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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. We no longer support ASP.NET on Tommy because we have a windows server named Lily that does a much better job of it. Wolstech is in charge of Lily so he can set you up with access.
  2. There you go http://mail2ftp.heliohost.org/ Your account is on Tommy, and it is active. Make sure you clear your browser cache if you're still seeing the inactive page. EDIT: By the way, I want to mention that, as far as I know, you're website is the oldest active account we have. If I recall correctly you originally created your account in 2007, and you've been with us ever since. Thanks for being such a loyal user for so long. You've been around longer than I have.
  3. I manually deleted the records of evezers.heliohost.org and requeued your account. It created successfully this time. http://evezers.heliohost.org/
  4. Dedicated IP granted, and the reverse dns is still already set up from before. # dig +noall +short -x 106.subnet104.151.62.64.in-addr.arpa. fcs.com.mt.
  5. https://shuffly-backend.heliohost.org/shufflyMusicBackend/ That actually reminds me. With the Tommy upgrades we're going to try enabling http AND https on all java accounts and deployed servlets for a while. See if upgraded Tommy can keep up with all the extra load.
  6. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py Also, I noticed your email address has +johnny tacked on to it now. If you want to be moved to Tommy automatically it needs to match your old Tommy email address exactly, which didn't have the +johnny. If you don't change your email address you will be sent an invite, and then when you use it will likely fail.
  7. The extension mbstring has been installed on Tommy's php 7.2.
  8. Krydos

    Tommy Is Back!

    @michelc, I split your topic to https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/37143-tommy-account-failed-to-create/
  9. The reason it failed was A DNS entry for iph.heliohost.org already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from this server or all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. I cleaned up the domain, and requeued your account and it created successfully this time.
  10. The PHP extension fileinfo has been installed on Tommy's php 7.2. Does the mime_content_type() function work now?
  11. You've been added to the list. It still may be a few days or a week before you get moved though as there are several hundred users who have been waiting longer than you. Thank you for the donation. We really appreciate it.
  12. The forum account ziontech has been merged into the forum account Seekier.
  13. The citext extension has been created on the usatt_usatt database.
  14. It's possible your joomla doesn't support newer versions of php. If it works on php 7.1 why not just use that?
  15. Krydos

    Tommy Upgraded

    If you need something installed create a new post in customer service requesting it. By default most things are disabled until someone requests it.
  16. Krydos

    Tommy Upgraded

    If paypal is detecting your country wrong, I'm sure you can go to settings and change the localization options.
  17. Krydos

    Tommy Upgraded

    Paypal shows $1.00 with a decimal point in the US.
  18. Did you donate via the Sparkie gofundme? If so, in order to verify your donation I will need The name that you donated underThe date you donatedThe amount you donatedSorry, I can't look up gofundme donations with a transaction id.
  19. @admins, Don't forget to tag the post with [Krydos]. Remote access enabled.
  20. The extensions mbstring, iconv, and fileinfo have been installed on Tommy's php 7.3 https://krydos.heliohost.org/73/phpinfo.php
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