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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. wolstech

    Why Plesk?

    Krydos would know all the details, but one of the big reasons is because unlike those other panels, Plesk also runs on Windows, which means Lily can eventually get Plesk as well.
  2. I'm guessing the server was already trying to fix that in the background and had the database locked at the time you tried. I just went to check on it myself and the webmail is showing as secured already, so it looks like you're good to go
  3. Krydos can check your VPS, unneeded components can typically just be uninstalled. Keep in mind that if it does need to be rebuilt, you only get one free rebuild per month (I think additional rebuilds in the same month are $1 each but don't quote me on the price).
  4. Uncheck the wildcard domain option and try again. That option is not supported at this time.
  5. Lily accounts exist alongside the Plesk account, not in place of it, because Lily in its current form lacks a control panel and cannot stand on its own. Apps you run on Lily can be configured to use your Tommy account for the features Lily is missing like email or Postgres. Please check your PMs for account information. Note that it can take a little while for the domain to start working since the DNS has to propagate.
  6. Let's see if Krydos can get any additional info on this for you.
  7. Most of us here don't know or use Python or django. If it were PHP code you needed help with, you'd likely get an answer quickly, but the smaller languages have far fewer users and consequently limited support. Anything django related is probably going to need to be answered by Krydos. I'll escalate it for you, but Krydos is busy with bigger projects like the cpanel Tommy decommissioning, Morty, SFTP accounts, and the DNS integration, so I'm not sure how much time he has for debugging user code at the moment.
  8. Krydos can add the domain for you. What domain is it?
  9. That's normal. All Tommy users who migrate are being moved to Johnny because Tommy ran out of resources (remember, plesk tommy has half its normal resources since it's sharing with the cpanel Tommy) . Your old account would've moved to Johnny had it succeeded too. Johnny is faster than Tommy right now anyway. At some some time in the future we'll offer the option to move back.
  10. It looks like it's working now. I just see a blank white page with the word test in the corner. If you're still seeing the default plesk page, please clear your cache. The domain can take up to two hours to start working after the account is created.
  11. ETA tool says it moved to Plesk, but the admin tools show it as being on cpanel, so I'm guessing its half transferred and failed? Krydos will need to troubleshoot it.
  12. Please check the email attached to your account for a link to reset your password. Note that for the forum account, you'll need to reset this separately by using the forgot password link here: https://www.helionet.org/index/lostpassword/
  13. Please check the email associated with your account for a link to reset your password.
  14. It was archived, but is currently active, so it looks like it already renewed successfully. As for the error, when an archived account renews, the server is actually creating your account all over again and restoring a backup. If Tommy's load is up, I could see this taking a while (I remember when we were restoring these manually back in the cpanel days, they could take half an hour if the server was busy). It sounds like the logic for restoring an archive needs to be updated to show progress and account for server load...
  15. Yeah I realized you can control it by domain when I got to a computer and looked (I was expecting that to be hidden for end users because domain management is turned off still, but it's not part of that...I'm still learning a lot about Plesk myself). That said, we do have the option to deactivate it for an entire account on our end. If we turn it off, you can't turn it back on. And no, to my knowledge you're not notified if the mail gets turned off on our end, it just stops working. We've had one guy send too many emails already and get turned off, I believe he found out when he was unable to log into webmail.
  16. With the way Plesk works, sort of. The mail server is the mail server, if it responds for Tommy2 it should respond for you provided DNS is configured correctly (MX and SPF at minimum if you need to receive and send). That said, unlike the cpanel days, it's possible for the email service to be disabled for a specific account. The server will still accept connections when it's disabled, so it will report as up, but it will refuse incoming email and discard outbound email without sending it. The ways email gets disabled on an account are: sending too many emails (we just turn your mail off now instead of suspending you entirely like we did in cpanel), getting suspended (including for inactivity, you obviously can't check it, and I don't think you can receive it while you're suspended), or manually turning it off (I believe we have to do that for you).
  17. Nothing, just wait until he sees this and adds the domain. He usually checks the forums once or twice a day.
  18. Krydos can add a second domain for you.
  19. Great to see it's working for you Please let us know if you need anything else.
  20. I'm assuming in the SELECT you remembered to actually replace "dbo" with the real database name? I was able to run the function as below through PhpMyAdmin and got a response from the function: SELECT `DATABASE_NAME_HERE`.`random_text_answer`(); The user kanvull_main is assigned to the database, so while I can't test using that user easily, I see no reason it wouldn't work provided the database name is correct in the SELECT statement.
  21. Closing as duplicate of https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/54871-sql-priviledges-issue/
  22. Comment the Options +ExecCGI line out in the .htaccess file and see if it works. The Options directive isn't supported on Plesk yet (though Krydos does plan to fix that at some point I believe).
  23. Please check the email address associated with your account for an email containing a link to change your password.
  24. Try logging in at https://johnny.heliohost.org/ instead. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll email a password reset link to you for the hosting account.
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