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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Most people have forum accounts that match their hosting account.
  2. What is your username? Is your username lemmy728? Go to https://heliohost.org/password/ and submit a password for your new SFTP account. It will need to have the forum lemmy728_example. We will also need the directory that you want to new SFTP account to be limited to.
  3. A password reset link has been emailed to you.
  4. Added
  5. It was blocked for failed IMAP logins. Always confusing when people ask for support in multiple ways.
  6. Postgis installed, and remote access enabled.
  7. Your subscription has been canceled and you won't be billed again. Thank your for using our VPS service.
  8. The rest of those modules have been installed. You can see the currently installed modules and their versions with this link https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py The domain has been added as well. You can follow this guide to install Django on that domain
  9. Django on Johnny is already 4.1.5 and we're not going to downgrade it because that is pretty much guaranteed to break other people who are using Django's websites.
  10. To give you an idea of the load your site is causing: The highest bandwidth account transferred 106280 MB of data, used 124 GB of memory, and 6162 CPU over the last 30 days. Your account had 611 MB of bandwidth, used 212 GB of memory, and 32474 CPU over just a couple days. This is pretty standard performance for Wordpress. It's not fair for you to hog all the resources on the server and slow everyone else's site down with your extremely bloated software. If you want to continue using Wordpress we recommend getting a VPS which start at $4 per month so your load will be isolated and won't affect anyone else.
  11. Added.
  12. The domain has been removed from your account. Depending on your DNS settings the records can continue to be cached for hours or days after you change them. One of the most common TTL for A records is 14400 which means it can remain cached for 4 hours.
  13. Let the user's parent or guardian know that they are using our service, and then the parent or guardian can contact us to let us know that they don't want their child using our services. Obviously we'll need some sort of proof otherwise anyone could just get any random account suspended by accusing them of being underage.
  14. The domain has been added, but in order to actually host it with us you must do 1 of the following 2 options. Use our nameservers by logging in to your registrar and setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS that you want, Cloudflare is a popular free option, and create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  15. We're based in the US so the main law that affects the answer to this question is the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/rules/childrens-online-privacy-protection-rule-coppa so if you're under 13 and we find out what your age is somehow we would need to get your parent or guardian's permission to collect private information, such as an email address, from you. If you don't live in the US there may be other laws from your country, state, or city that may affect the age requirement as well.
  16. The upgrade worked, and your memory is 2 GB now. I also emailed you letting you know that the upgrade was completed successfully. If you reload the page after the success message is shown to you the second load and onwards shows that error though. Your rebuild has been started and you'll receive an email in a bit when it is finished. Your next free rebuild will be available on 2023-11-14. If you want we can install KeyHelp or Hestia or another control panel for you so you don't mess up the install.
  17. Krydos

    Ruby on Rails

    RoR is back! After we switched from cPanel to Plesk there were a few things that weren't implemented yet, and Ruby on Rails was one of them. We're happy to announce that if you want to run a website with RoR you're now able to again on HelioHost. Check out our guide to getting started. https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/ror Let us know if you run into any issues setting up your Ruby on Rails website.
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  18. The high load was because of a cronjob running every 2 minutes. I deleted it for them.
  19. Added.
  20. Cron jobs are chrooted and node executable doesn't exist within your chroot. In order to run a node cron you'd need to make a cgi script that runs the node command and use the cron to call the cgi.
  21. Check your email for a link to recreate your account.
  22. Try sudo apt install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y or to switch to root try sudo su
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