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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. He asked to delete and recreate his account on March 4. Assuming the DNS zone went with it, it likely needs to be set up again as that was done on February 26.
  2. It'll need to be either generatetools.heliohost.us or generatetools.helioho.st since we no longer offer subdomains enong in heliohost.org. Which would you prefer?
  3. He only checks the forums like once a day, and it's usually in the evening or late at night. Typical response time is 24-48 hours for things needing Krydos' attention.
  4. That's also a Krydos question, but I would imagine its possible assuming we have one free to swap it with. Lets see what he says...
  5. Ack, I didn't look at the system settings, just user settings for your account. There is indeed a option for "Allow setting up FTP backup storage on the local server" in the system-wide options. Since I can't do this per-user and it was allowed on cPanel, it's been enabled on Plesk as well. Please make sure your backups do not include previous backups. If your account runs out of space you'll end up in a weird half suspended state where an admin will need to delete your backups for you to get unsuspended...
  6. The VPS at is up by the way, I can reach it via SSH and it responds to ping. If you can't access it, there's something else wrong besides just nonpayment (though it is due to be renewed). Krydos will probably see this later today or tonight (currently 6:45AM where he is, 7:45AM for me...) and generate a one-time payment link for you. If you want to make it a recurring subscription that auto-renews at $4/month, the link for that is https://heliohost.org/vps/pay/?code=JAtSd2yMsWzrxBat (this link is specific to this VPS, other users reading these support topics should not use this link). I don't know how K makes the one-time links, this one is shown in the admin tools...
  7. Krydos can add this for you (or yashrs, but he rarely reads the forums it seems)...
  8. I've split your topic off of that email thread since it's a different issue. Krydos can get you a link to pay manually.
  9. Correct, doing what's shown in that picture would get all 3 of those accounts suspended when we catch it. That's cross-hosting, and is a tell-tale sign of having more than one account. Another since you showed it in the example: Temporary email addresses are also against the TOS, even if you only have one account.
  10. This does not appear to be an option in Plesk per their documentation. It would be a bad idea anyway: Depending on the account's available space, dumping the scheduled backup into your account could unexpectedly cause the account to exceed quota when generated and get you suspended. In addition, if a backup runs and is not picked up and deleted from the server before the next backup, the following backup would include the previous backup inside it, causing the backups to just grow exponentially until the account suspends for lack of space.
  11. Additional storage is $5 per 1000MB (with a max of 5000MB for a single person, so $20 maxes your account out). This is a one-time fee. Please provide a transaction ID for the payment and we can get this added for you.
  12. You can get on the wait list now by selecting one of the plans that's full. When it's your turn and space for the VPS becomes available due to something like a cancellation, you'll be notified.
  13. No problem. The other has been unsuspended as well. We have one other user doing the same thing (organization site and personal site, with organizational stuff being admin'd by someone else). Just keep in mind that it may get suspended again if we see the accounts being used as if they are one (hosting identical content or parts of the same website, being logged into by the same person at the same time, etc.). We have to enforce that because otherwise people like to make more than one account to evade the disk space limit. Sorry about the rough start and welcome to HelioHost! Let us know if you need anything else
  14. Did you re-enable remote mysql after your account moved to Johnny? You might just need to turn the remote access back on in Plesk to fix this. You are correct on the host name being johnny.heliohost.org.
  15. We don't have Ruby on Rails at all right now, and in fact you're the first in quite a while to ask for it. We'll make a note of it though. I'm not sure what our plans are for Rails at the moment...Krydos is the one to answer that for the shared hosting. I do know a VPS would let you do that though.
  16. So this is awkward. This is not yet implemented on Plesk, and Tommy is actually the slower of the two servers right now anyway...you're actually better off where you are. Since actual moves aren't implemented, if you do want to move, we'd need to delete your faster Johnny account and invite you to the slower Tommy server. Are you sure you want to do this? (If not, we can wait until actual moves are implemented and Tommy is faster server than Johnny again, and honor the donation later if you'd like).
  17. It got suspended because you created more than one account. You are only allowed one account. I've unsuspended the one matching your forum name. If you need to host more than one website, you can do that using one account. Just let us know what domains you have and we can add the extra domains to your account.
  18. He needs to uncheck the wildcard certificate option and reissue his certificate. We don't support wildcard certificates at this time.
  19. You can change PHP versions from Plesk. The server supports up to version 8.1.16.
  20. And if he does create the rule to allow their certificate to issue, our server may not be able to get a certificate since it needs to be able to check the same path (all LE certificates look for verifications in that acme-challenge folder) which is now being redirected away from our server by the CDN. Depends how specific the rule is I suppose.
  21. Did it give you a file to upload into that folder? There should be a text file you upload to a specific folder path on your domain to validate the domain for the certificate. Also, be aware that last I was aware, the validation files need to be accessible over plain HTTP, so may you need to remove SSL redirects. They can't get the certificate either because you didn't put the challenge file on the server correctly or because plain HTTP didn't work. Note you're probably going to have to do this manually every 90 days if you're using LE on an external service as opposed to just pointing your domain directly to us. That stuff related to rules is related to features on their service, we can't provide any support for that since it's not ours. If you're curious, the reason CF "just works" here because CF is its one of the few (only?) CDNs that is also its own CA with a widely trusted intermediate root certificate. CF doesn't need a service like LE for certificates because of that...CF can just issue itself a certificate and everyone will trust it.
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