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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. All of the old cPanel accounts support SFTP that can access all files in your account. No configuration needed. Use the SFTP config found here for your server: https://wiki.helionet.org/management/uploading-files#ftp-sftp
  2. Flying solo as far as I'm aware. We asked about a backup importer to simplify this whole process and they basically said "no, and we're not making one". I'm not sure if he asked, but imagine the response would be similar for fixing the woefully incomplete live site import script as well ("If it doesn't work, it's on you...provided as-is for convenience only"). Having played with a few demos of Plesk, I honestly am not impressed with it. cPanel is lightyears ahead feature-wise and also a lot easier to set up and maintain, which I guess is also why cP thought demanding money would work. There really is no comparable product.
  3. There's no estimate on this at the moment. Even I'm getting zero information on what's happening. This process is extremely involved, but I feel it could be more transparent than it is. There was a build log in the mod forum for a while that I could see (these usually reflect the ongoing build process pretty well as K works through things), but other than an odd post here and there, very little has been posted to it over the past few months. I know K is around because he turns up on here from time to time, but I'm not sure where he stands on the work at the moment. I'm assuming he's still stuck on the script issue (last I heard there were issues with the migration script Plesk provided being effectively useless). The migration script sounded promising on the surface, but once we realized the script did not work as advertised and would not be an easy fix, "abandon the migration idea, get the server and custom integrations working, and invite everyone again" would've likely been my course of action if it were my decision.
  4. I was under the impression the opposite was true, especially since it's my understanding this is supposed to be automated. It'd be difficult to achieve full automation if the user has to set up software and buy a license, which could then disappear if usage decreases and the account goes back to the shared server. What I don't know is if there's any UI at all for an account that has VPS'd out of Morty. If the account moves itself to a VPS, will a Plesk extension appear that allows for controlling the VPS it moved to? Will the system just send an email to the user saying they've been moved to a VPS and here's credentials for it? I think a lot of this is unanswered for the moment...
  5. Nope. We haven’t even gotten Tommy to work yet. Johnny is the last server to go, and won’t be done until after Tommy and Ricky are working and fully migrated. We don’t have an idea when Tommy will work properly let alone start on the other servers.
  6. We are unable to delete hosting accounts due to the license issue. That said, we can suspend it so the site is no longer available. Is that OK? (I'll remove your forum account after your response).
  7. wolstech

    Read me

    Whenever the migration to Plesk is complete. We don't have an estimate at this point.
  8. wolstech

    Read me

    The only service we currently offer is VPS, which is not free. We are not accepting new users for the free shared hosting at the moment since our cPanel licenses got revoked. We're in the process of moving to Plesk instead, but there is no estimate on when that will be completed (several months is likely, we haven't accepted new users since July when the licenses were revoked). Also, free subdomains do not support Cloudflare.
  9. The account and website are still alive, but the control panel is dead due to no longer having a license. So no, your account is not deleted and your site is still available. We are also unable to delete accounts at this time, but I can suspend you if you no longer want the site online.
  10. You can't do it on your end, but I can do it from the shell. A file called public.zip containing a copy of your current public_html folder has been placed in your home folder.
  11. We didn't even know it was working...I know mine stopped working for me back in July when the licenses were revoked, I had assumed it did that for everyone. I'll pass this to Krydos, but since we cannot access the email server any longer I suspect we won't be able to fix this. Also, as of the latest article I can find (which is ancient in internet time...2017), Plesk does not support this feature, though there's tons of workarounds and third party tools (which need root access, so not really viable) that achieve the goal. Unless Plesk has added this in the past 4 years, I think a VPS may end up being required for this going forward. https://heliohost.org/vps/ (there may be a wait list, not sure at the moment).
  12. Zero ssl is (ot at least was) free but you have to generate certs manually every 90 days. The certs it produces are from LE. There are other sites that also do this for free without the cert bot too. All of them generate 90 day certs though, because LE does not allow anything longer.
  13. Krydos has to install these for you.
  14. Krydos (or perhaps yashrs) will need to check on this for you.
  15. You misunderstood. There is no updated backup. If the files have changed since the backups became available at the end of July, then you will need to manually download the updated versions…
  16. It is. You just generate the certificate using a service like zerossl and upload it as I said above. You cannot actually install it yourself, Krydos has to do it for you.
  17. cPanel and autossl no longer work, so you have to manually generate a new cert outside of here using something like zerossl, then upload both the cert and the key to your home folder (do not upload them to public_html!). After you do that, post here letting us know you uploaded one and I can have Krydos install the new one for you.
  18. Were the files uploaded after the backups were made? If not, you could just download the backup at https://heliohost.org/backup/ If they were added after that, what folder are they in? We can zip them on our end.
  19. It's Plesk, not plex, but yes. Without a license, cPanel's email server does not function at all. For the time being, you can get already delivered mail using FTP (there's a mail folder containing the mail as plain text files), but you cannot receive or send new mail. You can set up third party mail service if you wish (there are a few free ones that support custom domains if you look around), but you'll also need to either use third party DNS for your domain or have us make the needed DNS changes for you.
  20. There is no way to create new users or databases at this time.
  21. The donations do increase storage (disk space), but they do NOT increase the amount of CPU or RAM you can use without errors or getting suspended. We can't change the quotas at the moment that I'm aware of, so it's moot for now, but when cP was working, the space was $5 for 1000MB, and the maximum a user could have is 5000MB ($20, since the first 1000MB is free with the account).
  22. We don't have an inode limit. What you're seeing is the server being CPU or RAM starved due to someone causing high load. Also, Tommy has half his normal RAM at the moment due to the Plesk migration ("new Tommy" is using the other half). Because it's load based and not artificially limited, donating will not improve this issue.
  23. You can skip the setup entirely if it's already configured. The setup just generates that file. Just visit the root folder and sign in using your cPanel username and password. It appears to be working as I was able to log in and view my own DBs using it.
  24. The auth section of the PMA config.inc.php on lily looks like this, and it should work on Tommy too since the server is localhost there as well. There is no username or password line at all. Change the blowfish secret line to 32 random characters. /** * This is needed for cookie based authentication to encrypt password in * cookie. Needs to be 32 chars long. */ $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '12345678901234567890123456789012'; /* YOU MUST FILL IN THIS FOR COOKIE AUTH! */ /** * Servers configuration */ $i = 0; /** * First server */ $i++; /* Authentication type */ $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; /* Server parameters */ $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
  25. There's a way to set it so it asks for username and password every time when you log into it. I'll take a look at my install when I'm at a computer for you and figure out the settings.
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