECH-PROJECTS/
  21. Do you know if you got blocked while your account was inactive or before or after?
  22. /home/mediaku/public_html/video-download/getvideo.php Why not download your videos directly to your computer instead of getting suspended over and over?
  23. Tommy blocked you for too many failed IMAP logins. Make sure you have the right password saved in any mail clients you may be using. I removed the block for you. Can you connect now?
  24. The show processlist command will show something like this: mysql> show processlist; +---------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+------+-------+------------------+ | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | +---------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+------+-------+------------------+ | 6039687 | cmh_user | localhost | cmh_data | Sleep | 9001 | | NULL | | 6039688 | cmh_user | localhost | cmh_data | Sleep | 9002 | | NULL | | 6275255 | cmh_user | localhost | cmh_data | Sleep | 9003 | | NULL | | 6396731 | cmh_user | localhost | cmh_data | Sleep | 9004 | | NULL | +---------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+------+-------+------------------+ Then to close the connection type kill 6039687; Where that number is the ID of the connection. However, if you already have the maximum number of connections open you won't be able to connect to issue those commands... So, just close your connections in your code.
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