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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The ability to do this is turned off on our forum. I don't know why it's turned off, but my guess is either abuse or disk space... (Normally there's a button next to Edit Profile that says "Cover photo" that you use to do this...)
  2. Try changing your domain's PHP version to something else (then change it back if you need to, it seems to be the act of changing it that fixes things). I had weird errors like this with my site when my account first transferred, and changing the PHP version fixed it. Another thing to try is to rename your .htaccess file. There are a few directives that cPanel supported but Plesk does not (Options -Indexes is one known one), so renaming the file to disable it will tell if this is the issue. If it is, you'd need to go through the file and determine which lines need to be commented out to make it work.
  3. Yeah, the indexes option is one of the known causes of this. Krydos hopes to figure out why these don't work and restore them at some point, but right now getting account creation working is a higher priority. In the meantime, you can just put an empty index.html in the folders instead to suppress unwanted directory listings.
  4. That's my mistake. I re-read the announcement (I posted at 6AM earlier before my coffee...), and it's specifically states only all of our donors were moved. You're still in line because you're a non-donor and we haven't moved all of our free users yet. We did add the new account users back to the ETA tool though, which pushed you back due to donors in that group. From here (https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/53328-first-phase-of-plesk-migration/#comment-219645 )
  5. It's because the 187 ETA was based on different data. Krydos updated the ETAs last night to include people who are from Johnny or otherwise are getting are otherwise getting a new account instead of a transfer. Since those people are now included, and many of them are donors, they were added ahead of you. If you have an existing account that is both: NOT archived or suspended, AND is NOT on Johnny, you should have received a plesk transfer email already. You say you may have donated. If you can find the transaction ID, we can check the date and add it to your account if it's new enough to qualify.
  6. The ETA tool doesn't show a user's position for new accounts because we aren't currently creating any new accounts. Once the account creation is implemented the positions will show up again.
  7. I wonder if his domain is blocked because of the IP it resolves to. If the server IP was blocked, it wouldn’t be just be heliohost.us subdomains, but anything that resolves to our server…
  8. Krydos has to do it for you at the moment. What do you want the new domain to be?
  9. That error means you didn't rename the right file. I renamed the .htaccess file in public_html for you and now see a default apache page (which is not surprising since there's no index file...). I would suggest creating an index page to hide that.
  10. Split from someone else's email support...
  11. It's hard to say what's going on here without the full headers of the original email. It is common for spam to be sent with a fake "From" address though, and when it's rejected by the recipient's spam filter, the spam gets returned to the person listed in the fake From header, as opposed to the actual sender. Have you checked the mailbox to see if it actually sent this spam? If it did not, then there's not much to do except delete the rejection emails. If it did, you'll need to change your password.
  12. That's exactly the issue. The alias domain is still pointed to old Tommy. Also for some reason I cannot find the Edit Zone option on the Cody cP to change the IP (I'm guessing there's another way to do it, probably command line, that I don't know)...lets have Krydos look at this.
  13. https://heliohost.org/eta
  14. Place the .crt and the key files on the server so Krydos can install them for you
  15. The tool runs on your local computer and doesn't talk to the server. You're supposed to use the data shown to manually create the challenge file on the server. Run it again, then when you get to that step, create a text file with the name listed (make sure to remove the txt extension) containing the value shown. Then, use FTP to create a .well-known folder inside public_html (or if it's something like an addon domain, whatever the docroot is for the domain you're ordering the cert for), then create an acme-challenge folder inside it. Upload the file you made into the acme-challenge folder. Once the file is uploaded, press enter, it'll validate the challenge and generate a certificate. The files you listed are just two keys and a CSR (cert signing request). LE did not actually generate and sign a cert since you didn't do the challenge process.
  16. You can't. We have to do that on our end because it affects the entire server. What PHP version and what size limit do you need?
  17. Nope. It hasn't even been built yet, and that work probably won't start until the Tommy/Ricky migration is finished. Also, when it does happen, the accounts will not transferred because the majority of them were hacked and turned into phishing sites. Invites will be sent instead for new accounts.
  18. 1. DNS zone editing is not yet supported because Plesk can't talk to our (cPanel DNS-only based) DNS servers. This is the same reason you can't currently add new domains. We'll eventually build a plugin to integrate these so new domains and DNS editing are supported, but we have no idea when this will happen. For now, just ask us on the forums if you need DNS entries changed on our name servers. 2. Should be tommy2.heliohost.org. Make sure if using SFTP that you set the port to 1373 (this is different from the old Tommy, which used 1342).
  19. It's a relic of cPanel, which required it be done this way. cPanel's "addon domains" were actually aliases on top of a subdomain internally.
  20. The DNS for those domains didn't update it looks like. If you're using our name servers, it's probably an issue with the migration. If you're using your own name servers, you need to change the IP addresses in your DNS records to (new tommy). The 143.6 address is the old cPanel tommy. Krydos can delete the unwanted domains and verify the DNS on our name servers for you.
  21. You're the first VPS to ask on the forum about moving back. Lets see what Krydos says about how to do this...
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