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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Did it give you a file to upload into that folder? There should be a text file you upload to a specific folder path on your domain to validate the domain for the certificate. Also, be aware that last I was aware, the validation files need to be accessible over plain HTTP, so may you need to remove SSL redirects. They can't get the certificate either because you didn't put the challenge file on the server correctly or because plain HTTP didn't work. Note you're probably going to have to do this manually every 90 days if you're using LE on an external service as opposed to just pointing your domain directly to us. That stuff related to rules is related to features on their service, we can't provide any support for that since it's not ours. If you're curious, the reason CF "just works" here because CF is its one of the few (only?) CDNs that is also its own CA with a widely trusted intermediate root certificate. CF doesn't need a service like LE for certificates because of that...CF can just issue itself a certificate and everyone will trust it.
  2. Hm, I can't find any of those. We have 3 years of transaction history, but if they're old enough to be before March 2, 2020, I'm not sure if we'll be able to use them. I'll have Krydos take a look for you though to make sure I'm not missing anything.
  3. Just donate $5 at https://heliohost.org/donate/ and post the transaction ID of that donation. If you bought space previously and somehow lost it (deleting your account, asking for it to be "reset", server died, etc.) you can also see if you can find the transaction ID of the donation and we can add that back for you.
  4. That half-suspended state is what happens when you run out of disk space...1151.7MB of 1000MB max. Usually this is logs, but it's not in your case. It looks like the WP install in ~/designzs.tk grew out of control...834MB which when added to the rest of your account puts you over your limit. Specifically, the cache for a plugin called wpo-minify is nearly half of that 834MB, eating 406MB by itself. Long story short, your websites no longer fit in your account. There are a few things we can do. We can delete the contents of the ~/designzs.tk/wp-content/cache/wpo-minify/ folder if you would like, which will fix your space issue but may break your website. You can also buy an extra 1000MB of space for $5 which will get your account working again, but won't stop that site from continuing to grow. You'll need to deal with that cache yourself once you have access again, it probably just needs periodic cleanup. What do you want to do?
  5. The DNS info to set this up is available in Plesk and is specific to your account. I can’t check the specifics at the moment (on mobile). Also, keep in mind that PHP does not sign emails with DKIM (without using an external mailer library anyway), so if the test email came from a script, that’s why they wouldn’t be signed.
  6. Account badworks has been deleted and an invite for a new account has been sent to you. Since you use Gmail, the invite will probably be in your spam folder. Please "not spam" the invite if it is, it helps Gmail realize our emails aren't junk.
  7. We can change it on our end. What do you want it to be?
  8. This is the account with the username badworks correct?
  9. Please check the email associated with your account for a link to reset your password.
  10. It's technically doable (I've done it) but also policy to not do this, so no. Kairion's solution is a good idea, though eu.org's wait times are...excessive, as he said. We used to recommend Freenom but they like to extort their users when a site gets too much traffic, pass on that. You could also just buy yourself a domain. We recommend Namecheap: https://heliohost.org/partners/namecheap/ (turn off adblock if you get a tracking warning about pxf.io, it's required for the affiliate link to work). One reason we don't allow this is this scenario: If we allowed delegation of the free subdomains, there would be nothing stopping someone from pointing their subdomain to something like phishing that's hosted externally. Suspending an account doesn't touch the DNS, so we'd have to manually delete DNS delegations from the shell to take the sites down. That's a can of worms we'd rather not open.
  11. We actually don't have any way to "reset" an account. We just delete it then send you an invite to create a new one (at which point you could also just pick the new domain yourself). Would you like me to delete your account and send you an invitation?
  12. That's likely arc.io, it uses IPFS on the backside I believe. My guess is arc got used to serve a phishing page somewhere on the internet at one point and it got their infrastructure flagged as a phishing site. I had to whitelist heliohost.org and helionet.org in malwarebytes a few weeks back for the same reason.
  13. The shared hosting can be used as a mysql host as moneybrz said above. First 1000MB is free at midnight as above, for more space it's $5 per 1000MB up to a max of 5000MB for larger accounts (one time fee). That said, if you need space beyond 5000MB or you want control over mysql's configuration/version/etc., you can buy a VPS for as little as $4/month, though if you plan on running large queries on the database server an extra GB of RAM to improve performance would be a good idea: https://heliohost.org/vps/ (there's a wait list at the moment).
  14. This is by design. Plesk Tommy couldn't fit all of the accounts that were on the old Tommy due to capacity issues, so the remaining accounts were put on Johnny. We are not moving accounts back to Tommy at this time, but plan to eventually offer the option to do so.
  15. If you uploaded the file yourself to your website’s root, you don’t need to do any of that.
  16. Nope. Johnny is working just fine, though you likely couldn't access it because you were blocked for too many failed SFTP logins...
  17. It's an old system that one of our users runs. He donates the service to us, so maintenance and the addition of support for new things on it can take time. It does not currently support load monitoring or FTP/Plesk response times for the Plesk servers yet, that red line for the cPanel Tommy is because that server has retired, and it doesn't show Lily at the moment. The owner of this asked for an invite for a Johnny account today for the scripts it requires on each server, so I'm guessing he's doing maintenance...
  18. Sent. It's been sent to the gmail account on your forum profile. It's probably in spam knowing gmail. If you can't find it, please provide an alternate email address and I can try sending it there instead.
  19. Domain changed to monitor2.heliohost.org. It can take 2 hours to start working, but you should be good after that.
  20. Accounts can no longer be transferred because the cPanel tommy server has been retired. You can download your account's content from here: https://heliohost.org/backup/ An invite for a Johnny account has been sent so you can create a new account. All accounts are currently being put on Johnny because Tommy is over capacity. We'll offer the option to move back to Tommy at some point in the future.
  21. Johnny invite sent. We can change the domain to monitor2.heliohost.org for you on our end once you create the account.
  22. The old cpanel Tommy is what shut down. People who had accounts on the old cpanel Tommy were backed up and deleted if they hadn't already been moved to plesk. Plesk tommy is still alive and well, just a bit overcrowded at the moment.
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