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  1. Hi there! I just finished setting up my python app successfully! However my app ran into an error, and after finding out the logs, I see that "flask_cors", a module my flask app requires isn't installed, thereby leading to a NoModuleFound error. I looked through the forum and saw a list of installed modules but didn't find flask_cors. I'd appreciate if it can be added to my account. Thank you!
  2. REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOMAIN: generatetools.heliohost.org I will be using this for my new speedtest website.
  3. Could you please add pydrive package? (pip install pydrive) i would be very grateful. Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi, I just made a donation via PayPal. The transaction code is the following: 8BN162830H8391155 Could my account now be moved to your best server Tommy? Thanks :-)
  5. Hello, could I please request remote access to the below postgres database: host: johnny.heliohost.org database: mhqwang_trademedw Thank you!
  6. I would like to have my account switched to tommy because ricky is now down for maintenance. my username is: gekigek9 the transaction id is: 20522726274464208 or this: 5ER37504F8869444S (I don't know which one is the correct one) thanks
  7. Hello. I would like to request a PostgreSQL database remote access, will be using in conjunction with Heroku. Database Username: bwatinc_bwat Server: Tommy. Thank You! Regards, bwat
  8. Hi, Is it possible for me to enable git version control option in cPannel? My username: edvicone Server: ricky And I want to know, whether the AutoSSL will be enabled for the added domain edvicon.edu.lk? Awaiting your assistance. Thank you. Regards, Nimesh
  9. I would like authorization to remote access: Database: fabiogfg_db User: fabiogfg_fonteles Thanks in advance!
  10. Thank you for your help! I have also donated you 10 $ for 2 gb additional disk space. Please Check and add to my hosting account. Transaction ID 30210727UG979652S Thank You
  11. Good evening, I was reading some other topics earlier and I came across one regarding manual activation of a remote postgresql database, and was wondering if the same could be done for my server as well. What info will I need to provide to have this done? Thanks in advance.
  12. Requesting soap extension for PHP 7.3 on johnny server, thanks in advance!
  13. Hy I'm requesting to kindly enable remote access for my PostgreSQL database. Details given below. Server : Johnny User : prg_prg Database name : 1) prg_db1 2) prg_db2 3) prg_db3 Thanks in advance! Please let me know if it is enabled.
  14. Hi What is the limits for for PostgreSQL db?? Like heroku have 10000 rows limit. In elephantSQL we can see something like 20mb. Like that.. ANy row limit for Heliohost PostgreSQL??
  15. Hi, I am developing a telegram bot and I need the installation of this two modules: feedparser (https://pypi.org/project/feedparser/) gspread (https://gspread.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) Username: pgarcia Server: Tommy Domain: matchandgos.heliohost.org Python Version: 3.7 Thank you in advance, Patricio
  16. Hi, could you install Imagick extension on PHP 7.3 on Tommy? Thanks
  17. I run into a problem, undefined function imap_open() I found out that this needs the "php-imap" extension installed, and i have no idea how to do it through cPanel. PHP Version: PHP 7.2Server: Johnny thank you.
  18. Hi, I see today in Discord¹ about Tommy's Server comes back. I tried to find the invite e-mail² in my inbox but I didn't received yet (and probably I'll not). I just linked the domain to account but i shouldn't have opened, because I was waiting for the back of the server to adjust the site. No need to transfer content, just an invite (can be in rydermais@gmail.com or the same account e-mail) and free the domain cluster³ to point back at Tommy (You may terminate the account on the Ricky server too, to free space for those who need them) Thanks~! ¹https://discordapp.com/channels/398197622168616962/613497920133529617/630243775301550109 ²https://prntscr.com/pkc4uw ³https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36859-removing-the-domain-cached-in-cluster/
  19. Hi! I'm receiving this error, while I tried to add the domain in the temporary Johnny account (Tommy > Johnny) I need some help to solve this, and I wanted to know too, if (when Tommy comes back) I'll need to do this again?
  20. Hi, could you install these python modules for Python 3.6 on Ricky? Django>=1.11,<2.0; python_version < '3.0' Django>=1.11; python_version >= '3.0' siphashc>=0.8 Whoosh>=2.7.0 translate-toolkit==2.4.0 lxml>=3.5,!=4.3.1 backports.csv; python_version < '3.0' Pillow bleach>=3.1.0 six>=1.7.0 python-dateutil social-auth-core>=3.1.0 social-auth-app-django>=3.1.0 django-crispy-forms>=1.6.1 oauthlib>=3.0.0 django_compressor>=2.1.1 djangorestframework>=3.8 defusedxml>=0.4 django-appconf>=1.0 user-agents>=1.1.0 filelock>=3.0.1 setuptools jellyfish>=0.6.1 openpyxl>=2.6.0 celery>=4.0 celery-batches>=0.2 translation-finder>=1.4 pathlib2; python_version < '3.4' html2text>=2018.1.9 pycairo>=1.10.0 pygobject>=3.14.0 diff-match-patch==20181111 requests django-redis hiredis phply>=1.2.3 akismet>=1.0 psycopg2-binary aeidon>=1.2.1; python_version > '3.0' zeepThanks
  21. May an admin please do the following SSH commands to my website? mkdir /usr/local/mail cd /usr/local/mail curl -s http://repository.ra...t/installer.php | php & May you please do this too? WHM Home >> Service Configuration >> Apache Configuration >> Include Editor >> Pre Main Include -> All Versions , and add this line. Alias /mail /usr/local/mail I want to install RainLoop Webmail Application.
  22. Hello, Would it be possible for you to install the following python module? -python-telegram-bot (https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot) that for been able to run a telegram bot in my domain. server: johnny username: sebas python 3.6 Thank you in advance.
  23. It would be nice to be able to use Let's Encrypt SSL certificates right from cPanel! Here's the instructions on how to install it: https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/The+Let's+Encrypt+Plugin Thank you for considering my suggestion <3
  24. Hey guys, would it be possible to install the following modules for python 3.6: - time - datetime - calendar - Mail_sender server: Johnny name: frederi6 Thank you!!
  25. I need to have the java installation on my server to happen very soon and I have been waiting 12 hours for my request to be processed and it still has not been processed. Is there any way to up the priority of my request or have it happen now?
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