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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. The pgcrypto externsion has been created. For the timezone the proper way to handle it is in your software. For instance if you're using PHP you could use date_default_timezone_set('America/Mexico_City'); Another alternative is you could get a VPS and set the time zone however you want.
  2. When I first discovered HelioHost I had to stay up until 2am 3 nights in a row because I was too slow the first 2 nights. Unfortunately there wasn't an option to donate to get an account back then either.
  3. You had a 94 MB backup and a 277 MB backup that I deleted. That brings your total to 841 MB out of 1000 MB so your account is active again.
  4. I have sent you a password reset link. Please check your email and use the link to create a new password. Let us know if you're still having trouble logging in after you reset your password.
  5. You were suspended for using 110.25 GB of memory in 5 hours. We recommend keeping that under 100 GB per 24 hours to avoid being suspended. It looks like you're using Wordpress which is infamous for its high load. Let us know if you have any questions about how to reduce the amount of load you cause.
  6. The database counts towards your storage space. You can have 999 MB database and 1 MB files, or 1 MB database and 999 MB files, or 500 MB database and 500 MB files, etc. You can also upgrade your storage later if you start to run low.
  7. I have sent an email to the address which created this VPS to try to confirm whether this cancel request is authentic since we've never heard back from you.
  8. Your rebuild has been started and you'll get an email in a bit when it's done.
  9. The rebuild has been started and you will get an email when it is done. Your next free rebuild will be available on 2023-10-25.
  10. It looks like your NS records are missing https://dnschecker.org/#NS/infinityhue.us.to
  11. Your rebuild has been started and you will get an email in a bit when it is done.
  12. This account was created in 2019 on cPanel so any issues with the DNS records is due to cPanel not any of our custom systems or Plesk. I can't even tell you how many DNS records I've fixed from the old cPanel accounts. Your DNS records were a disaster. More than half of your subdomains didn't even work because all the DNS records were missing for those too. Is everything working for you now?
  13. Yes, you can keep your Tommy account at the same time as a VPS account. You can't have 2 Tommy accounts or 1 Johnny and 1 Tommy account, but VPS don't count towards the limit. If we had unlimited amount of server space like Google or some huge company we could allow unlimited accounts, but we aren't there quite yet.
  14. The first thing to keep in mind on transfers from Tommy to a VPS is the VPS don't come with Plesk for free like Tommy. If you wanted to get the Venus VPS with Plesk it would be $7.00 per month for the VPS from us, plus $13.50 per month for the control panel from Plesk for a total of $20.50 per month. Like Wolstech already mentioned there are free control panels though, such as Hestia, that are similar to Plesk. If you want Plesk installed for free we can do that, and then we can try importing your Plesk account directly into your VPS Hestia control panel. I've done this quite a few times for cPanel to Hestia transfers, but never for a Plesk to Hestia transfer. According to Hestia's documentation their import tool works on Plesk backups though so it should work. The other free VPS control panel that gets a few recommendations is KeyHelp because Hestia still doesn't support IPv6 for some reason. If you don't care too much about IPv6 yet then I recommend Hestia.
  15. Your account was suspended because Wordpress is causing too much load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. This is really common for Wordpress. It can cause massive amounts of load even if you're hardly getting any traffic to your site. Wordpress is also incredibly insecure and very easy to hack. We see Wordpress accounts get hacked all the time and usually the hacker sets up a phishing site on your domain. We strongly recommend using any software other than Wordpress. If you insist on using Wordpress you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access. Wordpress sites load relatively slowly on our shared hosting, but they will be much faster on a VPS.
  16. Your Wordpress install is causing too much load. You used 22,901 CPU over 24 hours. Please try to keep that under 10,000 to avoid being suspended. Unsuspended.
  17. Your rebuild has been started. You'll receive an email in a bit when it's done.
  18. Uncheck the wildcard box. It isn't supported yet.
  19. Your VPS has been canceled and you won't be charged again. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  20. A password reset link has been emailed to you. Let us know if you're still having trouble getting logged in.
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