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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It's been renamed to bfwebext2. I'll rename it back once you register successfully.
  2. That account failed to create. The cause of failure is: You'll need to sign up again. Also be aware you cannot reuse the username bfwebext unless you have me rename your forum account first.
  3. The username for that account is alljoe. It has a gmail.com email address associated with it. If you need your password changed, go here: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ and pick the reset password option.
  4. Not without deleting your account, asking us to rename your forum account, signing up again when registration opens, then asking us to rename your forum account back.
  5. That's because your nameservers are still incorrect. http://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=Java1to3.com&rec=NS A correct domain looks like: http://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=raxsoft.com&rec=NS
  6. That looks like the behavior I'm used to. Thanks
  7. The reason I disagree with errors being off is that its a lot more confusing this way, especially for new users. Every other host I've used has errors on by default, whereas we produce a meaningless 500 error, and most won't know to look in the log/turn on the errors. Also, Stevie and old Johnny were both set to show errors by default. I didn't even realize they were off until I spent 45 minutes figuring out a 500 error...and discovered a missing semicolon caused it. I had expected the error to show up since I never disable them in my scripts.
  8. @Krydos, why do we have error_reporting turned off?I've always wondered the same thing. The errors do log in the error_log, but don't show up on screen by default (and if they're fatal, you get a 500 error, which is useless). I've seen others asking about this too...only for the response to be "what's in the error_log?" Our old servers used to show the errors (E_WARNING and higher) on the screen by default and log them to the error_log, unless you specifically turned off showing them with an error_reporting(0); in which case they went in the log only. Can we get the old behavior back? It's much less confusing than the current settings.
  9. Your code is broken. It will never work because the headers were already sent. You cannot have ANY html, blank lines (outside of Php block) or other output before session_start(). Once something sends output to the browser, it won't work. In your case, you need to delete the doctype line or move it so its sent by an echo statement after the session_start call. The headers are sent when that line is processed, then php tries a head cookie for the session and fails. You just aren't seeing the "headers already sent by" error because we have error_reporting turned off.
  10. I'm not sure if there's a problem or not. Krydos is the one who would be able to check. Applications that use session IDs seem to work fine for me and everyone else here though, and I can see that my session IDs in the system I run don't change unless I do something where it should do so (such as logging out). I'd imagine there'd be a lot more complaints if this were broken. /tmp is writable on Tommy (script showing an is_writable("/tmp")...http://rax2.heliohost.org/temp/tmp.php). It's worth noting that on our servers, Apache runs as nobody, but PHP scripts run as the user who owns the script. We already support it, but you need to acquire and install a certificate for your domains. There's a guide on the wiki for using Let's Encrypt/ZeroSSL for a free one, but you need to get a new one every 90 days. You can get a paid certificate from a CA if you want one that lasts longer. We don't sell certificates. SSL can be set up from https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/ssl/index.html
  11. Yes. Any time you add a domain or add SSL to a domain, we have to add the ASP.NET to the new domain (or to the SSL for the domain) individually.
  12. That would do it. Try renaming your .htaccess so it won't redirect, then accessing your site over plain HTTP...it'll probably work. I'm pretty sure it has to be installed for the secure and insecure version of your domain individually, so he probably needs to redo it for the SSL version of your domain.
  13. He needs to reinstall it. Out of curiosity, did you change your domain after he installed it (I see leftovers of a heliohost.org subdomain on your account)?
  14. Yeah, there's websites like zerossl that can do it too. There's a guide on the wiki on how to use their site to get a certificate for a site hosted here.
  15. We've had others ask for this. There's no way to do it right now, and we may end up needing to write our own cpanel extension for it (the only extension out there is the official ssl provider for WHM, which users don't have access to, it forces a cert on everyone on the server, and has a stupidly low limit of like 20 certificates a week) It's on our list of things I consider, but I wouldn't expect it in the near future.
  16. @speziale: See here: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/27580-suspended-speziale/
  17. But I did log into my account. Or is there a difference between the server logins (based on username) and account logins (based on email)? Because I know I logged in to the server, but I haven't used the email login since I got on tommy. But thanks for your help. Another thing, I remember when my account was still suspended that there was a button that said renew. I was afraid to click it because I was afraid it would reset my whole site. Would clicking on that do the same thing as the link you gave me? The link on the suspended page is the same link he posted. If you log in directly, you should use either https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083 (ignore security warning until we renew the certificate, it expired yesterday), or http://tommy.heliohost.org:2082 (insecure connection). Webdisk, FTP, and webmail logins don't count, nor do logins made using a link that ends in .html.
  18. Our certificate is expired again. Krydos hasn't gotten around to renewing it yet. You can just ignore it until it's fixed. Escalating so he knows it needs renewal.
  19. Stevie died of hard disk failure back in December. We backed up as many accounts as possible when it failed. Any backups that are available can be retrieved here: https://heliohost.org/backup/ Please note that if you receive a 404 error or a 45 byte file, it indicates the account was not recoverable. The backups if they succeeded contain your public_html folder and your MySQL databases (MyISAM engine only). You will need to sign up on tommy if you wish to continue hosting with us.
  20. If you're unable to register at midnight (we've all been there...I had to get up at 3am for my Stevie account), your best bet is to donate $1 or more, (anything less and we lose it all in fees). People who donate get an invite email that works anytime, even when the server is full for the day. The invite email will be sent to your Paypal/Skrill email, and can take up to 24 hours to arrive since Krydos sends them manually.
  21. There are no plans to support node.js at this time.
  22. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  23. We changed your name on the forum temporarily so you can reuse parcela as a Tommy account. You cannot create a hosting account with the same username as an existing forum user account, so we have to rename you to make parcela available. Both of those accounts have already been removed and should be available. Once you sign up on Tommy, we can rename you back.
  24. ASP.NET is supported on Tommy. You need to request it though. Do you want that enabled on your account?
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