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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We actually can't "reset" an account, we just delete your account and invite you again. Since you already made a new account that works properly and its on the same server, it would make more sense to just keep calaxit and delete calax2. The only reason to delete and reinvite calax2 would be if you really want the username. Do you still want us to delete and reinvite calax2? (Note that you'll also need to have your domains added back to the replacement calax2 account, which means deleting calaxit before we can add them since they can't be on two accounts at once).
  2. Your home folder is /home/mrj.heliohost.us on Plesk (Plesk uses your main domain as your home folder's name, silly design but it is what it is). As for changing open_basedir, I recall someone else asked this and I think the response was that we can't do this because it posed a security risk. I'll escalate it to Krydos to confirm though.
  3. We have to increase that on our end. You can't change PHP settings yourself. What version of PHP are you using?
  4. If you're seeing that, that means your domain is pointing to the old cPanel Tommy, not the new Plesk Tommy. The new Plesk Tommy doesn't even have that page anymore. You need to update your DNS records to point to the right server since you're using CF. The IPs for your domain can be found in Plesk, click on the domain in your website list and the IPs appear at the bottom below all of the website options.
  5. There should be a button in the "move to plesk" email you received as moneybrz described. If you didn't get the notification email or the button is missing, let us know and Krydos can resend it for you. The message ends up in spam for many people...if it's in there, please "Not spam" it as well.
  6. Python is supported on Tommy (and as of this morning, on Johnny too). You should be able to just upload the files and set the shebang line and they work. There is no control panel for Python. If you need modules installed, please let us know. Python locations on Tommy (pick the one for the version you want): /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python3.10 /usr/bin/python3.6
  7. I think that's what he was trying to do...the plugin he's using to generate a static WP site needs a bunch of resources itself though (apparently the install alone needed a really long PHP runtime setting in order to finish without timing out).
  8. Plesk does not support the Options directive in htaccess. (Most are asking about it for the +Indexes option but still…) Krydos was going to see about fixing that at some point but he hasn’t gotten to it yet.
  9. Still getting this error about PHP 5.6 despite being on 7.3, but if I ignore it and install anyway, it looks like it actually built! https://flarum.apps.raxsoft.com/ So yes, we do in fact support Composer...
  10. ...and it failed, but that looks like its because Apache hasn't restarted yet. The error is about composer 2.3+ not supporting PHP 5.6 even though I've set the domain to 7.3... I'll try again in a little while.
  11. We'll know shortly if that thing works...it definitely does NOT work if logged in as a normal user (probably because it needs to update the plesk plugin for composer before it runs this), but it seems to work as admin so far.
  12. Does your bank card allow international transactions? We've run into similar issues with other countries, and some people have said they were able to fix payment issues like this by calling their bank and having them allow international use (we're in the USA). If you're unable to donate by Paypal, we can also accept donations via crypto. If you go that route, please send the coins to the appropriate wallet (see here: https://heliohost.org/donate/), then post the TXID for the blockchain transaction on the forum so we can verify the payment and send you an invite manually.
  13. This has been restored. It was due to a script issue that has since been corrected. It may take up to 2 hours for the domain to work again.
  14. We support both at this point. The alias domains not updating is an issue with the migration script. Almost everything on that wiki related to domains is obsolete...they don't work the same way in Plesk as they did in cPanel. Also, cPanel required you use our DNS because of its name server check to add a domain. Plesk doesn't have that requirement, though we do still provide DNS service. The settings to use your own DNS on Tommy are basically this: A and AAAA records. Use the IP addresses shown in Plesk (click on the domain in question in Plesk, they're shown at the bottom below the options for the domain). MX record pointed to tommy2.heliohost.org (if you plan to receive email at your domain) TXT record for SPF, value is "v=spf1 ip4: +a +mx ~all" (if you plan to send email from your domain). For Johnny, replace tommy2.heliohost.org with johnny.heliohost.org in the MX, and the IP address in the SPF with
  15. We don't support Composer on the shared hosting at all (there's no way for users to run it since we don't offer SSH access). That said, you can absolutely build composer apps on your local PC then upload the output and they will work just fine. Composer's primary purpose is to just download a bunch of vendor packages and code and organize all of it into a working application. A VPS will also support Composer since you have root access with a VPS.
  16. It sounds like either a bug in the extension or maybe incompatible versions if that's the case. The extension's readme says it needs PHP 7.0 but you're using PHP 8.1, perhaps try changing that domain to PHP 7.x and trying again?
  17. I think that's pretty self explanatory. Either it's already installed or there are remains of a previous (perhaps failed?) installation in your database. If you don't have this extension installed already, backup your WP database, then drop all the tables starting with wp_staatic_ and try installing it again.
  18. This was caused by an automated cleanup process we occasionally run. The way that's supposed to work is that a domain that does not resolve or resolves to a non-HelioHost provider, and is NOT using Cloudflare, was supposed to be disabled to improve server performance. The cleanup script had a few false detections, you're the second person to report a domain inadvertently disabled. When we designed it we expected Plesk to let you turn it back on yourself, but it doesn't (I wonder if we could alter the script or Plesk's database somehow to allow users to restore their own domains?) Either way, this domain has been restored and may take up to 2 hours to work.
  19. So it was a transfer. Tommy is full, but perhaps we are moving Tommy users to Johnny due to the lack of space on Tommy (I know we were inviting users on Johnny alongside free signups, I’m guessing this includes transfers?) Krydos will be able to explain this, but if that’s what this is, I don’t think you’ll be able to move back to Tommy right now. His uptime is worse than Johnny anyway at the moment. As for python, odds are that issue is because the version changed and your shebang lines are wrong.
  20. Donation is too old (we do not count donations made prior to July 16, 2020 for account transfers). My guess is that you were a free user as a result of the donation age and were still in line for transfer, but created a Johnny account instead (I can't check your ETA since it says you're already transferred, I'm assuming its seeing your Johnny account since it has the same username). Krydos will need to look at this. (For what its worth, Johnny is actually faster at the moment anyway, so where you ended up may actually be a good thing for now...).
  21. What was your old account's username? Also, when did you donate for the old Tommy account (and do you have the transaction info)? Keep in mind that at the moment Johnny actually has better uptime and speed...
  22. We have to create the subdomains for you, so you have to tell us which ones you want and we'll add them to your account. IP addresses for DNS should be for IPv4 (A) and for 2001:470:1:1ee::2002 for IPv6 (AAAA)
  23. I remember the one thing Krydos hated about GFM was that during our last fundraiser, GFM wouldn't give us any meaningful information on our donors (specifically an email address), which made it a challenge to match donations to users...I forget the reason they gave (EU data privacy laws perhaps?), but I remember it seeming like nonsense considering Paypal shares that same information with us without any issue. With GFM we had to hope the person would post and ask about the gift we were offering, then manually assign the donation to them... Not saying we couldn't accept GFM year around, but we'd probably specify that GFM donors will not receive Tommy invites/extra space/etc. I doubt Krydos would want to constantly process GFM donations manually, especially when Paypal already can do it automatically.
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